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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I know a man, who i love very much. The thing is - i made a wrong step once which changed, in other words, ruined everything that was building up in our relationship. What should i do now? I need him more than anything ... ( plz don't offer voodoo)

2006-12-26 22:49:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

This will be my first New Years alone since my husband and I seperated ths year and the kids all moved away. I am seeing someone but its a FWB relationship and he is working. Movies, champagne and my puppy is what I've got. How do I keep my spirits up?

2006-12-26 22:48:54 · 18 answers · asked by Dee 5

2006-12-26 22:47:55 · 16 answers · asked by Mr. Kinky 1

Is any any prob loving or going stead with an 18 yr old guy while the girl is 20 yrs old...?

2006-12-26 22:46:52 · 18 answers · asked by pLaYgAl 1

How to forget a person when there is no point thinking that the person is avoiding us....? Must we cry over it or just ignore it...?
And what if our hands are itchy and wanting to sms or call that same person who is not interested in us....?

2006-12-26 22:45:21 · 20 answers · asked by pLaYgAl 1

2006-12-26 22:44:53 · 16 answers · asked by CASachinTaXpert 1

2006-12-26 22:44:15 · 3 answers · asked by Edward R 1

I have a problem as follows - This will be my boyfriend and i's first new year together and i presumed we'd be spending hogmannay together. He text me last night to say that he'll see me "after the new year". He lives about 40 miles away from me and is spending it with his mates as usual like every year. I'm a bit upset as this is our first chance to spend new year together as last year i wasn't here (i lived 200 miles away). So, do i let rip that i'm unhappy, do i tell him i went out and had a great time, or do i tell him i stayed in the house on my own crying with a bottle of wine? He's all for me going out and having fun, so if i tell him i did this, he'll be really happy. I feel like i want to make him feel guilty, but by telling him i stayed in on my own he'll think i'm a billy-no mates...... What would you do? Thanks!

2006-12-26 22:38:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 22:35:42 · 12 answers · asked by manchestaguy 1


2006-12-26 22:34:37 · 17 answers · asked by Alexandra 1

i ended my 6 year relationship with my fiance 9 months ago. Since then, ive been enjoying the single life!lol

at the mo, i have 4 guys chasing me. im just getting used to the attention from guys again.

one of these guys i really really fancy. ive know him for a while. he was kind of chasing me when i was in my past relationship too.

we have kissed eachother a few times and i have stayed over his place a few times. he does want to take things further sexually though. i admit, i have been abit of a tease!lol

whenever i meet up with this guy, i dont hear from from him for weeks!he ignore my messages too so i end up chasing him. i eventually give up and he starts chasing me again, yet, when we meet up again the same thing happens all over again!

why is he behaving like this???hes the only guy im interested in!

hes the only one who knows about my past relationship as i met him through my ex. he knew my ex but they were never friends and my ex has now moved away.

2006-12-26 22:34:34 · 7 answers · asked by XCuteX 1

This guy always forgave me even after I treated him really bad like cut him off my blog and IM and sent him many mixed signals...all the drama. I think he is a nice guy because he said he could Never get angry at me and still try to find me once and talked to me like nothing happened.. what do you think its because he is a nice guy or he really cares for me? i think he know I am falling for him but he know s I have a BF and I now told him I want to just be good friends,,but he never tells me anything like when he is going back to his base..so i am wondering...

2006-12-26 22:32:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 22:30:52 · 17 answers · asked by roro 1

What is it that a man likes from a woman to love her?

2006-12-26 22:29:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just answered a question so it got me thinking is all.

2006-12-26 22:25:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

What makes you most confident or would what make you more comfortable?

2006-12-26 22:23:36 · 14 answers · asked by Sam 1

O.k so this is my problem, I am fine seeing my boy in a group, and sometimes we seperate from the gruop. My problem is that I never see him on a one-on-one basis, not because he doesn't want to but because I don't! It's not a normal reaction and it always happens to me. My problem is that I get nervouse and end up canceling. This is obviosly a problem because we can't have a good realtionship without one-on-one time. See, he isn't very good at comunicating but I get a feeling it is because I've pushed him away. It's not just with him thought, I've always been this way, it's random I get nervous about silly things like having to go to the bathroom and then what will he think and stuff.. lol any insight into how this can be solved would be great!

