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Diseases & Conditions - 21 April 2007

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Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

2007-04-21 23:37:02 · 2 answers · asked by daungirl74 1 in Infectious Diseases

2007-04-21 23:02:10 · 7 answers · asked by Ashok S 1 in Skin Conditions

I have had "Herpes I" in the form of cold sores on my mouth.
My partner contracted "Herpes I" gentially when receiving oral sex from someone with a cold sore.
My question is, can I recontract Herpes I from my partner genitally, or am I already immune in that I already have the virus orally.
Please respond only if you have medical experience.

2007-04-21 22:32:38 · 6 answers · asked by straightbate 1 in STDs

2007-04-21 22:30:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

What happens is that I have some little orifices in my face because I exploded the acne in my face.

2007-04-21 20:43:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

My daughter has a problem of weather changing and cold. She gets ill with dust . She has given NEBULISER when ever there was a respiratory problem. So pls suggest me what fruits she can eat and what fruits we need to avoid. Recently she has been admitted in hospital for Pnumonia and she was also admitted 6 months back for respiratory problem.

2007-04-21 20:17:49 · 9 answers · asked by The More I learn The More I'm Uneducated 5 in Respiratory Diseases

I know angina is caused by a lack of oxygen getting to the heart muscle. what i want to know is how it can be the coronary artery causing this given that i have always learnt that arteries carry blood away from the heart so this should mean that the coronary artery should carry the de-oygenated blood used by the heart muscle to the lungs to be oxygentated then shouldn't the oxygentaed blood be broughht back to a the heart muscle by the coronary vein? (p.s i know how blood circulates through the heart via lungs then to body...i am asking specifically about cornanary circulation that supplies blood to the heart muscle)

2007-04-21 20:13:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

dr tested her and she has not got a bug, she is 9 months old , and has been doing this for 3 week, any suggestions welcome thankyou

2007-04-21 20:07:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

Do their life span is as everyone else's? thank you.

2007-04-21 19:51:00 · 11 answers · asked by Aldo 78522 4 in Other - Diseases

We've been only with each other -- no one else. We are clean from our annual visit to the Dr.'s office.
"Is it possible to get STD from either partner if we only have intimatcy with only each other?"

2007-04-21 19:50:39 · 9 answers · asked by Sandy 1 in STDs

Ever since I can remember I have hated milk. I don't like chocolate, ice cream, puddings or yogurts. I do like cheese but don't often eat a lot of cheese. I know that most give me a mild stomach ache but I'm wondering if subconsiously I avoid them because I know they give me stomach aches. Would you think the stomach ache would indicate I'm lactose intolerant.
Also my baby when she drinks formula it seems to make her upset I try and breast feed her when I can but she may have a bottle once a day, could she be lactose intolerant

2007-04-21 19:31:19 · 8 answers · asked by niknac 1 in Other - Diseases

Right now its 1:30 am and I'm still up cause I'm having a tough time breathing through my nose. My nose has been stuffed up on and off all day, and now that I'm trying to get to sleep its completely stuffed up.

I bought some cough drops that claim to help clear the nasal passages but they're not working. I also bought a nasal spray, but I can't breathe well enough through my nose to breathe it in.

What else can I try to help me breathe better so I can get to sleep?

2007-04-21 18:26:35 · 12 answers · asked by Tommy 2 in Allergies

My father, the heart patient, suffered from a minor heart attack a month ago. Lately he was prescribed ibuprofen for pain relief. After 3 days of medication (precribed dosage) he suffered from nausea, and blood vomiting. He is in intensive care unit right now. They have cleansed his system via laxatives. Not sure about the extent of damage though. What is the best way of recovery?

2007-04-21 17:55:05 · 2 answers · asked by Gaurav S 2 in Heart Diseases

2007-04-21 17:46:21 · 3 answers · asked by dinathewiz16 1 in Heart Diseases

I currently am writing an article about diabetes. I have been searching and reading many evidence-based articles. However, I'd like to hear your own opinion on diabetes type 2.

