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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

If someone is your ex finace' is it more of a big deal than if someone is your ex? For example does it matter if my ex fiance and friend want to get together MORE than if it was simply my friend and ex boyfriend?

2006-12-26 15:04:00 · 5 answers · asked by Tasha 2

I really, really like him and I think he is finally starting to realize it but I am not sure. We are currently on winter break, multiple states away, and I was wondering how often is it ok for me to IM him? I'm hoping to move thinks along when I get back from break but I do not want to seem obsessive over break. Theres no way to happen to run into him when we are several states apart. It has to be an obvious effort to talk to him. I really want to talk w/ him but I want to make sure I do not freak him out. Thanks

2006-12-26 15:03:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

About a year and a half ago a girl that i dated for 2 weeks and i just stopped talking mutually. I ran into her at the store two days ago and we started talking. I sent her an email to apologize that we lost contact. she sent one back saying she was sorry too and it was just as much her fault. To this day i still have feelings for her and would like to give it another chance. Am i hoping for something that probably won't happen?

2006-12-26 15:03:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy is one of my very close friends and when I told him how I felt about him, he said he wasn't ready for a girlfriend and just wanted to focus on graduating. I totally respect that. But today I ask him if he wanted to go see a movie with me and he said yes. I was so excited. So I got there and he had brought his brother and one of my friends that was a female. She started holding his hand in the movie. I was a little uncomfortable with that so after the movie I asked her why. She said that he and her were going out. I felt as though my heart had been ripped out through my chest and thrown on the floor. I have been known to be suicidal when I get depressed, but this made me hit rock bottom. I am falling apart and I don't know what to do. I feel like I never want to talk to him again, but he is one of my best friends. How do I react to this guy?

2006-12-26 15:03:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

So how many times in a week do you argue with your boy friend, girl friend, wife husband or similar ?

Do you think that is ok ?

Are you always starting to argue or other person ?

What do you do to calm down the situation ?
Admin of I Love To Argue

2006-12-26 15:02:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am on messenger with my ex and my friend and he and i haven't spoken for a month and i gave him underwear for christmas...and she opened a conversation with us three and she said that i wanted to know what he thought of his present i gave him....he won't respond...should i not respond or what should i say!!!!???
please help

2006-12-26 15:01:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

im almost 16 (male) in highschool. There is this girl that I have always thought of since 2nd grade. Which is the 1st time I saw her. I can remember where she was in the classroom and almost what she was wearing. I think about her almost all the time, I have dreams where she finds out about my feelings and we live happily ever after. I've envisioned us getting married, and having the house, garage, kids, the works. She's the most beautiful girl in school. Everytime I see her I could faint (and I see her everyday) Her blue eyes glisten like the sun hitting snow, her smile lights up the room more than a thousand suns, the way her wavy long brown hair flows... u get the picture. The problem is is that she is like the most popular prettiest girl in school and I am that lonely kid with no friends and freckles that sits in the corner. (this is a metaphor, not 100% true) I have b4 cried b/c can't be with her. I no she wouldn't go out with me. Is this love? how could i get over it if it is?

2006-12-26 15:00:55 · 14 answers · asked by tolwc123ag 3

I told my boyfriend I was going to come out there for 3 nights and 2 days we're off.I asked him if I could bring my dog.He owns his own house and said he really didn't like animals in the house and didn't really want me to bring her.I was afraid to say anything at first and then got on the computer with him and told him that if we got married that I would want the animals to live in the house with us and that I wouldn't be getting rid of them.When I talked to him about it he said that I was worrying way too much about the future and that he knew that I wouldn't want to get rid of the animals if we got married and that that would be something we'd figure out in the future.I let him know that I love my animals like they were my own kids and that I didn't want to be away from them for more than one day and that I won't be getting rid of them.Is he really trying to make me chose between me and my animals or am I blowing him not wanting them in his house now out of proportion?

2006-12-26 15:00:48 · 4 answers · asked by computergirl 1

on she is a nice girl and I think I really am in love with her but she wont give me the O.K. sign should I just leave her it would honestly break me in two because I have known her for so long?

2006-12-26 14:58:45 · 5 answers · asked by norman d 2

like what's a good question or comment to get a guy's attention. or maybe body language? any answer is fine

2006-12-26 14:56:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why or why not? Personal experiences GREATLY appreaciated. I will listen to your stories.; )

2006-12-26 14:54:55 · 33 answers · asked by SUNSHINE 2

I'm in love with this guy and have been for a while now, we are best friends, but fight often, he has a girl friend and loves her, but we "role play" cyber almost every day. (He also does this so called "role play cybering" with a few other girls, or rather he use to, now he is down to just his girl friend and I. But today in the pit of my rage I cussed him out for about an hour about it and told him he would never hear the words "I love you" out of my mouth again. I also told him that I no longer wished to cyper even if just "role play" again. After that he seemed very sad and told me he had to leave. We have had this fight many times before but I always end up running back to him for more, I'm growing tired of this routine and would like to make a change, but I can't stop thinking about him, I love him so much...but I also hate him in a way as well. What should I do? Should i try to win his heart over or not? And if now should we still be friends? Or is that a bad idea?

2006-12-26 14:52:52 · 10 answers · asked by Kat Videl 1

...its only a part time job, work in different departments, people date each other a lot there...ok hes always going out of his way to talk to me...should i tell him or would he say something if he liked me?

