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Diseases & Conditions - 7 September 2007

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Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

I would like to know about retinal detachment and is there any treatment for it in the last stage.

2007-09-07 23:44:42 · 4 answers · asked by santosh f 2 in Infectious Diseases

2007-09-07 22:08:46 · 10 answers · asked by lilydonaldson 2 in Diabetes

Is it possible to see the pacemaker once it is inserted, through the skin? What about its wires? Or is it only possible to see either the pacemaker or wire, not both? What might be the reason for the cause of this situation?

If this is possible, then how do we resolve this problem? Do we need another surgery to make it so the device can not be seen? Or just wait it out?

2007-09-07 22:07:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

I got tested during a physical last month. I have normal blood sugar levels, according to the doctor, and am nowhere near being diabetic yet (as my diabetic-for-20+-years-father assured me).

The thing is, I realize that even though I'm doing everything I can to avoid getting the dreaded disease (I'm not obese, monitor my diet and get regular excersize), diabetes still very much runs in my family. Right off the bat I can name about seven (immediate and distant) relatives who have it.

If there is much of a chance I could still get it, I'd like to hold it off as long as I can (having a chronic health problem is no good when you're in college, and I do intend to enlist in the military after I graduate, but that's beyond the point).

How much of a risk do I still have?

2007-09-07 19:58:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

If you know then also could you list the top 5 worst STD's? I know HIV/Aids is there but what of the other 4?

2007-09-07 19:44:29 · 16 answers · asked by applebeer 5 in STDs

I got a full physical-- results of fasting blood test --Triglycerides 299 &Thyroid "barely" abnormal Hyper. I am not losing weight, I am overweight, I'm 5'2" 140 lb. My dad has to test his blood sugar several times a day (does not yet take medication) and my paternal grandmother has diabetes, but my blood sugar came back 87. I have had several situations where I get clammy, shaky so much so I can hardly walk, anxious & have nausea, after I get some food it takes about a 1/2 hr. to feel normal again. I also get real tired in the afternoon, plus I have hemorhoid problems which might have to be removed surgically (yes, I am a mess). I will be following up with my Doc but does anyone out there have these types of problems & how have you handled them? Thanks for all constructive advice--please don't tell me to get off my fat butt and get some exercise--I do swim, do water aerobics and get on my treadmill. Thank you in advance to all who reply.

2007-09-07 19:35:57 · 11 answers · asked by Nancy D. 2 in Other - Diseases

What are some diseases/sicknesses that requires the sick person to have to take white potassium pills and causes weight loss?

2007-09-07 19:28:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I need a GREAT dermatologist in Georgia. I am a African American female and want someone really knowledgeable about both of those factors. Thanks!

2007-09-07 19:11:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

I have a friend that was just diagnosed with this but the doctors here haven't told him exactly what it is so he is going to another doctor in another country of second opinion. Does anyone know what this disease is, what causes it, and if there is any cure?

2007-09-07 19:10:05 · 1 answers · asked by JASiege 4 in Other - Diseases

Ok respiratory therapists help a newbie out. I have to do a research paper on a disease related to the respiratory system. Of course all the biggies are taken. Any suggestions?
Thanks alot
RT student from Iowa~

2007-09-07 18:54:31 · 15 answers · asked by rlynneprice 2 in Respiratory Diseases

my eight month old son is acting very sick lately. he has a runny nose, watery eyes, coughs up mucous, sweats alot even while he's cold to touch, n he's even ran a few low grade fever. Im taking him to the doctor Monday but my biggest concern is that we have sooo many mosquitoes by our house and even in it due to recent flooding I hope he hasnt contracted west nile. triaminic cold n cough nite time has seemed to help but what do you suspect he could have come down with????

2007-09-07 18:35:32 · 16 answers · asked by Athena S 2 in Other - Diseases

....Touching a woman through her panties for a few seconds? I know, I should know this but I don't, thanks!

2007-09-07 18:30:18 · 4 answers · asked by mattclaptongad 1 in Infectious Diseases

I developed a burning sensation when urinating about 2 weeks after unprotected sex. I also developed a medium sized pimple like bump on the lower under side of the shaft of my penis around the same time. I didn't go to the doctor and it's been about 3 months since the symptoms first appeared.