2007-04-21 17:42:45 · 20 answers · asked by ysl000777 2 in Diabetes


i always feel like im dying. my father dyed when i was 16, and when i started partying in my early twenties i went on hard core drugs for about two straight years. now im clean , been clean for 3 years now. but every time i feel bad or something dont feel righ ti think im dying. ill have thoughts like" this might be the day" or "here it comes im about to die" i know it sounds crazy and me writing this makes me a little embarassed but i cant help but think this constanty. ive been to the ER numourous times they have done ekgs and diagnosed me with severe panic attacks but i keep thinking there is something they have missed.anybody have this sort of problems and how do you cope with them im a full time dad and hard worker i work 50 hours a week in the sun and i dont know if my body can hold up. but

2007-04-21 17:34:39 · 19 answers · asked by minnis0610 1 in Other - Diseases

I have cystic fybrosis and my dad has told me that acetaminophen is bad for my health in the long term use. I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me know, it's much needed information. I have serached all over the net and not found one answer.

2007-04-21 16:54:13 · 11 answers · asked by sara d 2 in Respiratory Diseases

A molecule of water is in your Renal Artery. Please trace its path from the artery, though the urinary tract and out via urine. What structures will it pass through? What internal factors determine if and when the water leaves?

2007-04-21 16:51:34 · 4 answers · asked by andrea W 1 in Diabetes

After taking antibotics is taken for it a rash shows up only on neck and chest. Has anyone had this experience and what was the cause. I took 2 different antibotics and both times I got the rash.

2007-04-21 16:45:17 · 2 answers · asked by Peggy Pirate 6 in Respiratory Diseases

I've been experiencing lightheadedness and what appears to be a drop in my heart rate after drinking any type of alcohol. Over the past few weeks I want to go to sleep even after having a bottle of beer. I'm a 25-year-old male that has never had a low tolerance of alcohol and now I'm scared to drink because I think something is wrong and the alcohol is bringing it out. What is the alcohol doing? I haven't added anything to my diet or taken anything away. The only thing I've been taking that is new is a once a day multi vitamin.

2007-04-21 15:17:42 · 12 answers · asked by wileyj1133 2 in Heart Diseases

Is it normal for a teenager to have a HDL lower than LDL?.Recently i had going through a medical check-up and the result of my HDL is 0.96 while my LDL is 3.12.i noticed that my HDL is too low.Can anybody give me explaination...thank you

2007-04-21 15:09:22 · 4 answers · asked by spider 2 in Heart Diseases

I am 99.9% sure i have OCD . But i havent told my parents( i'm 13) Iam to afriad to tell them . I acculay feel more comftable telling my best friend. Should i tell her insted of my parents?

2007-04-21 15:03:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

My sister has been diagnosed with this and I have heard it progresses very rapidly. She has lost a lot of her word find abilities and now she sometimes doesnt understand the words spoken to her.
I am assuming within a couple years she will be very demented and maybe not able to understand anything and probably totally dependent for all of her needs.
What would you do if you were in my position? I am 16 yrs younger than her. She lives in Virginia and I live in Illinois and we arent really that close, but I wouldnt wish this on anyone.

2007-04-21 14:50:04 · 2 answers · asked by happydawg 6 in Other - Diseases

when he first went to the dr., he was very tired and his legs were swollen.....they took blood and found his white cell count was down........that was on monday of this week.....he went to the hospital thursday to get tests done and today the dr. told my sister his potassium is very low and his body is rejecting it........what would cause your body to reject potassium??? the dr. mentioned it could be cancer...........any other diagnosis?

2007-04-21 14:49:49 · 4 answers · asked by nemofish 4 in Other - Diseases

As you know it's spring, and the weather is getting warmer and yes I WILL need to wear short sleeves again. But, damn it I got a wart on my arm that is NOTICEABLE! Yes, I am working at it to get rid of it by taping this stupid pad or something that the doctor told me to use but, there is STILL a MONTH left until it will be gone. So how should I cover it up? Got any clever ideas? And please don't say BAND-AID because ppl are gonna be asking "y r u wearing a band-aid for a MONTH now?" PLEASE! Any creative ideas?

Or if you DON'T know then maybe a MIRACLE will happen and SOMEONE out there will know a way to get rid of a wart in a couple of days or something.

Help. I'm doomed.

2007-04-21 14:45:10 · 4 answers · asked by CherryCherry 5 in Skin Conditions

Has anyone heard if potassium will help RLS? I've recently read online that RLS could be from a depletion of potassium, magnesium or iron. Any thoughts?

2007-04-21 14:24:37 · 4 answers · asked by calliko 1 in Other - Diseases

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