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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

im a very sensitive girl.. but its one of the few times HE is the one that goes on a trip (its usually me).. so im kind of sad.. mostly because he went to china and we wont be able to talk much... maybe email once in a while.. i just realized how much i LOVE him.. and i cried a little.. is that normal or over reacting?

who do u think is missing the most- him that is far away from home or me, stuck at home?
im leaving tomorrow to NYC so probably ill be more distracted there

2006-12-25 14:33:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

can talk on the phone for hours with my ex-husband about anything. I told my friend,that if he wants to be my b/f he has to accept,that my ex is like my best friend now.He doesn't want to.What do u think ? I'm i right or wrong ? I'm being very honest here.

2006-12-25 14:33:02 · 4 answers · asked by dersexy 1

Okay so i'm totally into this guy.. hes my bestfriend.. and i've had the biggest crush on him for about 2 mouths now.. okay ahah i no that sounds fine but the thing is.. i dont no if he likes me back.. and i cant get the nerve to just ask him.. he's a flirt.. he doesnt do what he does to me to other girls.. but it does flirt.. abit so i dont no if he likes me or its just his perosnalty.. but if were hanging out, like once we were watching a movie.. he'll put his legs over mine.. and "accentdently" touched my hand with his.. he didnt tell me that.. i just think he tryed it to see what i'd do.. i was @ his house the other night and we layed down together and watched a movie.. he played with my hair, nickleace, and touch my hand again.. and we just practially cuddled.. lol i pratically through myself @ him.. and he doesnt seem to make the fist move and i cant tell if hes a if he likes me? (do any of u guys do this) ugh aha please help :) any advice would b GREAT

2006-12-25 14:31:43 · 7 answers · asked by laguna -beach 1

Well he wanted to be friends with benefits, but I broke it off because I have feelings for him and want more. But he still emails me about his life and stuff so I guess he still wants to be friends even though I won't sleep with him any more. So what should I do? I"m thinking if I stick around and be friends with him maybe he'll want to be more? Maybe he just needs some time to ease into it? I really like him a lot so it also hurts a lot that he doesn't want more. So anyways I'm just confused about what I should do. Merry Christmas! Thanks!

2006-12-25 14:31:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

one would you pick? As I said, the two people were identical in every way--their only difference was eye color. Which one would you choose?

2006-12-25 14:30:21 · 34 answers · asked by Bastet's kitten 6

My boyfriend is 15. he said he is not totally interested in sex, but here is the thing, he is not a virgin. Do you think he really is interested in sex. I mean i think he said it to drive me crazy cause i know i am ready.

2006-12-25 14:27:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 14:27:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

About a month ago I started dating this really nice guy. Then he had a major personality change 1 week in, and became violent.
Example: kicking chairs, hitting walls, etc.
He even swung at me once. I was scared so I got out. Then he started stalking me, sending me scary emails, and calling me constantly. I was so afraid that my dad would walk with me to my college classes, and many of my friends made sure that I was never went anywhere alone.

About 2 weeks ago he stopped.

Now I have a new boyfriend, and my ex is back, trying everything to get us to seperate.

How can I get me ex to leave me alone so I can move on?

2006-12-25 14:26:51 · 23 answers · asked by Jinju Ha 2

Im 35, I didn't have any money and I live with my mom, so I only got my girlfriend a stocking of coal. LOL. I've always wanted to do that to someone. She got me some nice stuff, but I couldn't help it. Why would she be mad, knowing my situation?

2006-12-25 14:26:02 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

they acted nice and interest at one point and later, they acted really weird and trying to avoid me...... should i continue to being nice to them or should i ignore them all......

2006-12-25 14:25:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, i have this little worry inside my head that maybe my future perhaps boyfriend likes my best friend. like i know they talk alot on email and suddenly she stopped talking to me and so did he!! im worried about that becuase i cant go out with the guy until later but she can.. and like i was talking to him earlier and he like didnt talk so much and i said something and hes like maybe we shouldnt think about going out...i dont want this to happen and if it does i will have no becuase of my last boyfriend that did something and i pretty much cant take it anymore...does he want to go out with her and how can i tell if they are going out? tell me what u think about this, and i asked him if he liked her and hes like not like that but that was before all this happened. i was being a drama queen but i am normally not like that. i told him i was sorry and hes like whatever. im scared that im going to have a broken heart and never be able to go out with this guy. tell me what u think

2006-12-25 14:25:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Finding out Orlando Bloom has a girlfriend/stick figure
2. Winona Ryder shop lifting
3. The divorce of Nick and Jessica
4. The divorce of Brad and Jennifer
5. Finding out Lance of N'Suk in mean N'Sync was gay
6. The divorce of Britney and K-Fed
7. Finding out the largest size in Bebe is a 5 and the girl helping you says "I beleive Wal-mart carries your size"...... Down the block turn left.
8. Lenny Kravitz's perm
9. Finding out your are scheduled to be on the Jerry Springer show. ( Not in the audience.)
10. Having to deal with the fact that Christina Aguilera sounds way better than Britney Spears

2006-12-25 14:24:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

That guys know who they want to be with before a female can tell? And if so, Why is that?

