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Injuries - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

After wearing a new pair of shoes the other week began to feel a pain at the back of my heel when when walking home from work. I though t the pain was a blister but on closer inspection it seemed i had a red lump sticking out the back of my heel.

This was about 2 weeks ago and the pain still pursists. I have looked this up on the internet and have self diagnosed this as heeel bursitis.

I have tried using padding in my heels and taking Anti-inflammatory's but this has had little effect.

I have no pian when i'm not wearing shoes but as soon as i start walking in any hard backed shoes the pain is excruciating. I can now only wear a piar of soft converse trainers to walk in.

Any advice on how long this will last and what i can do to help recovery?

2007-01-25 20:17:29 · 4 answers · asked by migliaccio 1

Ok here's a list of my symptoms do you know what it could possibly be?
-Freqient Nose bleeds lasting hours about 2-3 times daily
-rash covering chest (raised red lumps very sore)
-trouble breathing, tight chest
-chills/ felling very hot now and then
-Dizzyness, Lightheadedness
- Sore spine, Most Joints and legs
-stiff muscles
......help please

2007-01-25 18:58:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

So this is kinda wierd....For some reason when I go running, my two toes that are beside by big toe always get blisters on them. One week I ran extra (every day), and I must have put too much pressure on the toenails, because they died and fell out by themselves. Well one grew back just like it was before, but the other one grew back all wierd. It grew back all thick and bumby. It didnt grow back all straight and normal, it grew up (if that makes sense). Well it has probably been like 8-10 months, and I have waited to see if it would fix itself, but it hasn't. So, the other night I pulled it out, hoping that it would grow back normally like the other. Now I am afraid that it won't grow back at all. Any advice?

2007-01-25 17:51:45 · 5 answers · asked by logo212 1

My roommate just sharpened up his skates and to play some hockey for the first time in many years. He went to the park just to skate around but there were already people there and asked him to play a game with them. He did and had fun but said he was extremely tired afterward and said he felt like he could barely drive and and almost had to throw up. All of that soon went away and the next day he went back and had the ice to himself. he said he did some sprints and felt fine but just winding like he just got done running. He said he felt that way all day. The next day he woke up and said it felt like someone kicked him in the chest and that feeling lasted all day. He seems normal and still went to work at an office but just has chest pain. He says he is going to go to a doctor if it's not better tomorrow but knowing him I doubt he will unless he can't breath. He is 23 and in pretty good shape I would say. He used to bike 25-40 miles every other day in the summer.

2007-01-25 17:11:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

It happened a few times to me.. When riding regular stance hitting a jump and casing it.. my right foot(rear foot) seemed to overcompress my ankle, it hurt like a mother for a while... and the pain subsided, I tightened my boots and bindings as much as possible. to give it support. I've been reading about the bones there, I think it could be the talur or some type of flexor..I'm having sporadic pain with certain range of movements such as crouching as a baseball catcher could cause acute pain enough to make me loose balance, Other than that I'm still completely active..I'd like to heal this soon..Thanks in advance for any help.?

2007-01-25 17:00:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

is benn 1 and 1/2 month and it hurts still.

2007-01-25 16:31:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-25 16:29:43 · 6 answers · asked by mjfox2300 1

I twisted my knee, and it's much better but I've found that I'm afraid to use it. Is it all in the mind or is it really a warning?

2007-01-25 15:11:34 · 2 answers · asked by controlfreak 3

like when a neck gets snapped

2007-01-25 14:29:10 · 7 answers · asked by David A 2

Well a while back I hurt my neck on my sofa watchin tv and it forced my neck to be turned and if I tried to turn it to the oposite side it would ent go and it would hurt, I was doing crunches and my neck feels stiff when I turn my neck right, but I can still turn it the hole way, anyone know if it will turn out like the last time? I really hated that and I hope not.

2007-01-25 14:29:00 · 2 answers · asked by jamie` s 1

OK, I hurt my knee in gym class and It started to swell and get red. It hurt below my knee cap. I went to the doctor and he said i might have torn a ligament. It also couldn't walk on it. He sent me to an orthapedic and when we got there he said i had a permature patella inflamation. He said to rest it. That was all. He did take x-rays but not an MRI or any other thing. After a couple of days it was better. But since then It has just getting worst! Right now It is killing me and I am lying in my bed. We are probably going to go to a diffrent orthapedic and i will probably get an MRI. What else can I do to help it heal? Does anyone have any Idea what it might be or any websites on info? What is an MRI and what r the procedures? Plz help me i am stumped. My mom keeps telling me to take these homiopathic pills. This has been going on for 2 and a half weeks

Things I have done to try 2 stop the pain:

Rest it
Elevate it
Wrap it
Ice it
Put cream on it
Not walk on it (hopping on one foot)

2007-01-25 14:13:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I play volleyball and we've been conditioning and I have been having a lot of sores. Is there any methods to lower the pain. Thank you for any help.

2007-01-25 13:31:20 · 3 answers · asked by Todd 1

I always seem to cut myself shaving (unintentionally). I realize I need to be more careful, but other than that, how can I speed the healing process of the cuts I already have? are there any home remedies or store-bought medicines I can use?

