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Singles & Dating - 28 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2007-12-28 17:43:23 · 6 answers · asked by Lynn 2

When I turned 18. my moms best friend called me and said she had a gift for me, I wnet over she was wearing a teddy, and she seduced me this was my first time having sex should I tell my mom?

2007-12-28 17:37:20 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

loosen up a bit ladies !?!

do you remember this song "saying what you gonna do to me, but i see nothing !" -***** cat dolls , -buttons

total, TRICK, Bull$H*T song.

2007-12-28 17:31:45 · 6 answers · asked by Elijah C 2

i don't know if i am or not. i feel kind of foolish asking this question when no one here actually knows me but whatev. when i think about her i can't help but smile, i think about her almost all the time... from when i wake up til when i go to bed. we've talked about everything, we've shared our secrets. she told me i am her best friend and she loves me. somehow i am still unsure. does this mean it's not love? i don't think realisticly she could actually love me as much as she says. maybe like, but not love. i am a bad person with a nightmare of a past and i don't think she really loves me. does she love me? do i love her? what should i do?

2007-12-28 17:30:21 · 34 answers · asked by Frog Smith 1

I have this girl. She a few years younger than me and I have grown to love her. I had to leave her to come home to get some things together so I can bring her out here to live with me, her and her baby. Now after saying shes in love with me and all, now shes is saying she doesnt know what she wants. I am pissed. Why now she is acting like this?

2007-12-28 17:21:24 · 6 answers · asked by kirkthegame 1

Seriously! If someone "Cheats" on you, what is it exactly that you have been cheated out of? If he/she's cheating as you all call it, then that means he or she came back home to you. You didnt lose them! So what is it exactly that you were "Cheated out of?" hhhmmmmm?? Oh I cant wait to see the responces to this one ha!

2007-12-28 17:21:00 · 19 answers · asked by I Love Me a Freakin Good Burrito 2

I'm 14, and I want to ask this girl out to a movie over the winter break, but I only have her cell phone number.

Is it ok to text her and ask her to the movie, or should I try to call her and ask her out?

2007-12-28 17:19:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to use one on this one hot chick

2007-12-28 17:14:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I been dating this girl for 5 months now, my feelings for her are strong I love her. But there is something,that's been bothering me lately. I'm the romantic type. I like spending my time with her alone. Sometimes, it doesnt bother me much if im with her friends as well... but,we're totally different.I'm the type that always wants to talk to her, we live an hour apart.so i dont see her as much as i would hope for.I'm affectionate. She's not.Understandable.I've always wanted to be the person she is,doesnt show emotions, cares, but doesnt make it obvious to her the world, just her.But i cant be, ihave a few issues,she's asked me to change my ways if i want to keep her around.meaning being less emotional, calling less, giving her space.I agree,but is it wrong to ask me to change the way i am?should i continue with this relationship or calling it quits? Ive always wanted to be the person she wants me to be though, I just been having a hard time becoming it =\ help!?!?

2007-12-28 16:57:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my ex didn't ever really get along after we had our son. And now he's four months old are we haven't been together since he was about 2 1/2 months old. He cheated on me in January, i stole 20 dollars from him in November.... But he broke up with me for that but for some reason i stayed with him after i found out he cheated. But for some reason i feel like i need him. He's dating the girl he cheated on me with, he doesn't buy our son anything now, he was always emotionally abusive in some ways. Like calling me retarded for little things, calling me whore, slut, ***** ect. And was always accusing me of cheating when i never did and he was. And i want to know why i still have feeling for him?? I dont really want to but its extremely confusing!!!! HELP!!!!!!!

2007-12-28 16:55:02 · 9 answers · asked by Kirby 1

when it's the right time to tell someone you love them?

2007-12-28 16:49:36 · 15 answers · asked by Tara 7

2007-12-28 16:39:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 24, i had 5 gf before.. and a dozens of flings.. now i'm single.. i have my own business.. and my health is perfect..

but now i feel lonely.. and i think im old.. and that i might be able to find the girl of my dreams.. am i old to be a single? how old does guys usually get married?

2007-12-28 16:32:59 · 8 answers · asked by deadmeat 3

Hello everyone

I just have to run this by someone and I thought you guy might have some insights.

Okay, here we go

I am 26 and I met a girl, she's in university and pretty young 20. We met up, I made it clear that I was looking for a serious relationship (GF/BF situation) she said ok but she wants to get to know each other. That's great!

I did my best to be a gentleman, we had fun, never any pressure, went out on some dates. Now here it is:

I went away for Christmas, we communicated by email. I told her and I quote: "I like you and I have missed you."

I guess that was a mistake, she went werid. Said she was afraid I would force here to move faster then she wanted and she didn't have those feelings. I reassured her that it's cool, I don't want to push her and I didn't expect anything.

I guess she wasn't into me cause she won't even see me or talk to me as a friend anymore. I am very sad about it cause I did really like her and she was everything I wanted. Opinions?

