I met a guy/friend from Lebanon through Yahoo last year. A couple of months ago he insisted on "dating" me. At first I refused, me being 39 and him only 23. I was not looking forward to an online relationship with someone that far either. But he persevered, and I eventually fell in Love with him. From the very start he insisted on us being together in the US a.s.a.p. He wanted me to distribute his resume at first, but never sent it to me. He told me he would write me letters every week, but I got ONE, and that after we had had a huge fight, and it was not even a real letter but lyrics. Meanwhile, we are 3 months further, I sent letters, cards, packages full of goodies, paid for his calling cards (and mine) as he could not afford them, and I am embarrased to admit: Western Union'ed him at total of 800 dollars. Its Christmas and I did not even get a card, and got very upset with him for that. He does not understand, and is now ignoring me. My heart is totally broken. Help!
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