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Health - 7 February 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

What causes "forward head posture"? I'm just wondering because I have it REALLY bad and it's very painful at times.

2007-02-07 20:12:46 · 3 answers · asked by jamie68117 3 in Pain & Pain Management

i have been using an antibacteria soap for sometime now and want to know if it can have any effect on the skin later should i use it for a longer time.

2007-02-07 20:11:04 · 4 answers · asked by jannitto 1 in Skin Conditions

Recently with a significant weight gain, heavy alcohol consumption, and poor diet, i have noticed not necesarily a "pain" but a discomfort in the upper right stomach area, and slighty in the surrounding area. Also have the same, in the same area, but on the back, as if I pulled a muscle in my back. It only really hurts when pressure is applied to the certiain area. I have felt no naseua, and have not noticed any difference in urine or stool. Any ideas? And any advice to what I can do?
I have had my liver tested and that was ok, as well as my intenstines.
I am only 19 and havent been drinking for more than 2 years

2007-02-07 20:09:37 · 5 answers · asked by alongfortheride 2 in Pain & Pain Management

I was diognosed with clinical depression 8 mths ago,at this time my situation was in an upheavel. After 8 mths of battleing my practical situation has definetly alot better but I still wake up with gut wrenching depression regularly. I am on Efexor WR 150mg.
I feel "mentaly ill" at times and fight it off but not very well.

2007-02-07 20:07:32 · 6 answers · asked by Chris 1 in Mental Health

Right now, I am getting rabies shots. I know that rabies virus do not survive out of blood. But still I have a doubt. Rabies virus enters the blood to survive and then gets out of the blood to escape antibodies, and shelter somewhere else. Then it enters the blood again, to survive, and then again gets out of the blood, and it goes on. And so rabies virus survive in the human body and the person can develope rabies after the effect of the vaccination is finished. IS IT RIGHT OR WRONG ? CAN THIS HAPPEN ? PLEASE EXPLAIN AND CONVINCE ME. I AM IN DISTRESS.

2007-02-07 20:02:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

hey i need some help i made a like work out doing my push bike ect and the larst couple of days my bike stuffed up so i went for a run instead and i liked it more then riding in the morning my goal is losse all of my body fat as farst as i can i dont eat junk food eg fizzy drinks and lollies i eat vegies and my 3 meals a day and i have banna and 4 weet bix no suger what do yous think about going for a run in the morning then run home and cool down ect then get ready for school and ride to school its about 8 km to school easy for me but do yous think going for a run in the morning then riding to school would be beter then doing 30 km a day ????

2007-02-07 19:59:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Doctor advised me to change contraceptive im thinking about the implant. Doctor has gave me a month to think about it - should i stop taking the pill now or carry on taking them until iv made a decision. I have high blood pressure so it could be a gud idea to stop taking them but that means im not going to be protected - what should i do.

2007-02-07 19:56:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

i am m/ 29 yrs of age
I am bathing with hot water since childhood no matter what the temperature may be , i cannot bath with cold water at all, i start shivering in cold waters , i want to know if anyone knows how to get the habit ofcold water.

2007-02-07 19:56:17 · 3 answers · asked by Sumeet P 1 in Other - Diseases

2007-02-07 19:55:21 · 13 answers · asked by unknownz 1 in STDs

Last night I had some chicken and have felt really sick all night. Is it the slim fast?

2007-02-07 19:55:07 · 10 answers · asked by sara y 1 in Diet & Fitness

Go to a health food store and ask for a natural CRYSTAL STICK deodrant (but not one called 'smelly no more') and wash the affected area twice a day and rub this crystal on them. It's 100% natural and made from salt so is healing, it also provides a protective layer to help dirt going into pores.

For people who HAVE to pick and squeeze, wash immediately after and apply the crystal, you'll be AMAZED how fast it works.

I don't work for the co. or sell anything, I just want to help others who have the problems I had! it heals any minor skin ailments and if you rub it under yours armpits whilst thy'r wet, you won't smell either! It's amazing. Try it!

2007-02-07 19:51:31 · 4 answers · asked by SEJ71 3 in Skin Conditions

2007-02-07 19:47:43 · 4 answers · asked by Sabz 3 in Other - Health

i use 2 nasal sprayz, xylocomod and flixonase aqeous nasal spray and i use vibrocil nasal gel and aeurius pills.. also my right nostril feels like something is blocking the way.. im really worried my doctor says something is swollen and if the meds dont work for 2 weeks i will need an operation.. can someone help and tell me what i might be suffering from?