2006-12-25 14:21:51 · 5 answers · asked by The one who knows 3

2006-12-25 14:21:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

She keeps blocking my requests to ask a question. Why? Why?

I just wanted to know how I should ask my girlfriend if she would anal sex.

2006-12-25 14:20:14 · 8 answers · asked by Hotwad 980 3

I really like this guy and i asked him to go see a movie with me he said yes..gave me his number and said call him...well b4 i could call him he called me....so i called him yesterday.....and he jokes a lot....how do i know if he likes me as in wants me to be his gf?

2006-12-25 14:20:13 · 11 answers · asked by amber j 2

ugly as in not crooked but sticking out and a gap in b/w

2006-12-25 14:20:05 · 21 answers · asked by popr7 1

It never happened,and now my ex. won't let go and wants to be my best friend,i accepted that.I'm not a show off, but it feels great
to have these guys like me.I like one of them,but i don't want to hurt the others, how should i let them know without hurting them ?
can u help ? Do u think its ok to keep in touch with my ex,and talk about anything ? even if i have new friends now ? One of my guys friend said its not appropriate to talk for hours with my ex,IF he and i become b/f and g/f do u agree or disagree ? I explained to him, that he has to accept that, is better to be honest right ????

2006-12-25 14:19:44 · 7 answers · asked by lady c 1

2006-12-25 14:19:37 · 15 answers · asked by abdul k 1

to lots of people in general?

I mean sure "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but this doesn't mean it's limited to one or two people right?

2006-12-25 14:19:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

You and I both seem to be busy at different times and neither one of us can spend time together. I think that it would be best for the both of us to go back to being just friends.

2006-12-25 14:18:58 · 11 answers · asked by The one who knows 3

well i got together with my bf yesterday and i knew him like for almost 5 days before we got together. i have never felt this feeling that i have for him. is it really possible for me to love this soon?

2006-12-25 14:18:47 · 3 answers · asked by sarah#2 1

I really like this guy and we tell each other we love each other. I said he could see other girls if he gets lonely but he said no he is totally committed to me. So, do I see other guys or do I do like him and be committed to him and if I can't just break up with him?

2006-12-25 14:17:14 · 8 answers · asked by amyth74 2

1) What kind of girls dovskaters like?

2) What kind of boys like skater girls?

3) Is it possible for a skater boy to like a prep?


2006-12-25 14:15:58 · 7 answers · asked by me 1

So, I sit next to this guy in my chemistry class. He and I talk every day, all period long, and we have become good friends. But here's the deal, I cant tell if he likes me or not.

Whenever I see him outside of class he says "hi" to me, even when he is with his friends. He asked me if he could be in my lab group in chemistry also. He has complimented me quite a few times also (saying that I'm pretty, and how much he loves being in 6th period) He knows all of mine and my friend's inside jokes, and he goes along with everything. I talked to him with some guy problems that I had recently, and I got the feeling that he was trying to discourage me from going out with him. Now every day he asks me what happened with the guy. I just told him Friday that I have given up on that guy, and he seemed kinda happy. Ever since I have been talking about that guy to him, he has brought up his ex-girlfriend. He doesnt have a girlfriend now tho.

I cant tell if he likes me or not. What do you think?

2006-12-25 14:13:17 · 7 answers · asked by Shelby 1

I need some help, Three months ago I meet this girl who is perfect, I mean she is the marrying kind, the woman every man wants to marry, she´s really pretty, slim, sweet, nice, funny, etc. But I don´t know why I started to freak out, even dough she has never brought committement up, I freaked and I just stopped calling her. I feel bad and stupid and like a real asshole for doing this to her because I know I´m about to loose the greatest woman I have ever meet but I can´t help but freak I´m really afraid of committement I guess, but what can I do, I don´t want to loose her but I just can´t help to push her away even dough I reeally like her and miss her, so HELP what can I do?

2006-12-25 14:12:44 · 9 answers · asked by john m 1

Looking through dating sites and just the men in my town...Most are always wearing baseball caps....So did my Dad and his father..I do not want a man who lives in baseball caps...sigh...

2006-12-25 14:11:21 · 24 answers · asked by Mechelle C 3

How many girls have really ticklish feet but still likes having them tickled? Always wanted to meet such a girl...

2006-12-25 14:11:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well I used to like him and he knew it, but he started going out with my best friend, and I stopped liking him and he knew it...

Then he asks casually who I like now, and after i slow danced with his best friend he told me that his friend was a fag for doing that. We hung out as usual but a week later he told me I wasn't allowed to talk to his friend anymore because they're in a fight....

Why is he acting like this when he still likes my best friend a lot?
(sorry I keep asking this but I need more answers)

2006-12-25 14:09:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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