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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-26 23:58:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

on net is there a chance of getting a girlfriend and how do i propose her and show my feelings to her

2006-12-26 23:57:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to have a very special date with my fiance (It's a special day for us). What should be the ideal food to order on an exclsive date (would like to know vegetarian options plz)..thanx !!

2006-12-26 23:55:58 · 26 answers · asked by Software_pro 2

Not saying I'm being unsafe but I know alot of guy and girls that don't always wrap or don't at all.

2006-12-26 23:54:02 · 11 answers · asked by dave v 1

My friend is overweight guy, very sensitive, and he has baby face and he can make everybody laugh, but his problem is his weight, and he loved some girl but she made him down.

good action that he trying to lose weight but hestarts to drunken alcoholic and becoming heavy smoker.

2006-12-26 23:53:40 · 12 answers · asked by peace 2

2006-12-26 23:52:48 · 25 answers · asked by JackLove 2

Can a man forgive a womans moment of maddness, or weakness, call it what you will it boils down to cheating with another man?.....would it make the situation easier if the woman cheated with another woman or not?.....just curious how men would respond to this question?

2006-12-26 23:48:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am into this girl who is 18 and I am 21. What should I expect, like is she going to untrustful, play games. Does the age difference play any part when dating an older guy such as myself???

2006-12-26 23:45:03 · 4 answers · asked by nottoobad 2

2006-12-26 23:43:21 · 11 answers · asked by Mohammed a 1

2006-12-26 23:43:17 · 29 answers · asked by JackLove 2

Everywhere I go there is a new interracial couple popping up; it disgusts me. Don't people understand that diversity dose not exist if we all become one mixed race? If the colors run together on a flag or a rainbow, you no longer have a multicolored beautiful flag, just one ugly mixed/blurred color. How can people say they are proud of their heritage or race while watering that down and not sharing yourself with some one from your own background ? If a person was meant to mate with someone of another race, they would have been born that other race, why do you think there are two sexes per race ?

I'm not racist. I actually love the differences between races, therefore I believe we should preserve the differences. Interracial relationships will eventually make the world a very boring place to live in. I have freinds from different races, and would hate to live in a world where there is only one blurred race.

2006-12-26 23:41:15 · 34 answers · asked by Mike 1

and on top of that he doesn't have the balls to tell me,just plays along like my feelings for him aren't there.i'm really starting to hate men.

2006-12-26 23:37:30 · 11 answers · asked by debra 2

I've been in a serious relationship almost three months. After a couple weeks of dating we became serious, even to the point of living together for a few weeks. She then moved her stuff back to her apartment and the process of stepping back continued to the point of now she wants to be friends. She feels that we moved along in this relationship too fast (and I agree). She just came out of a several year relationship less than 6-months before we started seeing each other. She has bonded with my kids and they love having her around as do I (of course). Now she wants to do just "fun" things and hang out with both me (individually) and with my boys. We're also at different stages in our life (over 10 years in age difference). Bottom line is she doesn't want a relationship right now (with anyone) and wants me as a friend. She likes her friends and her new independence. Do I give her the space and hope something develops or should I move on and cut my losses?

2006-12-26 23:37:20 · 10 answers · asked by Tony 1

she keeps texting and phoning saying that she loves me and that she misses me . i asked her if she wants to get back but she says she dosent know as she is unsure about us . we live 150miles apart . why is she doing this to me ?

2006-12-26 23:33:04 · 42 answers · asked by bob a builder 2

Advice on my x gf?
i was goin out with my ex for over a year, we broke up a month ago.. she has been ringin me and emailing me, txtin me alot lately, the other night she heard i was txtin another girl and she went crazy, and got really upset... so i talked to her and said that other girl dont mean anything,, she didnt beleive me but she does now... i told her i love her and i wud do anything to get her back, she broke up with me cause she was confused bout what she wanted.. she said the oter day she would think about gettin back together, then she said lets just see what happens, if its ment to be it will happen....she asked me to meet her last night for a drink i met her.. then we went to a club in the city, she kept flirting with me, kissin me on the cheek, and almost kissed me on the lips several times, held my hand, hugged into mr all night, does this seem like she might want me back, she just needs time? i want advice and your oppinions, i love her i wud love her in my life.

