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Diseases & Conditions - 7 September 2007

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Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

i scar really realy easy, but it truely takes a great amount of force ta bruse me, like even mulitiple dog bites doesnt bruse me? is this ok? ohh n i dont get burned easily either? help plz

2007-09-07 16:06:24 · 2 answers · asked by S@R@H 2 in Skin Conditions

I have tried everything. Proactive, Clean & Clear (which helped a little, but not much) Clearasil (did nothing) Nuetregina, and several home redimies. I have pretty bad face acne, awful bacne, and now I'm getting chest acne (figures, huh?) I also have some flat, awful-looking acne scars, and dry skin to top it all off. What can I do??? (Please, not home redimies.) The soonest dermatologist appointment I was able to get isn't untill a month from now. Plus, I'm on a budget.

Think you can help me? I'll love you forever... lols

2007-09-07 16:01:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

Not all fruit, but certain types of fruit, such as apples, nectarines, plums and kiwis will make my mouth, teeth, throat and sometimes all my sinuses including my ears very itchy, and sometimes even sore. It’s not a fatal allergy like the way some people are to peanuts, but extremely uncomfortable nonetheless. What is wrong with me? It’s very upsetting that I can’t enjoy apples the way other people can, and it’s a real waste given they’re both healthy and delicious.

2007-09-07 15:55:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Allergies

i am 15 and have been doing research on the internet and for the past couple months i have been going to the bathroom to pee at least 6 times a day and drink at least 6 bottles of water a day. my grandma has either low or high blood sugar. i eat alot but still am at 125 pounds does this consist with diabetes???

2007-09-07 15:27:03 · 12 answers · asked by gca328 1 in Diabetes

2007-09-07 14:55:08 · 1 answers · asked by prettyqbee07 1 in Skin Conditions

My sister is freaking out. Her husband has nasty feet, foot fungus and athletes foot. She keeps telling him to go to a foot dr. and he now has an appt. She forgot to bleach the shower one day and thinks she may have caught it from him?

Also, she gets pedicures. Is it catchy? Also will it spread to her other foot? She is going to a foot dr but doesn't want to take the medicine that you take orally because she heard it is really bad for your liver.

She googled and got lots of advice but she wants to know if someone has had the problem and how did they get rid of it. Please no rude comments! Thanks in advance!

2007-09-07 14:54:18 · 1 answers · asked by Nurse2b 1 in Skin Conditions

I have be dignose with herpes and i am so upset i keep asking how did this happen to me some one tell me why

2007-09-07 14:41:21 · 13 answers · asked by rrobtex 2 in STDs

What Should I Do?!?!?!?

2007-09-07 14:38:06 · 71 answers · asked by Never Is Forever 2 in STDs

Right now it is way to late to go to the doctors and the problem is, is the back of my throat is terribly swollen to where it's making it difficult to breathe. I'm so afraid I'm going to dye. I have a high fever, headache, dizzyness, and a sore throat. I know it may be a strand of tonsilitis, but for now I need to make the swelling go down. Please any advice....

P.S I can't even go to the doctor until monday, because our doctor only works week days. I just need advice on how to make the swelling go down...Please help I'm litteraly freaking out here, I'm 15 and the last thing I want is to die by suffercating.

2007-09-07 14:19:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I'm very sensitive to insect bites, esp. mosquitoes, and have tried everything in the book. Topically I've tried hydrocortisone, tea tree oil, rubbing alcohol, baking soda paste, you name it. Orally I've got a good day pill. At night I use Benadryl which is great because it knocks me out to sleep where I can't feel the itchiness, BUT I'm up within 3 hours scratching myself awake. I eat garlic and take Vitamin B complex as preventative measures. I use bug repellent but the skeeters get me when I forget to spray. I've got prevention down pat, I need advice about the itching! I'm dying here, anyone have a miracle?

2007-09-07 14:15:16 · 15 answers · asked by Sophra 3 in Allergies

I started seeing black dots like if you look at the sun and then turn away and i also started to feel dizzy. This happened about 2 months ago about 2 or 3 times (I think) and hasn't happened since.

2007-09-07 14:09:52 · 11 answers · asked by Military Chick 4 in Other - Diseases

My acquaintance seemed a little down. I asked him what was wrong and he spilled out with his "Gigantic Secret". He says he is dying. He has 6 kidneys. He had two, the two duplicated and 2 more grew after that. On top of that, he has cysts of blood in the kidneys. He said he would get surgery. I asked him when and he said after football season. He didn't want to go without this season for he would be in a wheelchair for the whole time. I thought it was ridiculous! Football is all about hitting eachother, wouldn't it be VERY unsafe for him? In football, you need a physical, a football coach wouldn't let him play with him and his condition would he/she? I asked him and he said that they weren't going to let him but then suddenly did.

Is this even possible?

2007-09-07 13:59:17 · 15 answers · asked by A wonder 2 in Other - Diseases

I am on chemo for a year now. I understand that sugar feeds cancer cells. My blood sugar hovers around 100. Can I still eat ice cream in small amounts? The doctor says yes. They want to keep my weight stable (it is). I know that if you drink a whole glass of apple juice, your blood sugar spikes. But for only some time, maybe 1/2 hour to an hour? Anyway I love ice cream and I need pleasure these days. Cookies too, but honey sweetened.

2007-09-07 13:58:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

i am pretty sure i have a lymph node. above my ear on my head. I hear colds can cause them. and i just recently found it same time i caught the cold. P.S. it is small

2007-09-07 13:55:37 · 8 answers · asked by ?????????? 1 in Cancer

2007-09-07 13:54:16 · 5 answers · asked by K L 2 in Other - Diseases

Medical Benefits of Ramadan
by Shahid Athar, M.D.

