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Injuries - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

2007-01-16 04:25:04 · 4 answers · asked by Whitney D 1

Went to the dr. he said he does not know why it is my right leg since it is left nerve impinged. Released me to work only restriction on lifting. I am wondering if I have other options he is setting me up with a surgeon.
I had no restrictions (still had problem) a couple of weeks ago when I applied for a better job (it requires lifting) Now I am concerned I should not take it as I am in the midst of a comp injury. P.S I currently work for a temp agency

2007-01-16 04:23:42 · 2 answers · asked by tammy c 3

i damaged the ligaments in my knee about 6 years ago. i had physio etc but now recently i'm having problems with my lcl, even when i go to sit down i'm in pain. What i am looking for is some advice on how to get it better? and how long it should take. I had problems with it for over a year now. My physio said it takes time to heal but surely not this long?!!

2007-01-16 03:51:39 · 5 answers · asked by Chris 2

I am a 27 year old woman

2007-01-16 03:42:17 · 9 answers · asked by sugarsprinklefairy 1

2007-01-16 03:19:01 · 11 answers · asked by Camilla M 1

i tried out a new eyeshadow yesterday and today my eyelids are red and swollen - i look like an alien hahahah. what should i do? cucumber slices? help!!

2007-01-16 02:05:12 · 4 answers · asked by ? 2

My car was a total loss. Now they made a $$ offer for my car. I am happy with offer BUT i have Medical Bills. I had major bruises to my left leg. No broken bones. Do I sign anything for car offer? If so what about medical bills?

2007-01-16 00:40:03 · 13 answers · asked by yourdestiny_1969 1

Today, I was running along a relatively dark corridor at the university, reading some papers, so I didn't notice that a smoke-protection glass door was closed until I ran nose-first into it. It was a big impact, everybody popped out of their rooms to see what happened. I put an innocent look and ran into my destination room.
This was 90 minutes ago (I hat to hear a lecture before I could get to a PC). Now, the pain has mostly disappeared, but I've got a big blue bruise on my nose, and I don't have any make up with me. Everything I could do was getting an ice-cold can of Coke and holding it against my nose, but I can't go into a lecture like that.
To make it worse, tomorrow is my birthday, and I wanted to look especially good. My boyfriend is taking me out and I'm afraid I won't be allowed into the chic restaurant with my boxer's nose.
What should I do? Please help!

2007-01-15 21:33:22 · 2 answers · asked by Rumtscho 3

I was in a car accident in february with a hit and run driver. No serious/obvious damage but 3 days later I was in the ER with a blinding class 9 migraine. Ended up on fluids and pain killers.

Migraines increased in frequency since then. (I've always had them in the past but used to be hormone related.) From once a month to now twice a week or more.

In October I had a migrine so painful that I couldn't keep painkillers down. Ended up suffering for 12 hours (in an airplane for work) and passing out at the airport. Saw a Dr. and refered to a neurologist.

Neurologist is now doing an EEG and an MRI.

I believe the migraine's are related to a possible back injury from the car accident since all severe migraines are traced back to starting after the accident.

Asside from seeing an orthopedist, does anyone have any thoughts or comments?

Anyone else experience anything like this?

2007-01-15 20:02:49 · 4 answers · asked by kerrisonr 4

sorry i just have one more question to ask.... anyway a while back i did some exercise called jelqing about 2 years ago... 1 night i did it my penis went immediatly limp... for months i was freaked out thinking i had broken my penis my erections were not fully hard and i could not hold them... anyway i got stress out of my life and i got better with erections.... about 2 months ago i went to see a uriologist to be told i did nothing internally wrong and it was all mental... but now my question is this... why when my penis is limp does it shrink up? like when you get into cold water.. you know how it shrinks up? thats what happens with my penis when limp... when i hop into the shower its stuck like that..its usually like that throughout the whole day... is it really all mental? or is something wrong? the uriologist said it was all in my head... but i dont know if this is true.... could it really be all mental? but why does it always happen?

2007-01-15 20:01:15 · 5 answers · asked by landantheman 1

It's been 21 days.My ankle is still a little swolen,little blue and it hurts like hell.I have no health insurance.I saw a doctor twice.He wants me to have MRI x-ray done,which is very expencive.I just want to know how long does this take to heal.Did this happened to anybody out there.

2007-01-15 19:52:39 · 5 answers · asked by avavu 5

I think, I have hurt my tailbone. I have trouble sitting very long, sleeping on any side or on my back. When I lift my legs I get a sharp pain like I hit a nerve.My tailbone area looks a little swollen.Is it something that will go away?

2007-01-15 19:34:02 · 5 answers · asked by peanutbulls 4

Okay, I know someone that was crazy enough to do Cocaine and i know it isnt good for you. Well, She had also the following night drank a few beers and was doing that on top of it and i mean i was told she done 5 - 6 big lines but i dont know crap about it so thats why imn asking for serious help. She was also i was told doing something called Loritab 10's..I only know about those cause i was prescribed them for a broken ankle. But would 2-3 days no sleep and pills, cocaine, and about 5 beers make someone have a seizure? What happined was she stood up aginst a wall straight up and staired into space for about 1 min then started shaking and fell to the ground, I was told her mouth shut automaticly so she bite her tongue and jaw. she told me she would go to the doctor the next day when i seen her but she hasnt yet, Do you think all those nasty drugs would harm someone to have a seizure? Please only serious answers and also should she go to the hospital? She is acting perfectly fine now

2007-01-15 19:08:14 · 8 answers · asked by dwwoods123 1

My mom is in her 60s and a few weeks ago my mom cut herself on her forearm and it would not stop bleeding, any cut just keeps on going even if she puts pressure on it. I told her that her blood must be too thin to clot up, but she is one of those that you can't tell her anything and brushed it off as nothing serious.
Another thing is that she bruises so easily! She doesn't even know how she gets them and they are huge purplish-black things about the size of half-dollars.
She takes Motrin for the pain of her knee after she had knee replacement last year, which still hurts her and swells, which I feel isn't normal.
My mom has hypothyroid, but no high blood pressure or diabetes. So since she thinks nothing major is wrong I was wondering if anyone else may know what is going on so I can say "It may be THIS...talk to your doctor about it."

