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Weddings - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

I'm looking for something unique. Ages 5 & 6?
I've searched online and haven't come up with anything great yet.

2007-06-28 05:19:09 · 11 answers · asked by angel 3

we're having a bride and groom triva game at our couple's shower. can you please give me some "unique" questions for our guests to answer? we were planning on giving mutiple answers for some of the questions.

here's an example of some of the questions i came up with...

who's better at giving massages?
who hates cleaning the bath tub?

need help!!! need something uniqe and funny!!
most unique and funny questions gets 10 points and a star!!!

2007-06-28 05:16:31 · 9 answers · asked by Shrimpboat 3

or may be it is sincerity when you know you have "enjoyed "each other already

2007-06-28 05:00:54 · 10 answers · asked by solofaak 1

I love my little sister dearly (she's 22) But its only a month away from my weding and the bachloette party has not been planned, no one knows whats going on. I havnt even heard any details untill my friend called and asked what was going on. The only thing everyne knows at this point is the date of the party. Thats it! I would be happy just to hang out with the girls at my place, nothing expensive! I don't need to spend money to have a good time. I have expressed time after time that I dont want anything crazy....I I have given her hundreds of ideas, non being expensive.Every month I ask whats going onand there is no set plan. My sister gets frustrated and gets angry at me for asking. I figured this was too stressful for her to handle and maybe to have the help from some of our family but she is too stubborn. She truley belives she does not need help, but does nothing at all. Iam tired of telling her (in a nice way)how much stress this is causing me and everyone. Whats left to do?

2007-06-28 04:52:35 · 16 answers · asked by L 3

My brother is 26yrs old and is getting married next week but I don't know what to get him for his wedding! Or what gift shall i buy the couple?? I'm a typical student so I don't have much money but I'm willing to spend quite a lot, i think my budget is about £100? Please help!

2007-06-28 04:51:23 · 30 answers · asked by Roxy 2

Yes, it's for the crazy friends for those on yahoo who know me all too well.

She is having the second wedding in Jan- nothing is booked yet. And the guest list is not done yet.
I talked to her sister and due to the fact that her sister is pregnant we want to have the shower in October so she can be there.
Granted the bride actually books something- when is the latest we should send out the invitations?
We don’t know how many people yet because the bride is talking 80 and the bridesmaids are planning to state that is ridicule and she needs to scale it down to close family and friends- more like 20-30.
So to make a long story short- there is a ton of drama going on and I was seriously getting the feeling that this is going to come down to the last min. No one wants to start planning until she actually books something- and to tell you the truth- I am right there with them on that. So when is the absolutely latest date you can start doing this stuff and not have it be horrible lo

2007-06-28 04:44:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

ill take any ideas at all!

2007-06-28 04:31:09 · 19 answers · asked by Mindy 3

2007-06-28 04:05:34 · 56 answers · asked by yudi 1

I am unable to attend the wedding, and I feel really bad, I don't want to hurt her feelings, but we just can't afford to make the trip.

2007-06-28 04:00:32 · 43 answers · asked by Beautiful Bee 2

2007-06-28 03:45:27 · 3 answers · asked by legal 1

my fiance says he doesnt like the "skinny dresses" and my dress is skinny. He does like lacey dresses though, and my dress is lacey. here is a picture:

should I be worried, or what should I do? I love it, and was told by complete strangers (trying on other dresses) at the bridal shoppe that it was perfect on me, but I dont want to see the disapointment on my fiances face when I walk down the isle, I want him to love it. I know its just a dress, but still.

2007-06-28 03:29:55 · 30 answers · asked by flutterflie04 5

we're having a bride and groom triva game at our couple's shower. can you please give me some "unique" questions for our guests to answer. we were planning on giving mutiple answers for some of the questions.

here's an example of some of the questions i came up with...

who's better at giving massages?
who hates cleaning the bath tub?

need help!!!

2007-06-28 02:45:09 · 11 answers · asked by Shrimpboat 3

I didn't even get a whole day off from the job (he gave me 2 half days off). I was only married on Tuesday and today is Thursday and he's sending me out of town because he says they need extra help in Chicago...

I told him I just got married 2 days ago and can't I go next week instead, but he insists that they really need help there. My wife is really upset about it... What is the best way to handle this situation?

2007-06-28 02:19:55 · 20 answers · asked by Jason 6

Where is the best place in Boston to get married? Anyone who thinks Cheers don't even bother to awnser (two words frasier and diane).

2007-06-28 01:59:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm getting married in the Caribbean next week and I need some help. I need to get the wrinkles out of my gown. I do not have a steamer and the water does not get how enuf in the shower to do it in the tub.....Any suggestions???

2007-06-28 01:53:13 · 14 answers · asked by Mimi 1

2007-06-28 01:50:47 · 21 answers · asked by Lindsay Jane 6

...Back in the day you would think it would be the other way around. The man offering a big expensive ceremony for his new wife... So how did this tradition start?

2007-06-28 01:20:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-27 23:35:24 · 8 answers · asked by sackallan 1

ok, i am getting married in a month and my theme of my wedding is light blue and white. and i dont know what kind of floweres i should get or how i should decorate for my reception please somebody out there please help me.

2007-06-27 23:17:19 · 6 answers · asked by navy girl 07 2

we're all from vegas. Need more ideas. already got strippers and alcohol. Need fun drunk activities.

2007-06-27 21:54:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Iam in need of a different cheesy verse(wordings) to print in my invitaion card(the content).i love presenting myself differently.can anyone help me with a beautiful blue print of it?
Thanks in advance

2007-06-27 19:57:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is money simply the best idea? have any other suggestions.

2007-06-27 19:18:38 · 16 answers · asked by lady_capulet28 1

2007-06-27 19:15:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Getting married outside of Las Vegas in October. I need a florist that I can deal with from afar seeing as I cant get there until the wedding. ANYONE with a referral?

2007-06-27 17:13:50 · 8 answers · asked by ♥monamarie♥ 5

I've never wanted an engagement ring. I don't wear rings and think they're a waste of money (for me). Back in my 20s, I got engaged with no ring, which upset my mother. Now I'm in my 40s and will soon be engaged. I told my partner about my previous engagement sans ring.

He says he needs to get me a ring for two reasons: A. He want to be on good terms with my mother who is dealing with cancer and doesn't want to upset her. B. He's in his 50s and doesn't want to appear cheap to my family.

So, I'm going along with the ring to please my mother and partner. But I wanted to get some opinions on this.

2007-06-27 14:57:44 · 29 answers · asked by Ms. X 6

I originally agreed that there will be no private strippers for my bachelor party and she was ok with that. Now that its getting closer she has now said no strip club either and no strippers at all. i keep telling her that i have no desire to go to a strip club but if thats what the other 20 guys that are at the bars with me want to do then i am fine with going. i will not be the one making the suggestion but if someone else does im not going to stop it either. all i care about is that everyone has a good time and if having a good time to them is going to a strip club then no big deal to me. am i being crazy or is she??? and what should i do? tell my best man that me and my fiance have decided absolutely no strip club or do i just go with the flow that night and suffer the consequences later?

2007-06-27 14:53:07 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want the dress in the best possible shape.

2007-06-27 13:56:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

its the dress thats similar to jessica simpsons wedding dress
if you can help please do
thanks in advance!!!

2007-06-27 12:51:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

All my coworkers received a wedding invite (ceremony only). One of them, who frequently backs out of many other social invitations I plan, told me (twice) she lost the invite i gave her, it's stuck somewhere in her paperwork, and wanted to know the date? Would you be annoyed?

2007-06-27 12:12:11 · 13 answers · asked by penelope 2