The burning sensation went away after about a month, but the bump is still there, only it has gotten slightly smaller. It kind of looks like it's under the skin. There also seems to be a hole at the top of it which looks like a large pore. I thought that it was an ingrown hair because I get those alot, but those usually only take about 2 months to release the almost fully grown hair. I thought that it was syphlis at first but according to all the medical websites the sore is supposed to heal on it's own. It doesn't hurt. Could it be a genital wart? I think it might be but why is it under the skin and why does it have the small hole at the top? Anyone ever have something like this?

2007-09-07 18:27:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

2007-09-07 18:27:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

Last October I was diagnosed with HPV (Human Papola Virus) and they did a biopsy and it showed I had pre-cancerous cells. Well, 2 weeks after that I found out I was pregnant! Now, 11 months later I now have an 8 week old son.
I just got my pap smear done last week (my 6 week post pardum check up after having the baby) and everything looks great! No HPV! and No pre-cancerous cells!!
Can HPV really go away like that??????

2007-09-07 18:23:41 · 4 answers · asked by Mommy of One 4 in STDs

2007-09-07 18:12:55 · 11 answers · asked by elnakriel 1 in Diabetes

2007-09-07 17:55:26 · 5 answers · asked by rock 1 in STDs

I'm only 17 but lately when I ever I leave my left hand alone or it's not doing something it like shakes and I'm not even controlling it to shake like right now it's like full on shaking

as a 15 year old I caught Bell's Palsy

could there be something wrong with me?

2007-09-07 17:53:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I got these birds from this lady I know, she has a bad case of herpes...will I contract this virus....should I see a doctor?

2007-09-07 17:45:51 · 6 answers · asked by Its been a while............. 3 in STDs

My mom is 42 and she just found out today that she has herpes. I know I can't catch it, but is it really okay to let her use my bath room? What about drinking after her or eating after her? I know it sounds bad but its kinda grossing me out. Any advice would be great.

2007-09-07 17:45:33 · 18 answers · asked by greenrose1922 4 in STDs

....Touching a woman through her panties for a few seconds? I know, I should know this but I don't, thanks!

2007-09-07 17:40:46 · 8 answers · asked by mattclaptongad 1 in STDs

just wondering... thanks, because im goign to buy some tomrrow, im 17 btw

2007-09-07 17:18:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I have some tenderness but no visible discoloring or rash around a patch of skin on my right upper thigh. This has been going on for about 5 days. After doing some internet research, I think I might be one of the millions of people who have some form of herpes but do not know it due to very mild, almost symptomless recurrences. I have linked my skin tenderness to a possible herpes infection but I can't find any hard information on a typical recurrence's duration. Does anyone know how many days a herpes recurrance lasts?

2007-09-07 17:09:55 · 9 answers · asked by Iron_Mike--Yikes! 1 in STDs

My husband and I and just invited one of his friends to come and live with us....Little did we know that he has tested positive for the Herpes Virus! I don't want to judge him for his life choices, but I am horrified at the fact that he had been sharing our bathroom (shower, toilet, sink) our dishes, computer, and has played with my son a lot! Oh yeah I have a son who is 7 months old, and he takes baths in the same shower, as well as my husband and I. Does anyone know if we could get the virus through sharing these things! Please help me, im mortified and scared to death!

2007-09-07 17:06:11 · 4 answers · asked by Mrs. Novak 3 in STDs

Possibly related to parasitical species, also the word "Staphylococcus" was mentioned.

2007-09-07 16:43:22 · 4 answers · asked by jeff v 1 in Infectious Diseases

2007-09-07 16:38:28 · 4 answers · asked by .::Heather::. 1 in Skin Conditions

Ok say you have a cut in your mouth and an HIV+ person picks up a piece of food with his fork and you take it off his fork and put the food piece in your mouth. Basically asking witha open mouth cut can you get HIV from a fork? Can you get HIV that way?? or no chance?

thanks for the help

2007-09-07 16:37:56 · 9 answers · asked by Talk Talk 5 in STDs

Hi i am getting certified in life saving and i have type one diabetes. I am curious to whether i can be a paid life gaurd?

2007-09-07 16:35:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

sometimes a tiny milky drops like puss, and it feel like burning,what will be the possible drugs should i take?..

2007-09-07 16:28:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

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