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Diseases & Conditions - 25 April 2007

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Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

i am petite. i have thin upper extremities but my lower extremeties are way too heavy. i tried doing cardio work outs but it just gets bigger. what is wrong with me? help!!!

2007-04-25 22:54:34 · 1 answers · asked by sweet7een 1 in Other - Diseases

it doesn't feel like a migraine but the pain keeps on changing location in my. i am very much afraid it could be something worse.

2007-04-25 22:25:40 · 11 answers · asked by kooky 2 in Cancer

my new born son was born on the 7th month of pregnancy and suffering from Retinopathy of Prematurity stage IV. A surgery was performed for his left eye but unfortunately it did not succeed. The specialist who conducted the operation said that there was nothing they could do for the left eye anymorewith the current technology that we have in our country. The right eye on the other hand needs a miracle to be able to see. I don't want to son to grow up blind. I want to live a normal life. Is there anyone who can help me contact an eye specialist in the US or Europe so I can ask for their opinion? My family is very poor but I could not let poverty stand on the way of my son's future. Can anyone please help me out here so my son can see the world and live a normal life. Thanks in advance....

2007-04-25 21:59:38 · 2 answers · asked by say_what!!! 4 in Other - Diseases

I'm going to Japan in May, and the flight is about 14 hours long from New York to Narita Airport. I've taken this flight before, but I'm kind of worried I'll get DVT this time. I'm kind of a hypochondriac, so I don't want to have to worry about getting this while I'm in Japan.

What are some things you can do to help prevent DVT, especially on long flights? Any help is appreciated!

2007-04-25 21:57:46 · 7 answers · asked by Kusanagikari 1 in Other - Diseases

2007-04-25 21:37:11 · 6 answers · asked by goddess_rome_gr 1 in Infectious Diseases

It's not severe -- moderate itching around the corners of my mouth and back of throat. And only during bouts with seasonal allergies. Plus the reaction seems to be worse the riper they are.

Does anyone else have this allergy? What is the common substance or ingredient?

2007-04-25 21:04:43 · 3 answers · asked by birdwoman1 4 in Allergies

I do not have any fetishes...atleast bizzare ones that i know of......I started wondering a couple days ago...How do fetishes like this even start? : I've heard of some one the weirdest most grotesque fetishes..Like GOING on each other...why do some people do that? Or throwing up ....What do they get out of it? Im sorry if this grosses you out but I just want to know what makes people do this?

2007-04-25 20:40:18 · 9 answers · asked by Jz 5 in STDs

the only ones i know of are genital warts, herpes ,and HIV/AIDS

2007-04-25 20:13:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

So about 3 years ago, I went and saw my doctor about a lump that had been developing on the back-left side of my neck, more near my back than my chin. He said I shouldn't worry too much about it, as long as it goes away. Well, since it's been 3 years since then, and it's still there.. And every so often I get very minor pain near that area as well. Can anyone tell me what it is exactly, or if I should just go see my doctor about it again?

2007-04-25 20:06:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

Has anyone ever been debilitated to the point of not being able to work because of it? What is the course of treatment for it ?

2007-04-25 19:40:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

Can u get a bacterial infection when intercourse.?

okay here is the issue, i was wondering if you can get an infection during intercourse if your spouse has an abortion and she has an infection by it and pass the infection to you. is that possible?

2007-04-25 19:39:43 · 7 answers · asked by go0odstuff 1 in STDs

2007-04-25 18:59:01 · 6 answers · asked by peanut 2 in Skin Conditions

hey i just got my belly button peirced ok and i was wondering how long does it usually take for the redness to go away because so far its been 5 days and its really bugging me and it looks gross with the red : ( .....its buggs me so much

i dont think its infected because the soarness is getting less and less every day so yea i dont think its infected

2007-04-25 18:47:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

Do they have to call the doctor's office and ask, or do the pharmacists just sell it to us when we ask for it?

2007-04-25 18:45:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

i use sheep placenta cream to lighten the skin on my arms hands and upper chest area. i notice a change in color on my wrist then my hands. showing that its not working on my hands and working on my arms. does anyone have any good suggestions? i avoid being under the sun as much as possible and when i do i use a parasole (its like an umbrella but made for sun shade). so i dont get why my hands are still as dark as the day i started (or so it seems) .

