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Health - 16 December 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

i am so scared of becoming loose i avoid sex!! i always have relationship problems cause of it! is it possible?

2006-12-16 16:27:18 · 8 answers · asked by SEXY CRML 3 in Women's Health

I had LEEP done the other day. They gave me Viakadin for the pain and it made me feel extremely bad. I threw up 5 times and felt dizzy. I feel very nausious and dizzy today as well. Am I allergic to Vicadin? Why do I feel so crappy?

2006-12-16 16:26:35 · 3 answers · asked by kisses 2 in Women's Health

ok so pretty much i went to the obgyn and they said my liver enzymes are high and they wanna do some tests. what im worried about is if they test for drugs or alcohol.

2006-12-16 16:23:26 · 5 answers · asked by xbinary_dreamsx 2 in Other - General Health Care

plz write back

2006-12-16 16:23:19 · 2 answers · asked by hotterthanu15to2 1 in Women's Health

2006-12-16 16:20:00 · 4 answers · asked by mappygoo gonads 1 in Men's Health

Hi I am 13 and I sprained my knee a few months back. Now my knee pops out of place sometimes. And recently I have been experiencing pain in my knee and weakness. Today my knee started wabbling and gave out and I almost fell on top of my dog. Then when I was running my knee became weak and i was jogging with a limp sort of I just couldn't put pressure on my knee or bend it while walking and running. Then going down the stairs I couldn't walk that well on my knee. It felt limp and weak. I do have 2 joint problems caused from my bone diasease and it was raining out today. Could that be the cause of it although I only rarly experience this. And sometimes when i crouch down or sit on my knees my knee will sort of go out (I have to keep bending it in and out till I hear a loud pop and am able to strectch my leg out completly) And my knee does make quiet poping sounds when I bring it close to my chest, but this is not the poping I hear when I try to pop my knee back into place

2006-12-16 16:18:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

I know it sounds stupid, but i have two kids and ever since i had my second one i cant lose weight for nothing. Ive tried all kinds of stuff, nothing seems to work. But i am a stay at home mom too. I was just curious if there was anything i could do that would be convinent and free. i dont have the money to go to a gym or by diet pills. Thanks

2006-12-16 16:18:25 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I was looking at their moisturizers and anti-aging creams. have you tried any ? if so.. how did you like it ? i break out easily so i hope this works if i decide to use it.

i'm only 23 but best start early !

2006-12-16 16:13:25 · 7 answers · asked by nola_cajun 6 in Skin Conditions

I brush twice a day but still seem to get them frequent.

2006-12-16 16:12:58 · 4 answers · asked by VIRGO-06 2 in Dental

I got a tooth that had a rootcanal done,my teeth are bad need they are weak,anyways i knocked it looses accidentally and thought i could just yank it my self OUCH it's almost out but it hurt to keep it going anybody know a good way to numb it i pured liqed oral gel in it even and i want it out NOW its the weekend denist is closed its driving me NUTS!

2006-12-16 16:12:56 · 4 answers · asked by Camy 1 in Dental

2006-12-16 16:11:32 · 15 answers · asked by huney_mumi 3 in Infectious Diseases

i have had a problem with my knee for a whiel. i dont know what to do because i dont know if draining my knee will keep me out of work or something. i dont know if i should get it drained or not. i really dont know. what do you think i should do.


2006-12-16 16:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by Lynn M 1 in Other - General Health Care

i have a granduncle whos memory has been getting a lot worse lately.he sometimes...actually a lot of times repeats certain things that he has mentioned earlier.once his daughter fell down the stairs in her work place and hurt herself so she couldnt go to work for a while.she called and told her parents of course.when they came over to her house he asked her why she wasnt at work.she said she had already told him earlier that she wasnt well.he then asked her whether it was a fever or a flu she was having.he actually put his hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever.so she had to tell him again that she had actually fallen down.
its really sad to see him that way.what sort of disease could cause it.

2006-12-16 16:10:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

will 1-2-3 days matter to your muscles if you dont workout,? how long does it take for muscles to start to break down with out use?

Im just wandering...

2006-12-16 16:07:23 · 4 answers · asked by Aaron T 2 in Diet & Fitness

PLEASE make it simple and easy to understand.

2006-12-16 16:06:42 · 8 answers · asked by Morgan B 1 in Women's Health

I'm almost 13 and I've never had a period. What are they like? Do they hurt?

2006-12-16 16:03:05 · 15 answers · asked by Underdog2478 3 in Women's Health

About a week ago I noticed my bellybutton was kinda sore, the other day I picked what looked like a scab or something out of it and it smelled pretty bad. So today I shaved the hair around it, looked at it good and noticed a little red bump inside my bellybutton,since then i've been cleaning it with peroxide and putting neosporin on it. I'm worried about it being a hernia...it's freakin me out!!!
When I touch it with the q tip a little blood get on it, its not bleeding but almost oozing.

