Hi people, I am trying to get some advice. This Halloween I had a bad fight with my ex (then my bf), I wasn't happy with the way he was treating me. We broke up, I said maybe we should be friends, he said he was sick of having a crying gf, then we got back together a week later, he called and we agreed to be ok. Then, a week ago, he dumped me saying getting back was a mistake, that he needs to be on his own and doesn't feel the same way about the relationship, I understand but it was completely unexpected. He had been telling me how I am an awesome person days before, took me to the park and cooked my favorite food the day he dumped me. I was hurt so I said some mean things. Now ( a week later), I feel better, I know I was unhappy in the relationship too, but I can never dump people. I feel like telling him I don't hate him but is it too soon?? Maybe I need to give it some more time so we can both move on? we dated for 2 yrs and a half.
I appreciate your opinions
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