Thanks :)

2007-01-15 16:49:43 · 14 answers · asked by LS 4

I apparently have fluid there and it flares up every once in a while, but the doctor I went to told me it wasn't serious,

any ideas on how to deal with the annoying pain (it's my right wrist and I'm right-handed)

2007-01-15 16:43:08 · 5 answers · asked by tai_aka_tamariana 3

yo is it normal that I have been hit by a car three times all about 50 km and im still alive also ive loss sensation in my abs so when i get hit in my stomach I cant feel anything

2007-01-15 16:21:21 · 8 answers · asked by wild_flett 1

I had met with an accident on 27.11.2006 and all my ribs on right side of chest formed multiple fractures. No displacement occured. I was hospitalised for 1 week and advised bed rest for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks,I started attending office by travelling in City Buses. My internal pains are still there. I am afraid whether I am doing right or wrong?. My journey is causing daily jerks in chest. Can I continue attending office or is it dangerous ? If you advise me I will stop attending office also. Healing should not be disturbed. Please explain me hoe the healing get disturbed in such cases and what is the impact?

2007-01-15 15:12:53 · 5 answers · asked by Kameswararao Y 1

About six months ago I fell down the steps and landed on my tail bone. After about three months later I went to the doctor and she said I should buy a gell cushion. It still hurts. Do you think I did perminate damage? Maybe I should get my tailbone removed. What do you think?

2007-01-15 14:45:36 · 35 answers · asked by mathib12 2

These pains are more of an ache then a sharp pain...

Lately I have been experiencing knee pain on the inner and outer sides of the knee cap. mainly with walking or running and sometimes with a crunching sensation, Also i have had elbow soreness and i have to jolt my elbow and crack it to straighten it on occasion. Also have some wrist and ankle soreness. i have played football for many years. i'm not sure if all these are related to each other.... PLEASE HELP!

2007-01-15 14:33:50 · 4 answers · asked by Worried1 1

ok so whenever i wake up my should always hurts. and like right now at night it hurts its not unbearable just whenever i lift it there is some pain. i dont know what i could have done but its been going on like this a little while, and no i do not want to go to the doctor because it really is to terrible

i was just wondering if anyone has gone through the same thing and what did they do?

it never really bothers me during the day.

2007-01-15 14:29:07 · 12 answers · asked by Samarasy f 2

I heard of doing this, so i tried it not knowing what was going to happen....i found out that it was true!!! you can burn your self like that?? but then i started to wonder how does this happen???? can anyone help??

2007-01-15 14:17:46 · 4 answers · asked by watson22 1

i have been to the doctor on and off for the past five months, he seems to keep saying nothing is wrong with me. I have had ultrasounds of my kidneys and abdominal, and blood work done. All that showed up was slighly low platelets 127000 and a moderately enlarged spleen. My doctor said not to worry about the spleen. However i have had bad back pain for no reason on and off, and my groin looks like inflated but i dont feel any lumps and im scared that it could be a lyphoma or something. Can someone please help, im starting to become a hypocrondraic.

2007-01-15 13:39:03 · 3 answers · asked by anthony10 2


For a little while today, maybe a few hours my pinkie of my left hand has been kind of tingly for some reason and i dont know why. Any ideas? Its not completly numb, but it just feels tingly.

2007-01-15 12:59:17 · 2 answers · asked by Josh 1

my hair is healthy and beautiful on the long side i bow dry it every day

2007-01-15 12:11:10 · 12 answers · asked by murphy 2

ok i hurt my thumb 6 days ago and right when it happened it turned green and bruised right away and it became swollen. i iced it and a few days later the swelling went away. i just figured i jammed it but now 6 days later it is still bruised all different colors. i can still move it and bend it andeverything but if you touch it in a certain place it hurts really bad. could it be fractured or even broken or what?

2007-01-15 11:38:54 · 2 answers · asked by samdawg 1

I'm a figure skater who did the wrong thing after I got a fishing injury..casting. (most embarrassing, I caught a puffer fish, a crab and somebody else's line.).ay yi yi....My lower back and butt are killing me and I ice skated anyways..now there's a war of the major muscle groups..how do I relax them? I've tried ibuprophin, ice, heat, and I don't have access to a hot tub, I need exercizes...whimper whimper anyone??????????????????

2007-01-15 11:02:39 · 4 answers · asked by imask8r 4

How severe can an injury be before I need to go to the hospital? I don't want to deal with bills, and stitches because I don't have insurance. I have a fairly deep gash from being stupid outside, and I've cleaned it and bandaged it up so far...it happened yesterday.

It's not bleeding anymore but sort of oozing. Do you really think I need to see a doctor for this?

2007-01-15 10:11:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have this blister on my heel from wearing new shoes, but it looks more like a cut. Its about 3cm long and 1cm wide and its really quite painful. Is there anything i can do to get it to heal quickly???

2007-01-15 10:10:30 · 5 answers · asked by rawrrrr 3

i am worried, especially as it is gymnastics. i have had trouble walking around, is it safe to try p.e with this pain?

2007-01-15 09:45:21 · 14 answers · asked by Lucy Chik 3

I have a scar on my arm from spraining my arm and dont know how to heal it quickly????????

2007-01-15 09:30:29 · 7 answers · asked by hip_hop_me 1

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