2006-12-16 16:01:06 · 4 answers · asked by HEYGUY 1 in Other - Health

My mother has had this nose rash for quite some time. She went to doctors but they gave her bogus medicine.
Here are two pictures:
She says she gets a burning scensation and itchiness.
It looks a bit dry too.

2006-12-16 16:00:14 · 6 answers · asked by KirillB85 1 in Skin Conditions

Don't get me wrong , its not like I come close to blacking out or anything, but heres what happens....

This has been going on for YEARS ( I mean atleast 10). It doesn't happen all of the time, but more like in the spring, and I guess in the winter because it's happening now. I can breathe, but I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen and I have to stop and take deeeeeep breathes. I thought it was asthma, but I got a test done at the doctors and he said that I didnt have it. He didnt seemed concerned at all, and never really gave me an answer. I was telling my school nurse about it one time and she said it sounded like allergies. I do have like flemmy stuff in my throat, but I'm not coughing it up or anything.
I dont know its pretty weird and I've been living with it long enough to not be worried about it, but it can be so annoying! Any ideas on what it could be?

2006-12-16 15:58:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

Okay, I went to Sonic and ordered a chicken sandwich, went home started eating it when i realized the chicken wasnt cooked. The middle was raw. Of course I took it back and got my money back but I'm wondering since there is a slight chance i swallowed a small piece of raw chicken, what are the chances of me getting sick or food poisoning? Is there any thing I can do at home without having to go to the hospital that will prevent it from doing what ever it does lol. I realllllly dont want to get sick. I've had food poisoning before and it was Terrible. I wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy. So you can see why I dont want to get sick, Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

2006-12-16 15:58:15 · 16 answers · asked by stoneydork21 2 in Other - General Health Care

i'm 24 and recently married. I've been sexually active since turning 21. However, i realised i've contracted warts only this year. I've been treated since. However, what are the chances of it recurring? Can it be "totally" cured? When can I have an intimate relationship with my wife again?

My main concern here is my wife. Unfortunately, she has been infected with internal and external warts. Her gynae informed her that her case is complicated and require laser surgery, which in turn require her to stay 1 night in hospital after treatment. Is it that serious or is it normal procedure? What are the costs like? In the meantime, she's given cream to apply on her external wart & no oral medication.

Lastly, whether will we be able to conceive naturally in the future? And when is the "right" time to start? I'm worried as we are planning to start a family in 2 years time.

2006-12-16 15:57:50 · 9 answers · asked by Nick L 1 in STDs

like, about a week or less, and there was a slim chance that I could get pregnant, would I miss that period?

2006-12-16 15:55:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I had a cyst removed on my chest about 6 weeks ago and the doctor put me on antibiotic for a week. A week later, the removal the stitches were removed. Two weeks after the stitches were removed, the incision area did not look right to me. It looked like a fresh pink wound ( like when a scab falls off). I went to the doctor and he cauterized the area and said that a stitch had been left in and he removed it and put me on doxycycline antibiotic. The next week I saw two string looking things poking out and the area still looked like a fresh wound so I went back he said that the disolvable stitches did not disolve so he removed the two hanging out. So now this week, the area still still looks like a fresh wound and I am still on the antibiotic twice a day. I don't know if I am paranoid and that I should just take the doctors word that it will be fine or should I go see another doctor.

2006-12-16 15:55:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

every morning, My nose is full and bleeds. I have to blow my nose for about 1 hour to clear it. this is everyday, any suggestions for help?

2006-12-16 15:54:52 · 9 answers · asked by Ginnykitty 7 in Respiratory Diseases

I was beginning to think that something had died under the house or in the attic. After searching for a while I realized that it was my husbands new shirt. He wore it for the first time today. When I put my nose in it it made me feel sick and my throat started to feel like it was closing up. I could not breath. I took some benadryl and opened the window. Feeling better but it is so strange.

2006-12-16 15:53:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Allergies

2006-12-16 15:50:20 · 12 answers · asked by chuchito 1 in Other - Health

I dropped a hot plate right on top of my big toe about a year ago. The pain was the worst I've ever felt. A blood blister formed and the nail eventually came off. Well, a new nail has since grown back. Suddenly, though, my toe has begun being really sore again. I had to be careful of my shoes. Then the pain went away and I figured that I banged it on something to begin with. Now the pain is back and my toe is swollen and red around the nail. I'm going to the doctor soon, but I wanted someone's opinion on why it keeps hurting. Can someone tell me what might be wrong?

2006-12-16 15:49:39 · 6 answers · asked by Blackadder 2 in Injuries

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