2006-12-26 14:50:09 · 22 answers · asked by Tina 2

I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 months, and im making a dinner for two on our upcomming monthiversary. He's one of those people who will eat anything. Pizza and tacos are his usual dinners. I want him to try some "real food", but keep it comfort food. any suggestions on what to make?


2006-12-26 14:49:43 · 33 answers · asked by Katy kins 2

find out you can sing and other chicks begin to like you then they want to be with you and when you turn them down they act dissapointed and angry WHY?

2006-12-26 14:49:11 · 15 answers · asked by norman d 2

alright well i've been talking to this gut lately. Wello i always call him and he never calls me...ok so whenever i do call him, he always always has to call me back..alright so i finally got mad and i said"let me guess i have to call you back again" and than he was like"ya you do" Ok than i was like "ya ok bye" and than he just flew off the handle and freaked out at me...ok ya and now i feel guilty for being snotty and should i??? or should i be mad at him?? i dont know what to do!!!! HELP ME PLEASE

2006-12-26 14:48:35 · 17 answers · asked by Megan 2

They are stomping around and they are making a lot of noise. Once, i went up there and i appeared in a desert in my attic and there are all crazy animals! What should i do?

2006-12-26 14:47:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is this boy I know hot and i really want to get his attention. how?

2006-12-26 14:47:01 · 13 answers · asked by chris 1

I just forgot to get a present out on time and want to blame it on the government, maybey if I offered the person some money they do it. Then I would be helping the little guy to. Anyways.. question, have you ever had to appologize with a nicer gift?

2006-12-26 14:46:16 · 6 answers · asked by lookaround 3

They either had previous boyfriends or have a lot of them.

2006-12-26 14:45:49 · 21 answers · asked by Superman 2

so there's this boy that i've really liked for the longest time. problem is, he doesn't like me back and we're "only really good friends". he's crazy about one of my best friends and i know she doesn't like him back and never will and i told him this but he insists on holding on to her. he sounds exactly like me cuz i've been holding on to this false hope that he'll suddenly fall madly in love with me but it will never happen. he's gonna try and i'm 100% positive she will turn him down and then he will hopefully get over her. i don't know if i should wait around until he gets over her and hope that his feelings for me will change or move on to this other guy that i kind of like too but don't know that well. i've been stressing out over this for weeks and i just have no idea what to do so please, please help me. your advice is much appreciated. =)

2006-12-26 14:45:48 · 10 answers · asked by lovePiNK emily 1

So, theres this guy, and its been kinda rocky for awhile between us. We're never really been officially together, because he had been through so many girls that i just didn't want to be another one. But over the summer he was telling me all this stuff about how he really did want to change, and how he didn't want people to think of him as a player anymore. I was still taking precautions, but i opened my heart a little more to him. Then, out of nowhere [while he was still telling me how much he loved me] he starts dating another girl in our school. He dated her for almost two months before they broke up. Things kinda got better between us for awhile. I was liking the idea of our relationship more and more, but he still wasn't being very open. Then, i just decided that i needed to be in control over my life, so i asked him for finalization. Were we a thing or weren't we? He didn't really answer so i ended it. The next day he's going out with that girl again. Any advice?

2006-12-26 14:43:01 · 8 answers · asked by magicalmayhem_07 1

It appears that a couple of souls met and felt a compassionate connection. Not too much went beyond this profound and intense connection. One sent the other a card. Could the guy miss the message that she likes him?

2006-12-26 14:42:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex called me names and was abusive for so long. I start to think Im the name he called me.And that was everything.Im a good person.And have talked to counsler.But I cant shake the fact that others see me as what he called me.Even though it was around just us.He is a charmer and well liked.But now he is in jail people see him for what he is.An abusive ***.But why cant I shake the names he called me.They were hurtful and nasty.But I want to move on and Im scared becouse I think im not worthy.No matter how much counseling I get. I cant shake the way he treated me.Are all guys like that or did I get a lemon.And how can you tell.Are there some honest guys out there?

2006-12-26 14:41:52 · 11 answers · asked by cat eyes 1

I went out with a boy from my school for a week and then decided i would break up with him b/c we never did anything. We aren't new to this, I have had other boy freinds & he has had other girl freinds. But, we would only say hi in the halls and it was awakward. That was about a month ago and now i think i like him! Everyone said i broke his heart. No one in my school is going out at the moment and he acted like he didn't give a **** about it. Yet everyone said he did. In his AIM profile it said I LOVE LAUREN! (me) Since we broke up he flirts with me constantly, every moment he gets and he teases me about fliriting with every guy in the school. I talked to him a few days after i broke up with him and i told him i still wanted to be good freinds and that i was sorry that i hurt his feelings. And of course, him being a guy said, FYI i didn't like you that much i just thought that i would ask you out b/c i heard you liked me. But all his freinds said he liked me alot. What should i do?!?!

2006-12-26 14:39:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was talking to a girl and she chewed me out and said she had a crush on me and i didnt know she didnt tell me and she told me if i was a man id have done somthing and now shes with another guy actually this guy is a really good freind im not mad just confused but what did i do? she s all ticked at me im stumped. help

2006-12-26 14:38:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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