2007-04-25 18:28:54 · 3 answers · asked by mindi s 1 in Skin Conditions

She had it two years ago, she is now 6, affecting one joint, her Dr. started giving her Methotrixate, she is been taking it for two years now, she is having lots of lymph nodes behind her ears lately, any hope that she might grow out of her arthrites?

2007-04-25 17:52:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I have just recovered from H-Pylori. But with the sickness and without it now I still can not eat! I get hunger pangs maybe twice a week. I can go two days on a banana. I gained twenty pounds from NOT eating. I'm trying to lose the weight ( i'm only 27) and I can't lose it. I have tried eating little bit at a time, but I'm FULL all the time. I need to lose this weight. I need to be healty again. I'm the only person who gains wait from not eating. I eat only protein shakes and bananas. I may have soup twice a week. I cannot live like this. In order to speed up my metabolism and digest food again what do I need to do?. Should I re instate good bacteria from a probiotic regiment?. Take enzyme pills?. Any advice. I'm at my wits end. It's my high school reunion in two weeks! Not to mention I hate feeling full like I ate a 5 course meal and all I had was a glass of milk!

2007-04-25 17:48:05 · 5 answers · asked by Jai247 1 in Other - Diseases

reverse anorexia?? Where you see yourself as small, but you really have a few extra pounds?? I hope that made sense

2007-04-25 17:44:27 · 4 answers · asked by kelli:) 2 in Other - Diseases

It first starts in my jaw where it feels like a tiny dried pea that travels down my neck, then an acid-like feeling spreads out over my chest where it burns really bad. I later found out if I drink something and swallow really hard, it goes away.
Sometimes it comes on when I'm in humidity, around heat, or when my spine hurts. Sometimes it comes on when I'm asleep, sometimes it comes on for no reason at all. The burning feels like acid traveling down my neck and across my chest. I have to get something to drink, or I'm in a world of hurt!!
It can't be heartburn because it starts in my jaw and travels down. It can't be a heart attack because heart attacks don't go away by drinking something and swallowing hard; and besides, this has been happening to me for 15 years.
Does anyone have a clue what causes this? Sometimes it comes on several times in a short time, sometimes weeks can go by without this happening.
Thank you in advance.

2007-04-25 17:42:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

Initially this was caused by a car accident maybe 7 years ago. Went to a Chiropractor for 3 Years, and no improvement, really. The pain originates where the right shoulder blade connects to the spine. There's a joint here, I think. It cracks easily and will crack back and forth, eventually causing pain as the inflammation increases. Sometimes the pain translates and radiates to other areas, namely my right hip and side... Sometimes my right arm, hand hurt. My right hand's fingertips go numb sometimes. Sometimes it gets worse when I sleep, sometimes better. Is there no solution? I also like to Bench Press, so I'm sure any answer is going to tell me to stop that. But I can almost Bench 400lbs.

2007-04-25 17:34:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I have little bumps under my eyes?? Is it an infection?? What causes it? How can I make them go away??

2007-04-25 16:57:04 · 3 answers · asked by ljsbeachgirl 1 in Skin Conditions

my family has a lot of heart problem, and i'm scared that i might get something like that before to long. am i just worried to much or should i ask a doctor

2007-04-25 16:30:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

I have herpes, and i have never had children. I want to get a IUD. Is this possible? Or would they say no because of those things?

2007-04-25 16:27:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

2007-04-25 16:06:42 · 14 answers · asked by Nels 7 in Cancer

I really need to know how long a raynauds attack lasts. please only answer this if you really know what this is, and really know a correct answer.

2007-04-25 15:26:38 · 4 answers · asked by Karl.with.a.K 2 in Other - Diseases

i got 38.6... im not sure weather thats high or not but i was shaking out of control and my head feels like its boiling where as my body is freezing any help would be great... ways to make me feel better or what i should do

2007-04-25 15:15:41 · 8 answers · asked by scatter 2 in Other - Diseases

2007-04-25 15:07:56 · 9 answers · asked by beta 1 in Other - Diseases

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