Most Muslims do not fast because of medical benefits but because it has been ordained to them in the Quran. The medical benefits of fasting are as a result of fasting. Fasting in general has been used in medicine for medical reasons including weight management, for rest of the digestive tract and for lowering lipids. There are many adverse effects of total fasting as well as so-called crash diets. Islamic fasting is different from such diet plans because in Ramadan fasting, there is no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake. The caloric intake of Muslims during Ramadan is at or slightly below the national requirement guidelines. In addition, the fasting in Ramadan is voluntarily taken and is not a prescribed imposition from the physician.

Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self-training, with the hope that this training will last beyond the end of Ramadan. If the lessons learned during Ramadan, whether in terms of dietary intake or righteousness, are carried on after Ramadan, it is beneficial for one's entire life. Moreover, the type of food taken during Ramadan does not have any selective criteria of crash diets such as those which are protein only or fruit only type diets. Everything that is permissible is taken in moderate quantities.

The only difference between Ramadan and total fasting is the timing of the food; during Ramadan, we basically miss lunch and take an early breakfast and do not eat until dusk. Abstinence from water during this period is not bad at all and in fact, it causes concentration of all fluids within the body, producing slight dehydration. The body has its own water conservation mechanism; in fact, it has been shown that slight dehydration and water conservation, at least in plant life, improve their longevity.

The physiological effect of fasting includes lower of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol and lowering of the systolic blood pressure. In fact, Ramadan fasting would be an ideal recommendation for treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity and essential hypertension. In 1994 the first International Congress on "Health and Ramadan", held in Casablanca, entered 50 research papers from all over the world, from Muslim and non-Muslim researchers who have done extensive studies on the medical ethics of fasting. While improvement in many medical conditions was noted; however, in no way did fasting worsen any patients' health or baseline medical condition. On the other hand, patients who are suffering from severe diseases, whether diabetes or coronary artery disease, kidney stones, etc., are exempt from fasting and should not try to fast.

There are psychological effects of fasting as well. There is a peace and tranquility for those who fast during the month of Ramadan. Personal hostility is at a minimum, and the crime rate decreases. Muslims take advice from the Prophet who said, "If one slanders you or aggresses against you, say I am fasting.'" This psychological improvement could be related to better stabilization of blood glucose during fasting as hypoglycemia after eating, aggravates behavior changes.

There is a beneficial effect of extra prayer at night. This not only helps with better utilization of food but also helps in output. There are 10 extra calories output for each rikat of the prayer. Again, we do not do prayers for exercise, but a mild movement of the joints with extra calorie utilization is a better form of exercise. Similarly, recitation of the Quran not only produces a tranquility of heart and mind, but improves the memory. Therefore, I encourage my Muslim patients to fast in the month of Ramadan, but they must do it under medical supervision. Healthy adult Muslims should not fear becoming weak by fasting, but instead it should improve their health and stamina.

2007-09-07 13:51:11 · 2 answers · asked by muslim-doctor 3 in Other - Diseases

Is it possible to become lactose intolerant in a matter of days? I am a big milk drinker, but within the last week it's made me very sick to my stomach whenever I drink milk, and I often get very dizzy and have bad headaches. What could cause it?

2007-09-07 13:36:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

for the past 2 days my left nut got a bit smaller then the other 1 and it's now harder then the other 1. and for the past 2 nights i can't sleep because it hurts a little bit. And i just want 2 know if that is cancer because all my life i prayed i wouldn't have cancer and i really don't want it.

but anyways do u think it is cancer, or is it something else?

2007-09-07 13:31:02 · 6 answers · asked by swift 1 in Cancer


you can feed a

2007-09-07 13:20:22 · 3 answers · asked by lonknight557 1 in Diabetes

Why do albinos have red eyes and white skin? How are they albino in the first place?

2007-09-07 13:15:00 · 17 answers · asked by Randa 2 in Skin Conditions

I posted a question earlier and got responses that it wasn't. Here is the direct medical transcript info from the MRA.

"The kidneys appeared normal with normal cortical thickness bilaterally. There were no abnormalities of the celiac, SMA, IMA, or common iliac arteries. There was evidence of bilateral dependent lower lobe atelectasis, more pronounced on the left."

I am just confused about the transcript. I will surely ask at her appt.

If anyone has any other info on this..thanks.

2007-09-07 12:59:07 · 4 answers · asked by Christine S 2 in Other - Diseases

46 yr old male diagnosed w/strep and given amoxicillan. Burns when he pees. Was doing this before going to dr. so it's not a reaction to the meds.

2007-09-07 12:14:53 · 7 answers · asked by tfrose1 2 in Other - Diseases

And did she give birth via C-section or vaginal? Bottom line, how likely is it to have a healthy baby if you have herpes in your system?

2007-09-07 11:25:04 · 14 answers · asked by YucaKacamata 1 in STDs

How can i get rid of them any home remiedes ?

2007-09-07 11:10:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

I have a hard lump slightly larger then a pea in my right cheek right above my jawline. i've been to two different doctors(at different times) for it and both just gave me antibiotics(which didn't do anything) and sent me home. it's been there for a long time, and hasn't gotten much larger. any ideas on what this might be would be appreciated. thanks.

2007-09-07 11:10:01 · 4 answers · asked by Lady Moreta 1 in Other - Diseases

2007-09-07 10:53:27 · 6 answers · asked by witdat858 1 in Skin Conditions

2007-09-07 10:31:21 · 8 answers · asked by malmuse40 1 in Heart Diseases

The only thing that works for me is a vacation on a tropical beach...sun and salt water.

2007-09-07 10:31:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

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