I have EVERY symptom of Lupus. My doc sent me for bloodwork and had an ANA test done to see if I have Lupus. The ANA came back negative. However, for OVER A YEAR NOW, my white blood cell count has been high (13.3), my platelets have been high (416), my spleen, liver and left kidney have been swollen (ultrasound), and I have had a LOT of pain under my rib cage on both sides, especially my left side. If I stand or sit for too long, my stomach bloats out (esp when standing). The doctors around here don't seem too concerned about the constant pain I'm in, which has made me lose even MORE faith in doctors. Someone please help me!
My bloodwork results are as follows:
White blood cell (13.3)
Red blood cell (4.43)
Hemoglobin (14.4)
Hematocrit (42.7)
MCV (96.4)
MCH (32.6)
MCHC (33.8)
RDW (12.8)
Platelet (416)
Absolute Neutrophils (8326) - 62.6%
Absolute Lymphocytes (3963) - 29.8%
" Monocytes (705) - 5.3%
" Eosinophils (266) - 2%
" Basophils (40) - 0.3%
ANA - neg
HgA1C - 5.0
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Other - Diseases