I dated this guy for some time. Although it was a long distance relationshop, we stayed in touch almost everday. I know he really liked me a lot. Our relationship was at a point were I was ready for an engagement, but he was not. He said that he still wanted some time to think about us. Although he was 99.9% sure about me, he was not there 100%. I was tired of waiting, so I told him that if cannot commit 100%, then I dont want to see him anymore. He was not ready for that, so I said at the moment that if two months down the road, both of us still have feelings for each other, then we will rethink. He never contacted me after that, but over the weekend, he finally got in touch (it was exactly two months and 1 week since we last talked). He said that he has dreams about me. Does that mean that he has been thinking about me or missing me this whole time? How can I approach him and ask him where he stands right now. I dont want to see him if he is not ready for engagement.
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