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Injuries - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

I was a silly girl and got my tongue pierced the other day and yeah even though I'm 19, I haven't told my parents, they'd disown me. Anyway, I think it's infected. Puss is coming out. This is gross but I put a cotton bud into the hole of it and all this puss was then on the cotton. Really disgusting. Can also taste puss. It doesn't hurt at all, and I only got it done last Saturday so a week ago I dont know if this is cause for concern to go to the doctor or itll pass.... any advice??? thanks

2006-12-17 02:16:55 · 6 answers · asked by ashleigh b 1

I was playing some baseball a few months back when a ball got lodged up into the face behind homeplate. I climbed up there and got the ball down and then not thinking it was as far as I climbed I jumped down (the jump ended up being pretty far my legs even collapsed under me when I hit the ground). Ever since I have had this pain in the middle of my spine. It's not a shooting pain or anything it's contained to one specific spot on my spine. It doesn't hurt normally only when I stetch back or any sharp lean backwards that bends my spine inwards. Anyone ever have anything like this? Maybe when I jumped the force cracked a vertebrae or something like that? I havn't seen a doctor because it doesn't noramally effect any activites I do including running, lifting, or any other workout stuff.

2006-12-16 18:13:23 · 3 answers · asked by PhillyCop 1

there is no way to cover this up! i have a professional job so i can't really get away with being honest. i have to be at work until at least wednesday....

2006-12-16 17:42:50 · 8 answers · asked by d.h. s 1

2006-12-16 17:37:52 · 4 answers · asked by Muffin 5

my friends are telling me is ok but I would love to have an expert opinion....

2006-12-16 17:32:57 · 4 answers · asked by pietro94 2

Hi I am 13 and I sprained my knee a few months back. Now my knee pops out of place sometimes. And recently I have been experiencing pain in my knee and weakness. Today my knee started wabbling and gave out and I almost fell on top of my dog. Then when I was running my knee became weak and i was jogging with a limp sort of I just couldn't put pressure on my knee or bend it while walking and running. Then going down the stairs I couldn't walk that well on my knee. It felt limp and weak. I do have 2 joint problems caused from my bone diasease and it was raining out today. Could that be the cause of it although I only rarly experience this. And sometimes when i crouch down or sit on my knees my knee will sort of go out (I have to keep bending it in and out till I hear a loud pop and am able to strectch my leg out completly) And my knee does make quiet poping sounds when I bring it close to my chest, but this is not the poping I hear when I try to pop my knee back into place

2006-12-16 16:18:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a cyst removed on my chest about 6 weeks ago and the doctor put me on antibiotic for a week. A week later, the removal the stitches were removed. Two weeks after the stitches were removed, the incision area did not look right to me. It looked like a fresh pink wound ( like when a scab falls off). I went to the doctor and he cauterized the area and said that a stitch had been left in and he removed it and put me on doxycycline antibiotic. The next week I saw two string looking things poking out and the area still looked like a fresh wound so I went back he said that the disolvable stitches did not disolve so he removed the two hanging out. So now this week, the area still still looks like a fresh wound and I am still on the antibiotic twice a day. I don't know if I am paranoid and that I should just take the doctors word that it will be fine or should I go see another doctor.

2006-12-16 15:55:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dropped a hot plate right on top of my big toe about a year ago. The pain was the worst I've ever felt. A blood blister formed and the nail eventually came off. Well, a new nail has since grown back. Suddenly, though, my toe has begun being really sore again. I had to be careful of my shoes. Then the pain went away and I figured that I banged it on something to begin with. Now the pain is back and my toe is swollen and red around the nail. I'm going to the doctor soon, but I wanted someone's opinion on why it keeps hurting. Can someone tell me what might be wrong?

2006-12-16 15:49:39 · 6 answers · asked by Blackadder 2

It sure feels out of place. My teeth don't sit the way they used to. Of course it does have a little swelling. I can talk (slightly stiffly) but it hurts to try to eat. I'm mostly living on liquids. Also, if this keeps up which one should I see a doctor... or a dentist?

2006-12-16 15:37:21 · 4 answers · asked by DidoDeeDee 3

Jammed it one night swelled up huge and lots of pain now a month later still a small amount of pain but its totally pointing the wrong way works fine though ??? What did I do ??

2006-12-16 14:26:18 · 14 answers · asked by mojo755 2

ok here goes....
i was playing basketball and in the 1st quarter i totally jammed my pinki finger (how? i have no clue). i was trying to block a shot and my hand went up. i was running back down the court and it started hurting and swelling. i payed it no mind because ive jammed my middle fingers so many times that they are permently jammed (hahahaha). anyway,i played the rest of the game and then another about 2 hours later. now its hours later (after both games) and its still swollen and now purple-ish-blue. i can straiten it, but when i do it all the way (or bend it all the way) it hurts just a little. whats with all the swelling and purple-ish-blue color? do i need to wear a splinter thingy?

2006-12-16 13:49:29 · 10 answers · asked by koolpants 2

for instances the swelling, i have had swelling for about 6 months with moderate to severe pain, still, and weakness,

2006-12-16 12:13:51 · 8 answers · asked by deborah s 1

what does it mean when you pull a hamstring? were is the hamstring ???? i wasn wondering because you always hear that kind of inury in football..