2006-12-26 23:31:10 · 6 answers · asked by Dan W 2

Im really angry at this guy.. he said he loves me but now stuff has happened ... im listening to irreplaceable by beoncay knowles.. but i want more songs! not oldies... but good songs... please help me out!! thanks

2006-12-26 23:26:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 23:25:09 · 14 answers · asked by sukham_grewal 1

I met him for ½ years ago. Like love in first sight, we both been attracted to each other. Like good friends, we talked with everything.

But we both have own gf/bf. In the same situation, I have been with my bf for 3 years, and he has been with his gf for 3 years. We both have house with our life partners.

From time to time, we found something different and special from each other, something like we want our own bf/gf to have, but they don’t. We like each other very much, but we are both afraid of the same thing. We could not decide to leave our own gf/bf yet. It is too big risk to take. What if we leave our own lives now behind and being together, but we do not work out after a while. Then we broke our friendship, plus we lost what we had now..incl. house, car..etc.

What should I do? Is what we have is love or just friendship plus even sexually attracted??

2006-12-26 23:22:28 · 11 answers · asked by Love cake:-) 1

What would you do if you had you B/F's other woman cornered alone in a room? hisssss meeeow!!

2006-12-26 23:13:02 · 22 answers · asked by Daffodil F 1

what is love.. how do you show love.. how do you know a person loves u????

2006-12-26 23:09:42 · 15 answers · asked by danielle t 1

It is talking about skateboards and rose flowers! It has a deep voice like salem on "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". :-/
Fergalicious def. Fergalicious def. Fergalicious def def def def def def def def def def Fergalicious definition make them boys go crazy. They always claim the know me comin to me call me stacey im the F to the E R G the I the E and can no other lady put it down like me im fergalicious so delicious. But i aint promiscuous and if u were suspicious all that is ficticious i blow kisses UMWAH! What you gonna do when i bend the block? I tried so hard and got so far.... But in the end. it doesnt even matter i had to fart to lose it all but in the end, it doesnt even matter! How do u like my singing? Im thinking of Becoming little miss sunshine! LUVS!

2006-12-26 23:03:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

If there really are so many other fish in the sea, then waiting for an ex to return to you wouldn't be really practical, would it? What if it feels like your only option is to wait? Would it make a difference if you were in the wrong?

2006-12-26 23:02:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anita 5

so theres this guy......he used to be a customer where i used to work my boss kept telling us both to go out..im pretty shy so i just kept quiet. one day he tells my boss in front of my that were going out on the weekend. i just went along with it for a bit but in the end we admitted it was a joke.. do u think hes actually interested?? he visits the cafe really often.

2006-12-26 23:00:36 · 5 answers · asked by <3 ...sEz... <3 3

My friend and I met 1 year ago, camping. We live 3 hours away from eachother, and we like eacother ALOT! We talk most days on MSN, or emails., or txt each other. Him and I have been wanting to be with eachother for quite some time now. I keep putting it off because we live so far away from eachother. Now he has a gf and we where planning on seeing eachother for New Years but he isn't coming down now because he knows something will happen between us and he doesn't want to betray his gf. I told him how i feel, he said he feels the same way and that he always has, but now theres another girl who he also loves, and she comes first. He said he would do anything for me, but its all just complicated. I don't know what to do!! Should I try and win him back? You would say flirt right? if so, how? i'd have to do it on msn or txt or email.. what would I say? something thats meaningful? if meaningful what? and flirty what would i say? and ideas??? please help me!!!!

2006-12-26 22:55:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How long can a heterosexual man live without the affections of a woman?

2006-12-26 22:54:47 · 6 answers · asked by Feeling new @ 42 4


I am 24 years old guy - and I am not ashamed still being a virgin. The purpose of this question is are you a virgin? If you are, why? Does it bother you? It would be nice to know that I not the only person in this world. ;-) Serious Question

2006-12-26 22:53:32 · 7 answers · asked by RIP 1

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