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Mental Health - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

I do have panic disorder. But i don't worry while i eat. I just get heart palpitations after i eat a moderatley large meal.

2006-10-17 15:25:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am no one to complian but i have been soooo stressed out my husband just got deployed to iraq and i have no one to help me with our child who is 6 months and starting to crawl.... i go to school full time and come home to care for her...i live alone with no family so there is no one to help me...at time ihave horrible thoughts in my head i brush them away...but the stress is too much what can i do to stop feeling like this... with out doctor meds...

2006-10-17 15:23:27 · 10 answers · asked by stefani 2

I talk when im not talking to nobody like i say things to myself for some reason. I really don't know why but i just do. I don't ask myself any questions i ain't that crazy but like sometimes i make up stuff that could happen like i see people and visualize things they would say and what they would do. Nothing crazy just stuff they could do. Am i insane? i think i need help

2006-10-17 15:11:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just feel like crying for happy, sad, or fustrating situations, not even close to pms time. I even cry for being in love. Why?

2006-10-17 15:02:01 · 7 answers · asked by h.marieh 2

Go in the basement and listen to my CD's and have a few beers. ****! It is not like I want to skrew some other woman and do drungs! Why is my wife so mean to me? I do dishes, cook, do wash, and give her flowers and cards. I just want 2 hours to listen to music in the basement................................

2006-10-17 14:53:53 · 8 answers · asked by irish_jimmy 5

It just feels like life is nothing more than a rat race. Slave away to earn your measly pay so we can pay the stupid bills. Then, if you are "lucky" enough, put in your 30 years so that you can collect some stupid pension after which you die.

2006-10-17 14:38:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so how does it pass on down?

2006-10-17 14:31:15 · 8 answers · asked by bren 1

or don't understand what i am saying, sometimes it can be difficult to communicate with my elderly parents, especially my dad.

2006-10-17 14:30:32 · 3 answers · asked by vivien R 3

2006-10-17 14:20:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I only need serious answers please, if you are looking for quick points go elswhere.

Ok i have been having the same dream every night and even during the day for the past ten years. They are always filled with pain death and the wishing for death.

Ok in a nut shell my dreams are about this girl who can't die and is destined to destroy her only sister. She kills thousands of people without thinking twice about it. She uses knives and daggers as weapons, and her bare hands. She is very strong and feared by most. She does kill her sister, but she wished there was another way. She defends one person, the one she loves, and kills everyone else.

When i was younger i was harassed by the other kids and i had no friends, is there a conection? Does anyone know why these dreams are always troubling me and what should i do?

2006-10-17 14:09:43 · 7 answers · asked by Andy 3

My prescription ran out and I feel crappy because I can't get it filled for another couple of days. What can I do to feel less flu like symptoms?

2006-10-17 14:09:19 · 4 answers · asked by trinitybombshell 1

And if so does that mean antidepressants would help to lose the weight that was gained from depression?
I know typically they say people with depression lose weight, and also that antidepressants make people gain weight...

2006-10-17 13:55:38 · 19 answers · asked by LaDyLuCk 2

2006-10-17 13:52:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been through some very rough things these pst few years, and I am still young...and I know that things can now be better if i could just get myself back together! But My life has completely changed, Essentially I have no friends and no real family ties, no ties to anywhere really...I am trying to look at this as a new start...and I still have goals...I just don't know how to pick myself up and start going about living again...I just started seeing a couselour for some guidance and help...but other than that I just can't get myself together! What should I do?

2006-10-17 13:36:19 · 9 answers · asked by LaDyLuCk 2

I moved very far from home last year and it seems like nearly everyone in the place I live now is either passive aggressive, cold, or insane. I have a small group of friends here that are really fun-its just normal interactions with the public that have me down. Driving, going to the grocery store, the people in my classes...it just seems like everyone here is passive agressive, distant, or cold-and sometimes all three. I am from the south, and I just don't ever remember dealing with being so angry and frustrated all the time. I really like what I am studying and my job. I don't know-some times I feel like running away to the middle of nowhere so I don't have to be bothered with talking to anyone, driving anywhere, etc. I can't be the only sane one here...so that leaves the alternative...that I'm actually the crazy one. I don't have money to for therapy, but sometimes I wish I could pop some pill so I'm not so frustrated all the time.

