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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

know this girl from korea. and when i first met her this summer we went to movie together and i bought her a teddy bear and she bought me a this little chain. as matter effact i dont even know her that much. when i left korea, i asked her if you wanna write letters to each other, who would write a letter you we have email right??? but she said yes saying this is gonna be fun? does she like me? and WHY?

2006-12-25 14:07:52 · 10 answers · asked by chis b 1

2006-12-25 14:07:30 · 4 answers · asked by mstrpapa@verizon.net 1

Im 15 and theres this guy that i really like...and i think he likes me back...being christmas and all my friends said it wasnt a gd idea to call even if it is just to say merry christmas....what should i do?

2006-12-25 14:05:27 · 11 answers · asked by amber j 2

this guy in my class is always staring at me and listening to what i say. He also always sits somewhere he can see me eaisly. all his friends also know me and i don't know them. whenever he walks right next to me he also kinda brushes his arm against mine. in the halls when i see him he does that fast head turn thing that guys do when you catch them looking at you.he gets nervous when he sees me and blushed once. i also heard him talking about me to his friends 1 class.....does he like me alot?

2006-12-25 14:04:53 · 13 answers · asked by Flame 1

I have been struggling with social phobia for most of my life.

It started in high-school when I used to just 'clam up' at random moments and have thousands of irrational thoughts popping into my head, while going red inthe face and wanting to just get the hell out of there!

These days, my social phobia is preventing me from living a normal life (i.e. no women in my life!).

Any ideas on how to fix this problem?



2006-12-25 13:57:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

women....does "size" really matter? im 19 and am "average" size 6 1/4- 6 1/2 inches, and have had no problems with girls, but just wanted to ask if it was really true that we have to be "huge" to be any good. i have some friends that are girls and most say that its not that important as long as it works right, whats your opinion?

2006-12-25 13:55:21 · 17 answers · asked by unavailable_17 1

Okay so i'm totally into this guy.. hes my bestfriend.. and i've had the biggest crush on him for about 2 mouths now.. okay ahah i no that sounds fine but the thing is.. i dont no if he likes me back.. and i cant get the nerve to just ask him.. he's a flirt.. he doesnt do what he does to me to other girls.. but it does flirt.. abit so i dont no if he likes me or its just his perosnalty.. but if were hanging out, like once we were watching a movie.. he'll put his legs over mine.. and "accentdently" touched my hand with his.. he didnt tell me that.. i just think he tryed it to see what i'd do.. i was @ his house the other night and we layed down together and watched a movie.. he played with my hair, nickleace, and touch my hand again.. and we just practially cuddled.. lol i pratically through myself @ him.. and he doesnt seem to make the fist move and i cant tell if hes a if he likes me? (do any of u guys do this) ugh aha please help :) any advice would b GREAT

2006-12-25 13:47:30 · 6 answers · asked by sexy--back 1

My bf and i arent gonna see eachother 4 a week b/c of christmas break.i kissed him on the bus afterschool friday...and he turned his head so i ended up kissing the side of his forehead.But usually he would die to kiss me...and i wont c him til January 2nd.And he hasnt called or emailed me since then!and i think he wuz embarrassed cuz his friend wuz sitting infront of us.And i just felt like sayin,"ur not supposed 2 be ashamed of kissing ur friggin girlfriend!"cuz thats wut it feels like,ya know?And recently i havent gotten to talk to him much cuz i had basketball tryouts right after school.But he says he misses me and tht he luve me but he really isnt acting like it.Should I break up with him or just let it slide???I menn,c'mon its embarrassment of kissing his own girlfriend!
Any suggestions?

2006-12-25 13:47:02 · 14 answers · asked by Whitney 2

does anyone know how someone can be k i n k y without knowing the person much. can guys tell who is and who isn't? in what ways can they tell?

2006-12-25 13:45:48 · 4 answers · asked by soccerjock 2

I usually go every two years during the last three weeks of July. May be going there summer, 2007.

2006-12-25 13:44:23 · 4 answers · asked by art_girlt 3

I am having problem with a man who is secretly flirting with me even though he is married and I am intersted in a single man. He trys to sabatoge my efforts to show my interest in the single man because he is an unfaithful husband and very jelouse of my freedom. I want to date a particular man that I highly respect and this married guy keeps hitting on me around the single guy to make me look bad in front of him.I hate his attitude what should I do? He hates it when I am around his wife because it makes him nervous that I may tell her, what can I do????

