your girlfriend/boyfriend of five years walked out? The reason was "I don't know", she refused the idea of you visiting starting two months before dumping you and started cutting normal phone conversation short from about an hour to 10 minutes(it was a semi-long distance relationship), and suddenly new guys were popping up that were, and I quote, "nothing to worry about" even though they make comments like "You've got a great rack" and it doesn't bother your partner that these are her new friends and that's how they talk to her. Anyway, your back story in this is you are very compassionate and sensitive to her needs, you trust her and don't worry about the new friends other than saying "Those other guys worry me, but I trust you", you've been there for her whenever she needed comforting or a self esteem boost. You both wanted to get married and you were going to buy the ring. Guys or Gals, what did you think. Ladies, if you did this..why? Were you hiding something?
18 answers
asked by
Che G