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Health - 24 December 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

Has anyone ever eaten just 900-1,000 calories a day? How long did it take you to lose weight? If I were to keep this up for about a month or longer (no alcohol, no soda, some sweets if I break down) how much weight do you think one would lose?

2007-12-24 09:52:53 · 4 answers · asked by blahhhhhhhh 3 in Diet & Fitness

i don't know when to take my birth control. so i'm on it for the prevention of ovarian cysts, and i took my first month of it then immediately started the next pack of pills, did one week of them then my mom said i should've waited utnil i had another period before i started the second pack, i had a period though on about the third week of the pills, and now i stopped taking them since yesterday. should i continuly be on a pill or should i have a break and be on no pills when i'm on my period? please help!

2007-12-24 09:49:03 · 5 answers · asked by *Ashlen* 2 in Women's Health

It takes for me about 2-10 minutes, depends on how fast or slow we're going.

2007-12-24 09:48:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

hence..... alcohol, past, low esteem, drugs, sex, etc? is this just a cover up that some one can fake?

Not everyone in the world is truthfull so is this a mask they are hiding behind?

2007-12-24 09:44:02 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

2007-12-24 09:41:53 · 2 answers · asked by Joey A 1 in Respiratory Diseases

im taking estrostep. I recently started taking it again to avoid pregnancy. It says on the package to take it during your cycle but i waited till around 2 days after and all the while having sex. i was on my 5th pill of my first week and had sex and was ejaculated in 3 times. are my chances of getting pregnant VERY high? whats the deal with the pills how long do they take to start working effectively?

2007-12-24 09:41:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

im a first time user, used for the first time saturday night. im 16, 155 pounds, not so great shape a teeny bit on the fatter side, and i took 10 hits. how long will it be till it leaves my system.. info on all drug tests please including hair urine and fingerprints

2007-12-24 09:41:12 · 7 answers · asked by NYRNYM38 2 in Other - Health

Because you are already ovulating and can the change in weather do it too or anything? Im a bit late on my period but Im negative on two pregnancy tests, Ive been stressing a lot though so that could be it too, I just started my period about 4 months ago (I was off it for 2 and a half years due to my eating disorder untli I finally gained some extra weight back) if not any of that, what else could delay your period?

2007-12-24 09:38:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

i have a severe sore throat, it is very red and swollen. when i looked at it with a flash light i saw some white patches on my tonsills. what is that stuff and why is it there? no smart alec answers please.

2007-12-24 09:36:16 · 6 answers · asked by PRINCESS DI 4 in Infectious Diseases


as a high school student i have not been taught much about breast cancer. recently i "checked" for lumps and found a small one in the lower part of my right breast. i dont know what to do, could this be breast cancer? what should i do?

2007-12-24 09:33:49 · 4 answers · asked by just wondering 1 in Women's Health

Why do I still have brown blood in underwear and this is not my period because I had it already and I've been getting these brown blood for like 2 weeks already why is it taking so long for it to stop?It doesn't come out alot like when you have period it just comes out sometimes like a little bit.Do you think there might be a problem with my body?

2007-12-24 09:33:41 · 4 answers · asked by jaqueline_nguyen 2 in Women's Health

so i'm on it for the prevention of ovarian cysts, and i took my first month of it then immediately started the next pack of pills, did one week of them then my mom said i should've waited utnil i had another period before i started the second pack, i had a period though on about the third week of the pills, who is right?

2007-12-24 09:32:32 · 1 answers · asked by *Ashlen* 2 in Women's Health

hmm.. if a man has hiv, of course the virus would be transmitted from his semen to a woman right? but if a woman has hiv, how she transmit the virus to an un-infected man since i thought the man does not "receive" anything from the woman?

if the woman's vaginal fluid has the virus, is it mean if your penis touch the fluid then you would be infected? (even though if you don't ejaculate inside her vagina). What if a man's finger touch the fluid, then his finger touch his own penis, will the man be infected too?