2006-12-16 10:18:26 · 4 answers · asked by Mike 2

2006-12-16 07:37:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I have a small construction company we opened this year with three employees. One employee was injured last month on the 16th of November. We took him to the ER, where they did x-rays and other tests and nothing was broken or fractured, just bruised. They told him to stay off his leg for the weekend, gave him some percoset and said see his regular DR on that Monday. He's sees the Dr on monday and he says he is still in pain, Dr detects no serious swelling or anything, said just bruised badly told him to stay off of a few more days. He asks for more pain meds and DR gives him a perscription for percoset. Well it has been over one month and he hasn't returned to work, but has returned to the DR complaining of pain still, and gets another scripit. On top of all this he goes out every weekend to the bars, but when he sees us he's limping around. This guy is my husband very good friend they have been friends since middle school but I think he is screwing us.

2006-12-16 07:19:04 · 6 answers · asked by pinktaffy 2

I dropped a 400lb rock on my foot, and now, two years later, my big toenail only partially grows. I have tried cutting it down and regrowing it, everything, but only half of it grows. I hate looking at it. Does anyone know how you can get a busted toenail to grow back?

2006-12-16 07:04:48 · 2 answers · asked by Bexxy 2

besides saying it...duh!

2006-12-16 05:29:44 · 13 answers · asked by tadpole 2


Ok, this is an addition to another question I asked. The prfoblem was my real nail and the fake nails I had on both got almost ripped off but they are still attached at the very bottom. And since it hurted so much the night it happened I was just wrapping alcohol pads on it for bout an hour til my sister got home. When she got here it did not want to lift off, should I just wrap a bandage on it and let it heal in hope it will reattach and the fake nail will grow off??

2006-12-16 05:27:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i threw up last night...and when i was done i looked into the mirror, and noticed that my entire face was covered with red dots...i think i may have strained when i was throwing up, and thats what happend...but my face hasnt gotten any better, and its a day later...can anyone tell me if this is gonna go away, and when?

2006-12-16 04:52:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I broke my foot from a fall six yrs. ago, and now my podiatrist feels due to arthritis, malformation and deterioration I need two pins and a plate or fusion, has anyone had extensive foot surgery similiar to this, was it successful and would you do it again.

2006-12-16 02:36:40 · 1 answers · asked by sweetyebug3 4

someone told me i should do crunches with that weight machine in the gym,where its up against your chest & u crunch forward & down,it strengthens your back,is this right?

someone else told me he had back problems & he started walking 4 miles everyday & his pain went away.

2006-12-16 02:06:51 · 11 answers · asked by forest lover 2

Checking a leak around our chimney six yrs. ago, I fell thru the ceiling and fractured almost every bone in my left foot, now my podiatrist tells me with the abnormal healing,deterioration and arthritis I need two pins and a fusion or plate in the foot, has anyone had this type of rather extensive surgery and was it worth it, the good or bad results, please share your experience with me. Thanks.

2006-12-16 01:40:26 · 1 answers · asked by sweetyebug3 4

Could a gunshot wound to the upper arm possibly cause nerve and tendon damage that would numb the entire arm but not effect its motorskills drastically?

2006-12-15 23:57:55 · 5 answers · asked by eatings_not_cheating 1

2006-12-15 19:41:53 · 13 answers · asked by always trying to be helpful 2

Some how she tore the skin that was...I guess oit was the loop of the skin? Anyways, it's torn, and now two little flaps of skin are hanging, not like big pieces or anything, just thin little strips of skin...I haven't seen it yet, but this is what she has told me so far...what should she do? Should she cut the excess skin off? Or just let it fall off naturally? (Will it even do that?) She's had it for a year and a half now, and it's hasn't been much of a problem for her, I don't think she even picked at it when it started to thin out...how long should she wait till she can get it pierced again? And can this get infected? Because she said it didn't bleed or anything...so yeah I have no idea. Thanks.

2006-12-15 18:27:46 · 6 answers · asked by disturbed_rock05 2

I have this bone (3rd metatarsal, cuneiform area) - in other words, if I follow the third toe, (bone), up to my ankle, it's just below my ankle, almost mid-way (very top of my foot), and it's round in shape, and sticks out. It's actually a bit sore now, because I've been walking on it, but never really took notice of it, until I took a second job, where a lot of walking and standing really had an impact on it. Now, however, when I walk or stand too much, or put all my weight on my right foot, it gets a 'clicky' feeling, and it gets sore really quick!
Is this a fracture happening again, but in slow motion??? I'm worried because my third toe feels a bit numb. The bone is about the size of a dime and bulges out. It's not swollen, though....any thoughts?

2006-12-15 18:06:32 · 4 answers · asked by argamedius 3

2006-12-15 17:30:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

And for about 2 months my tail bone hurt REALLY bad... I didn't go to a doc, but is it possible that I had broken it?

2006-12-15 16:26:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I fell down the stairs 3 weeks ago (on THanksgiving week.) My tailbone hurt really bad. I iced it a little bit at the time and took lots of NSAIDS. But it is still aching at times when I sit on it, or even when I have a big fart or bowel movement. There is no sharp or burning pain, just dull ache. How long can it take these kind of things to heal? I'm not an alarmist, so I just figured it would take a few weeks to go away, but now it is starting to seem a little long! Should I go get an Xray?

I'm actually a PA student, they don't really teach us in school how long it takes a bruised tailbone to heal!!! Especially appreciate answers from Drs, nurses, med students, etc.

2006-12-15 16:24:24 · 4 answers · asked by DJ92 1

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