2006-12-25 13:43:36 · 21 answers · asked by java348 2

i don't think i will ever find mr. right. I have been looking for ever. but i can't seem to find him will someone help?

2006-12-25 13:40:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't tell me what you want to become when you grow up or who you are, just tell me what kind of person you want to be or what kind you are right now. What is your purpose?

2006-12-25 13:39:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

girl likes boy
girl doesnt tell boy
boy likes girl's bestfriend

just like a stupid romantic novel.

what would "girl" do in this situation?
is it possible "boy" is doing this to make "girl" jealous?

2006-12-25 13:38:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever met someone that totally took your breath away? You know like in the movies when two people meet each other or see each other and their eyes lock and they seem in awe and they are full of amazement?

Yah, the movies are bs, but has anyone ever experienced something similar in real life?

I haven't.

2006-12-25 13:35:58 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met him online and well i dont think it is working out to well.

2006-12-25 13:34:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do men with bad credit, no job or car and a girlfriend are always the ones bumping into you at the club or mall?

2006-12-25 13:28:20 · 7 answers · asked by myangelbarry 1

Ok I'm skinny, so what!-a bit of an oddball-what constitutes normal?-Yes I'm a Nerd-am I the only one?-

2006-12-25 13:27:56 · 5 answers · asked by losman3inks 1

Suggestions pls!!?
Please help me what cute unique names could I give to my two huge teddy bear that my boyfriend gave me this christmas.. thanks!!

2006-12-25 13:27:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 13:27:24 · 8 answers · asked by karensunfire00 1

so this girl tried to make out with me and i had no clue
what was going on and pulled away and she hopped out of the
car and said ur such a dork
she still likes me and everything
but i need some tips next time this comes up
plz help

2006-12-25 13:25:43 · 3 answers · asked by that guy 1

I met a guy/friend from Lebanon through Yahoo last year. A couple of months ago he insisted on "dating" me. At first I refused, me being 39 and him only 23. I was not looking forward to an online relationship with someone that far either. But he persevered, and I eventually fell in Love with him. From the very start he insisted on us being together in the US a.s.a.p. He wanted me to distribute his resume at first, but never sent it to me. He told me he would write me letters every week, but I got ONE, and that after we had had a huge fight, and it was not even a real letter but lyrics. Meanwhile, we are 3 months further, I sent letters, cards, packages full of goodies, paid for his calling cards (and mine) as he could not afford them, and I am embarrased to admit: Western Union'ed him at total of 800 dollars. Its Christmas and I did not even get a card, and got very upset with him for that. He does not understand, and is now ignoring me. My heart is totally broken. Help!

2006-12-25 13:23:12 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

People feel "good" this time of the year but behave miserably to others (unless they want that someone) the rest of the year. You know what? If you care so darned much for other people then why don;t you show it the other 364 days of the year? Do you need Santa Claus, presents and Christmas lights to find your decency?


2006-12-25 13:22:29 · 5 answers · asked by James 4

so theres this girl i know, i only met her a couple of times but for some reason i CAN NOT GET THIS GIRL OUT OF MY MIND. the first time i met her i hit on her and she rejected me, then goes and tells her friend how she thinks im "so hot" and that she regretted "not doing stuff with me" see the thing is she has a boyfriend...one that she actually likes.....i dont understand how i barely know this girl...ive never even hooked up with her and i think i cant stop thinking about her. so im asking u wtf should i do. do i leave it alone, or try to get her anyways. im just ******* confused.

2006-12-25 13:21:53 · 13 answers · asked by tjthemac84 1

there is this guy im seein, well yesterday i stumbled upon his i.d and realised he's been lyin bout his age.he's a yr younger 20, im 21, and he's been sayin he's 22. everythg was goin great, now im wonderin if i shd comfront him bout this, i dont want it to seem like i was snoopin thru' his stuff. what to do, what to do??

2006-12-25 13:20:18 · 6 answers · asked by Lolita 2

okay. i'm 13. so, of course, i talk on the phone all of the time. but, my boyfriend hates talking on the phone. we talk on the computer and in person all of the time, but never the phone. so, i finally got him to talk to me on the phone (right now). except, he's not really talking. what should i try to talk about... i've tried everything that i can think of... help. and hurry!!!*

2006-12-25 13:19:47 · 11 answers · asked by (( .gabi♥. )) 2

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