2007-12-24 09:31:14 · 9 answers · asked by jas 2 in STDs


My back has been hurting since i woke up this morning until now which is 5 ish. Wondering if anyone knows anything to help me. I don't have any back problems and it doesn't happen often im thinking i slept on it wrong but i have taken aspirin and it not helping. so yeah i don't know what wrong. The best way to describe it feels like i almost have sunburn. I pretty much had no voice yesterday but today it come back for the most part. i don't think that would affect it but i figure i throw it out there.
Any advice would be great. considering that doctors will be close tomorrow because of Christmas!

2007-12-24 09:25:56 · 3 answers · asked by penny 1 in Pain & Pain Management

WILL WE CATCH MUMPS FROM THE PACKAGING THAT THE PRESENTS AND CARDS ARE IN? i need an answer as soon as poss, as they want to come up exmas day and drop presents off, please help me.

2007-12-24 09:25:33 · 5 answers · asked by trazh71 1 in Infectious Diseases

would a polyp on my gallbladder reveal the same pain as a gall stone i hade a hida scope today and the tech said it was normal

2007-12-24 09:22:13 · 6 answers · asked by elliepenelly 3 in Other - Diseases

2007-12-24 09:17:23 · 1 answers · asked by Shredder 1 in Women's Health

am the only one who thinks breathing is an annoying thing, like why do we do it, can't we just live without all this breathing? lol i'm not trying to say anything bad, just a question, before you say i'm crazy or something; okay?

2007-12-24 09:10:07 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

i started my first period on the 3 of dec. and it ended 4 days after and right now 12/24/06 it started again. can anyone tell me why this happened and i am not happy that it started on christmas eve. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

2007-12-24 09:06:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

Is it working for you, is it true you don't get your period for 5 years? Any side effects for you? Pls. let me know.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!!!

2007-12-24 09:05:00 · 2 answers · asked by tiffany 4 in Women's Health

my partner and i have been having sex for 2 months, and we are yet to find a position that's pleasurable for us both at the same time. we've both had an orgasm, but never in the same time having sex. he gets one when i'm ontop, i get one when he's ontop.

Does anyone know any tried and tested position(s) that induces orgasms for both partners at the same time?

i know we have plenty of time to practise and find out for ourselves, but its always good to have one to fall back on!

Thanks and Merry Xmas! x

2007-12-24 09:04:37 · 8 answers · asked by Lula<3 3 in Other - Health

Is it safe to work my abs every single day? Or should I work them out every other day? I really need to lose my extra belly fat. I know it's possible to get a flat stomach since I've done it before, but I don't want to hurt myself either. Thanks in advance.

2007-12-24 08:57:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness


It's been going on for a few weeks now. The first little while I would get sharp shooting pains in my lower right abdomen, then it would go away and just ache for a little while. Then I got woken up a few days ago by sharp shooting pains in my upper left abdomen. That also went away in a few seconds and then just ached. Today I woke up with aching in my upper right abdomen. I'm wondering if its pain that could be radiating from somewhere else? I'm really worried.

2007-12-24 08:50:20 · 2 answers · asked by chicainitaly 1 in Pain & Pain Management

can I buy a regular bike pedal to replace my broken exercise pedal?

2007-12-24 08:44:17 · 3 answers · asked by karma 7 in Diet & Fitness

Do any of you check the nutrition facts on the things you eat, for trans fat? If so do you decide not to get it because it has trans fat?

2007-12-24 08:42:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Life is really Hell on Earth at home. It's a very unhealthy environment and I am extremely depressed here. I just want to get away and enjoy life. I have three jobs as a lifeguard and work many hours. If I left, I'd let down my employers and I'd feel so bad. I have no friends here however, and I'm really lonely. It's mostly because since their were a lot of family problems, I've only been able to go to night school. I just want to pack my things up and move to Florida. It's my dream to become a scuba instructor. Do I follow the dream or do I Stick to the practical? It's such a huge decision, and honestly I'm so scared. The urge to leave is so great I'll pack and unpack atleast once a week. This may sound ignorant, but I have no drive to even graduate at this moment. I can just get a G.E.D anywhere. Any advice? Has anyone else moved out without graduating? I know most people regret it..

2007-12-24 08:34:59 · 24 answers · asked by emmalee123 2 in Mental Health