2007-02-07 19:44:19 · 8 answers · asked by SHoRTiYa 2 in Other - Health

This never happend to me earlier..but i am finding it really hard now to just go out...what the hell is wrong with me...a simple task of going to the college sometimes gets on me and makes me think a hundred times..i really dont like living like this..and the biggest thing is that there is just no reason why i shouldnt go out..it is just that my mind makes me do that..pls help me..is there anyone out there who can help..i am on meds but i would like some help as i lost my motjher when i was 10 and i am really alone..i would like to know if there is any site or something out there which could help me...coz i cant go to a therapist but i am on med for social anxiety disorder.

2007-02-07 19:38:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

My elbows have been cracking loudly for years, but the past few days they just stepped it up and are cracking very loudly almost every hour. All I do is bend them and they crack! crack! Why so often all of a sudden?

2007-02-07 19:36:59 · 2 answers · asked by itry007 4 in Other - Diseases

I got my braces off of my teeth 2 weeks ago and one side of my gums are inflammed and swollen & it hurts like hell.

I already tried to get my dentist to write me a script for pain but he wouldn't he just said take advil!

I am the kind of person that it takes 3 times the medicine than a regular person would take to work on me!

I can't help it but that's how my body is, it just don't break down the medicine like it should!

So it would take very powerful pain medicine to work on me!

But you know my dentist or doctor wouldn't buy that they would think I'm lying just trying to get some narcotics.

I'm not a drug seeker at all I just want some relief from the pain!

How will I convince my dentist to write me a script for pain just for a couple of days so I can have some relief?

2007-02-07 19:36:27 · 10 answers · asked by MadMax 1 in Dental

I've been getting these spletting pains in my head but I don't know what is classified as.

2007-02-07 19:34:11 · 10 answers · asked by Danys M 2 in Pain & Pain Management

no spam please

2007-02-07 19:33:26 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

I have alot I guess its from heels I wear does it ome from my heels!?

2007-02-07 19:33:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

hi everyone!well im 30 now and six months back i was diagnosed with mvp(trivial mr)..well can anyone tell me how serious conditions is this?any people out there who have these same kinda problem, please do reply..i had these symptoms from last 9 years..my cardiologist says that thrs nothing to worry about rite now..i just want to know are th any people who are suffering from these condtion and still live happily with out any surgery from many years?pls frends reply..and finally can these condition trivial be remain trivial for many years?any exercises to suggest?

2007-02-07 19:28:49 · 7 answers · asked by nishit 1 in Heart Diseases

my moms 2nd toe is bigger then her big toe and her 2nd toe is still growing and now curving towards her 3rd toe we use to laugh about it when i was little but now its starting to hurt her and the 2nd toe has calluses on it , she still laughs about it but im worry ,any advice would help thank you ( she just bought a spacer for her toe)

2007-02-07 19:28:26 · 4 answers · asked by chulita_tx 1 in Injuries

It sucks, doesn't it?

2007-02-07 19:27:33 · 4 answers · asked by skidrowdan 5 in Other - Diseases

I'm working on a presentation for school to put off smokers or potential smokers. I need to get as many pictures that will put off the smokers. Please could you find some links to horrific images?

2007-02-07 19:24:36 · 20 answers · asked by flobber238 2 in Cancer

HI, I'm going on a trip to vegas for my b-day in october, and I need to lose about 60 pounds by then. I know 60 pounds is a lot, so I'd be fine with losing 50. Does anyone know how I can lose this weight and fast. I don't care whats healthy and wants not. I just want know if theres a way I can do this that really works. if you don't know of any thing please don't answer my question.


2007-02-07 19:24:02 · 34 answers · asked by Mike B 1 in Diet & Fitness

Doctors are talking about salivary gland cancer in my husband,I looked it up on the internet and I am devasted. I cant bear the thought of my husbands face being disfigured..or his not being able to eat properly nor to lead the life he has been used to. nor his life expectancy. I am winding up my affairs because if he goes I want to go too. There is no way I want to stay around if he is not here.

2007-02-07 19:22:53 · 14 answers · asked by beyond paradise 4 in Cancer

i say tonsil stones

2007-02-07 19:21:10 · 9 answers · asked by wtfitsnguyen 2 in Dental

i already started smokin this week will it affect me?now i m completely normal .plz guide me.my age is 20.

2007-02-07 19:20:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

If i stop taking it on the 10th and my ovulation starts on the 14th could i get pregnant? I looked on the leaflet that came with the pack and it did not say. Also i have asked 2 doctors and they both told me different things. The pop pill stands for (progesterone only pill) basically no estrogen in them at all. Anyone?

2007-02-07 19:18:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

i accidently cut 2 of my fingers with a razor sharp knife and couldnt stop the bleeding after a litle bit i starded elling ill and went into a daze i remembered someone told me that blood doners eat fruit with high amounts of sugar after giving blood so i ate a plum.

2007-02-07 19:16:51 · 3 answers · asked by Glen d 1 in Other - Diseases

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