2007-12-28 16:22:14 · 25 answers · asked by Karce 4


There is this girl that I REALLY like, she is in my grade and my school, and school is back in like next week. This girl likes me the same way I like her, but she says she doesn't want a boyfriend right now. I asked her a question like "What would you say to me if I asked you out like right now ?" And then she said what's up there ^^^^ .. And with this added: "But I'd also kinda like to get to know you a little better" .. We knew each other like since school went back from summer but haven't really talked up until this month and we talked A LOT since. What I am asking is, she likes me, I like her, she doesn't want a boyfriend RIGHT NOW, should I ask her out like a few days after school goes back ? Please tell me me what you think. Thank you and have a god day :)

2007-12-28 16:20:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

*~'Please be honest and helpful'~*

Ok I am a thinker and I tend to think alot, so one day I was thinking how my gf acts when she is around her friends, but I didn't want to be direct so I tricked her into giving me the answer. she said "Friends are supposed to be there for each other" ok that was fine with me and then she said some more " It doesn't matter if they hold hands walking down the streets or lay together holding each other" With more things still to be said I am a nice guy and work hard to give my gf what she wants but after telling me that im concered on the things that she might be doing with her freinds. Because we hold hands and lay togther under blankets, and also she's not honest to me when I know she talks about sexual things to this one dude who i had to find out on my own was her ex bf of 2yrs.

So is there anything that you can help me with.

2007-12-28 16:15:27 · 27 answers · asked by Mitchell 2

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for a while now, and he use to call me everyday. Now, i have to call him every other day and i think it's because we have nothing to talk about on the phone.
please help me with some conversation starters cus i dont want to be known as the boring girlfriend.

2007-12-28 16:12:59 · 20 answers · asked by Laura(<3=]) 2

I got my heart stomped on recently and there's this event where I'm gonna have to see him on January 7th. I don't want to miss it and show I'm afraid to see him. But I do want to lose weight, look fabulous so he'll eat his heart out. What's a quick sure-fire way to lose weight quick and fast by January 7th? (Hopefully something that doesn't include a really strict diet because it's almost New Year and I like to celebrate with loads of food)

2007-12-28 16:10:32 · 6 answers · asked by callieRach 7

I think he really likes me.how do get him to ask me out.Or talk to me.

2007-12-28 16:08:20 · 7 answers · asked by Kay K 1

ok so im a girl and im a freshman in high school. so far my luck with guys hasnt been so great. ill be completely honest. im pretty, funny, smart, and athletic. im tall( 5 9 - do you think that intimidates guys?) and im always nice to people and flirt with guys a lot.

so how come NO ONE has asked me out?

i know i sound desperate and its kinda cuz i am lol.

basically, what im asking is how do i get guys to like me enough to ask me out?

any advice?

2007-12-28 16:07:26 · 21 answers · asked by allie 3

I met this girl during a company orientation in Sept. She and I work for the same company but totally different areas so us possibly dating is not a big deal in our company. Anyways our jobs both have us travel a lot during the week so we really don't get to see each other or hang out that BUT we stay in touch with each other via e-mail or company IM...mostly IM. We rarely call each other...I know..I know ...not good.

So anyways I would like to hang out with her more often with just the two us.......

How do you guys recommend that I do this without being so obvious? Or is obvious good? ....She might think this is weird after 4-5 months of knowing her


2007-12-28 16:06:05 · 5 answers · asked by lenz0223 1

I saw some male enhancement commercial on tv so now im curious.

2007-12-28 16:06:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been dating my girlfriend for almost two years now. We have lived together for nearly a year. There's no problems in our relationship, but there's something that's just perplexing my mind. Many times when we go out, there's always several nagging guys that go up to her and try to flirt.

The thing is, I don't have a freakin' clue how to handle this. Should I be aggressive and ward them off? Or should I just pull her away? Every time it happens, she doesn't say anything to me about it afterwards -- and I know it aggravates her -- and I don't say anything to her either (I don't know what to say).

So, in hindsight, and prospectively, what the heck should I do when put in these situations?


2007-12-28 16:03:25 · 11 answers · asked by Rick 2

people say time is the cure for getting over heartbreak...which is true but its so hard when you through you were going to be with that person forever! he told me he wanted to marry me and i seem to not be getting over it any time soon! its been like 3 months and it hurts still just the same as day one..i mean i cope with it better when i see him with the 'new girl' but i still cant get passed seeing life without him forever. i keep thinking he will come back one day...even though i know he might not...what shall i do in this time? ugh

2007-12-28 15:59:15 · 18 answers · asked by kamdgal 1

Im 21. Ive been seeing a girl for almost three months. She has serious trust issues b/c she has been hurt in the past. I got her a hoodie for christmas. She texted me tonight saying that she was cuddling up in the hoodie i got her. I reponded a half hour later b/c my phone was upstairs and I was downstairs and i didnt get the text for a half hour. She got very angry and asked what took so long to respond. She hasnt talked to me in days because i took a half hour to respond to her text. Is she overreacting. Do all girls act like this??

2007-12-28 15:59:15 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

only kinda short.
like 2 inches above the shoulders in a cute style

2007-12-28 15:57:44 · 6 answers · asked by french fry 2

i had sex a couple times and everyone says it feels so good but when i did it i dint feel anytin dat good was it because the guy wasnt doing it rite or what??

2007-12-28 15:57:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

because i have a crush on one of my closes friends. and im scared you know maybe its wrong so should i forget about him?

2007-12-28 15:56:40 · 11 answers · asked by ma_ong82 1