2006-12-26 22:21:49 · 5 answers · asked by missy2589 2

I know what lust is, because every time I see a girl I am attracted to I think about how much I want to bang her. Not that I do because that would be wrong. But I have never feel in love before is it much different? If it is how can you tell. Can you tell from the first moment you see each other? What are the signs?

2006-12-26 22:16:56 · 13 answers · asked by RIP 1

i used to work at a cafe where i met this guy that i really started to like, he was a customer who worked close by. we were getting closer however i got offered a much better job (which is still close by) so i left the cafe. i havent seen the guy since and i dont have his number or anything. i still really am interested!!
what should i do??

2006-12-26 22:13:55 · 6 answers · asked by <3 ...sEz... <3 3

I am inlove with him..He's extremely smart (intellectual), artistic, he's dedicated to his work. It makes me feel as if he's much more metally developed than me. Sometimes you would least expect a nerdy guy to fall for a girl rite? Thats the conflict here...It doesn't mean that I have a low self- esteem, because I know that I'm talented and smart also. But because he's extremely smart then he would'nt care to take a peek of me. Will you guys set ur eyes on a girl who u think is more dumb than you?

2006-12-26 22:08:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think maybe there could be a problem. for example if she gets hurt he laughs at her. Or if she is sick he doesnt even care. she hurt her leg and he thought it was funny. He is nice to her most of the time but I feel like its not sincere. Like he is acting or something. Do you think he just doesnt care about her. he also totally checks out her friends when she isnt looking. should I tell her? Should I tell her he is a jerk?

2006-12-26 22:07:54 · 13 answers · asked by meeahcat 1

we share a toothbrush sometimes
eat each others spit (yes actual spitting in one anothers mouths and then eating it. it tastes good.)
share gum.
is there anything else kinda like those things that we can do? i'm not creative enough to think of anything

2006-12-26 22:06:21 · 11 answers · asked by ♥ just a girl ♥ 2

Assume that I asked to drink blood from your wrist. You know that I don't have any STDs and neither do you. You know that it won't make you or I sick. Would you let me do it? Would you want to drink my blood as well?

2006-12-26 22:06:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

isnt there enough people on the planet anyway..

2006-12-26 22:06:05 · 9 answers · asked by Ratt 2

I liked this girl last year who I think liked me back. This year, she is with another boy and it looks like they like each other. I still get the vibes/feeling that she has feelings for me. I have been longing for her for quite some time now. What should I do or say to see if I can become "friends" with her again?

2006-12-26 22:03:46 · 2 answers · asked by 120 IQ 4

This guy I haven't seen in over 4 years...but I went crazy on him alot of drama..told I love him then I don't I can be you friend then I can't because I was confused because I have a BF that I love very much..but he told me he could never be angry at me and would wait for me on line b4 the mess but now after i blamed him for leaving online once he hasn't come back on line he told me to wait and then I did but he never came back..I think he only wants to be friends but i think I am falling in love with him because he is so nice..what shhould I do..I think he migjt think I am a mental case..he is in the military..we are in Asia..anyway he didn't tell me when he returned to his base so I text him everyday but I am not sure whose phone it is...I don't know what to do now...

2006-12-26 21:53:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Besides clean teeth and nice breath of course.

2006-12-26 21:53:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really, really like one of best friends. But... should I tell him? He's a great friend, and I wouldn't want to loose him as a friend if he doesn't like me the same way. Everyone says that he likes me, but he says he "like a girl that doesn't go to our school" and I might be switching schools in a couple months. What should I do?! I'm so confused!!!!

2006-12-26 21:49:27 · 13 answers · asked by Pineapple Princess 1

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