2006-10-17 13:31:27 · 15 answers · asked by raptor_style 2

I dont smoke and dont mind it for two days, but there has to be something i can do, i just dont know what!! I have the window open and fan blowing? Helppppp!!

2006-10-17 13:19:47 · 15 answers · asked by S. C 1

this problem of mine probably seems really minor to some, but to me, it's not. i'm hoping someone with a similar experience can help or somebody who has some advice please!

sometimes when I go in stores or walk in a place, I start feeling a little afraid...of how i look to other people, how my expression is, if i look weird or funny to them, or if my face is red. i know strange huh?

i think this might stem from when one of my "friends" from school made a comment to me, "why are you smiling? you always smile."

how can i learn not to worry when i walk in a store or afraid of how i look to people?


2006-10-17 13:15:55 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't like myself at all. I don't know where I'm going with my life. I'm extremely depressed. Now ive gotten to the point where I don't even want to be happy anymore. The only reason that I want to get up every morning and go to school is because of a girl that I like. She likes me, but nothings happening. I'm not really good at anything. My grades f**king suck. I hate myself. I don't really know why anyone likes me. I want to kill myself, it seems that only then will anyone truly appreciate me. I know I'm depressed. I'm scared to talk to anyone about it. I hate talking to my family, so I can't talk to them. Everytime I feel sorry for myself I think about all the kids who have it much worse than I do, but then I feel like an a$$hole for pitying myself, which lowers my self esteem more. I need help.

2006-10-17 13:13:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been having social anxiety disorder for about 2 years now, and it keeps getting worse. The worst symptom is head trembling when people are around. Luckily, I found out in a SA forum that a lot of people had this symptom too. But mine is pretty diffrent from theirs in that people seem uncomfortable after they see me tremble my head. I can see that because they try to avoid eye contacts with me. They also cough or clear throat a lot and clumsily. I hear people cough so often that the sound of cough now makes me so crazy. Everytime I hear it, my heart feels shocked and I get so mad because it is so annoying! I already attempted suicide once because of this and don't know when that will happen again. I'm of course aware that people cough not always because of me but for other reasons, but I just know coughing also means people feel uncomfortable! Is anyone with SA+head trembling in the same situation? (Don't tell me anything about treatment or that I'm wrong. What I need is sympathy.)

2006-10-17 13:12:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-17 12:55:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering...if any of you know can you give me a credible website please. Thanks

2006-10-17 12:48:13 · 4 answers · asked by shystar2005 3

2006-10-17 12:40:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know now I have an anxiety disorder. I also know that the 'what ifs' are part of an anxiety disorder.
What I don't know is : Do the "What if's" happen to everyone with anxiety (before treatement, of course) or do different people get different symptoms, making me one of the lucky ones. Ha, Ha.
Don't worry about me, I am way better now since I have meds that control it very well and see another physciatrist tomorrow.

2006-10-17 12:38:22 · 6 answers · asked by helpme1 5

I was taking 25, this week I stepped it up to 50mg, it seems to cause me to have a headache. I drink lots of water, gatorade, no more than one pepsi a day. I also take Centrum, L-arginine, B-12, Zinc, and Lecithin. I take Zoloft for Depression, OCD, Anxiety, and Premature Ejac.

2006-10-17 12:15:23 · 8 answers · asked by bigmarcus 1

Some antipsychotic drugs have side effects like drowsiness,akathisia, low memory capacity, emotinal dullness or even tardive dyskinezia. Can such effects permanently affect healthy people even after the drug use has stopped?

2006-10-17 12:06:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-17 12:04:20 · 6 answers · asked by Cactus Freak 2

i am a 44 year old widdow,I live for my children ,and ,I feel like i dont have a life,I feel so guilty,,,,,,

2006-10-17 12:03:43 · 4 answers · asked by owlwomen 1

Is it normal to feel like this on your birthday?

2006-10-17 11:59:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-17 11:50:51 · 17 answers · asked by auttum_rain 1

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