2007-01-25 13:19:59 · 3 answers · asked by jazzychica007 2

I cut my finger with a razor blade last month, and im not sure im up to date on my tetanus shot, i think i am, but not 100%. I cleaned the wound, then bandaged it, and then changed and cleaned it until it healed. I was wondering if i may have tetanus. I've been having neck pain for a few weeks, and some back pain, and i was wondering if i thats a side effect of having tetanus. I went to my doctor last week, but i forgot to tell him about it. they took blood for other reasons, two vials, and they did some tests, and they said im fine, nothing wrong with the results. Would Tetanus show up on the blood tests? Let me know. NURSE'S OR DOCTORS ONLY

2007-01-25 13:18:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

ever since i was a kid i was a dare devil. when i was 13 i did a front flip when a car was moving my foot got caught so i kinda got hit by a car (SUV to b exact) i also fell down a tree face first. and wiped out millions of times on a skateboard. i have a total of 387 stiches and im 15

2007-01-25 13:02:06 · 10 answers · asked by C.T 2

How long after a hip replacement would be considered an average time period for normal activity and return to work?

2007-01-25 12:47:00 · 4 answers · asked by texadillo907 1

The other day i slipped on some ice and landed on my arm. I thought it was fine... but a couple of days on my arm is having surges of pain quite frequently and my veins seem very large specially at the back of my arm as if they arnt emptying.... any ideas on what may be causing this and wether i should consult some one???

2007-01-25 12:45:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having a spinal tap on monday and I am so freaking scared. I have had one before about a year ago and it hurt so bad I am woundering if they put people out for them becuase I don't want to go through the same pain I did the last time.

2007-01-25 12:35:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-25 12:34:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my husband were out looking at new houses and one of the house had a "model" sign and "open house" sign out so we were walking up what seemed to be a shoveled drive way and there was a sheet of ice and I fell with my 10 month old baby in my arms and my back is hurting very bad and my legs are bruised. I do not have medical insurance.....what should I do?

2007-01-25 12:24:12 · 9 answers · asked by atchisons2006 2

So my grandmother, who is 82, broke her thigh bone and as everyone told me and my family that the bone at that age doesnt grow that good and scared us. but it started to heal .. only after a month.. and is STILL healing..but now because of her injury he started to get this weird pulling/tightening feeling on her lower parts of her legs which i belive is the DVT deep vein trombosis... and the only treatment that i found is either surgery with a filter or.. medication.. i found heparin medication thats supose to make the clogs smaller.. i was just wondering since my granmother had blood problems when she was younger so is there any way i can find out if she can take it or if she shouldnt because my grandma is in europe and its hard to get the same good pills there....

2007-01-25 12:18:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

it was in october 1998 in the town of northampton and i was treated in northampton general hospital on willow ward for two weeks i think i was treated by dr anwar not sure of spelling of his name please can anyone help me my x rays were used by dr anwar to educate he also says he collected them not sure of the angle they were taken from the knife was ten and a half inches long and it went in just below the sternum please excuse the spelling have been looking for them for hours to no avail

2007-01-25 12:17:38 · 8 answers · asked by luke.murray1@btinternet.com 1

i had an ankel sprain from 4 weeks ago.and i just remove the plaster .i still have some pain and i cant walk normal.it is to hard.the doctor saied that i should train it and do some excersis.but i dont know what exactilly i should do .and what i shouldnt. i just want to go back walk normaly.as soon as i can?
so what sappuse i do?

2007-01-25 12:05:37 · 2 answers · asked by dr_hans2002 1

I have attended the chiropractor a total of 23 visits for abvove average back pain and neck pain. I was told by an attorney that there was no need for me to get one if I didint have any broken bones. I wanna know if anyone can give me a estimate of how much I should receive just for pain and suffering. I know this is hard to do off top but I need serious answers only becausw i dont wanna get ripped. Thanks

2007-01-25 12:05:19 · 5 answers · asked by lamario16598 1

how can you tell if your wrist is either broken or sprained? my wrist has a knot on it and is swelling and is bruised!

2007-01-25 12:04:08 · 6 answers · asked by coneigh s 1

what can i do to make the pain go away. If possible by the afternoon tommorow?

2007-01-25 11:34:12 · 3 answers · asked by nineballp00l 2

I've had lower back pain for about a year and a half now. It started after a martial arts tournament and ever since then I've experienced pain in my lower back right above my buttocks and about two inches from my spine on either side. I also found two lumps/knots in the area. My lower back and thighs/hamstrings feel trembly and weak from time to time as well, almost to the point where they may just buckle on me.

I have been to numerous doctors and none of them have been able to give me a clear answer as to what these lumps are. I've had numerous MRIs and X-rays as well, all of which showed that everything's "normal." Please help if you have any insight! Thanks!

2007-01-25 10:43:23 · 8 answers · asked by evert_gutch 1

My finger was smashed in the car door two days ago. The door fully latched with my finger inside. Extremely painful and was immediately swollen with blue color. It was twitching for a few hours also. Color has gone away, but still somewhat swollen. I Can move it, but still hurts to the touch or bending/grabbing items. It was between the top and bottom knuckles. Anyone think this will go away or is a doctors trip necessary

2007-01-25 10:28:08 · 27 answers · asked by Kyle R 1

please dont ask why its just a disagreement between me and a friend how it is done.... i know its an artery som where in the arm

2007-01-25 09:54:24 · 6 answers · asked by brainfried0 1

doctor?? Its swelling a bit... and it hurts like hell if I put my weight on it. OUCH!!!!!
I hate waiting in ER's. So I am trying to avoid it.

2007-01-25 09:31:58 · 14 answers · asked by misty d 1

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