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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

i like a boy in my class and i think he likes me to what should i do Helppppppppppppppppp

2006-12-26 14:34:41 · 14 answers · asked by cheyenne g 1

I work with a guy i like (dont tell me i shouldnt get involved...part time job, its allowed, work in different parts of the store) A couple weeks ago he'd always go out of his way to talk to me and ask me when I work next, joke around with me and now not so much. I mean I'm really shy. do you think its possible he thought I was interested or was never interested at all. If this was a guy I didnt work with I'd come out and just tell him I like him. If you think I he might like me, how do I make it obvious I like him. Guys, answer please and tell me how you can tell a girl is interested. Im so confused with this guy.

2006-12-26 14:34:36 · 5 answers · asked by Tina 2

and lived in a trailor but dressed nice and had a somewhat crazy family and I was unsure about how I should treat a girl based on the way some had reacted in the past or would none of this matter if you were truly in love with this kind of guy?

2006-12-26 14:34:19 · 4 answers · asked by norman d 2

I have been told a have a great phone voice, but anyway I was talking to this girl on the phone and I called her name slowy she said dont do that I didnt no why so of course I did it again and again come to find out it made her have an orgasm I said nothing dirty just called her name. Is this real have this ever happened to you?

2006-12-26 14:34:02 · 19 answers · asked by SONNY_D 2

I really need your advice just on dating in general.I'm in HS and it seems like all my friends are having a ball dating,hooking-up,etc.And i'm like in the back hanging.I don't have many friends who are girls,and the few that I do I either: A)Dont like B)Are dating other people.I dont think I'm ugly...actually alot of people think I'm cute and nice....but like a recent example I had a girl tell me I was cute but she would never date me...wtf?...is this about me not finding the right person yet or what?I'm really puzzled.

There is one girl I like who is single...yet she doesnt have any of my classes and I only know her somewhat through a after school club once everyweek.She also can not date.(Well just not yet)

Thanks in advance guys.

2006-12-26 14:33:36 · 6 answers · asked by Jeff 2

whats it mean when you saw a picture of a guy that goes to school with you that you've never seen before and you know you like him! then when you met him you fall in love!! and after 2 yrs i still love him but we never dated! are we ment to be or not?
he shows me all kinds of hints that he likes me like hes always lookin into my eyes and staring at me and just always finding away to touch me or get mt attention!! so what do yall think?

2006-12-26 14:33:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 14:30:16 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you thought you were in love with someone but they were in Iraq, would you tell them anyways because they may never come back? Or would you keep it to yourself and just wait to see if anything happened between the two of you when he came back?
We're not dating, but everytime I think about being with another man or even try to date another guy, I just can't imagine him not being apart of my life.

2006-12-26 14:30:03 · 16 answers · asked by *Ms Manners* 2

2006-12-26 14:29:39 · 7 answers · asked by sicilygirlbabe 1

I change the guy and yet he's the same just a different package. I change what I look for: environment, qualities, character... strengths. He always ends up being a woman hating momma's boy... needing constant attention and has definite control issues. Not to mention it seems to be getting worse. Where they used to try to control me with position and money they now try to make themselves indispensible and need my money... I moved away from guys with money because I felt they where trying to buy me. Guys without money, but aren't lazy are very smart and try to take mine and try to control me through obligation and responsibility.
I'm kinda of an old fashion girl in ways but not all ways. decent looking, good job, not much else... as I am rebuilding. However, I seem to always find the guy who ultimatly says without me... do you remember where you where before me? Yeah! I wish I was back there. And return to being single at that point. How do I find just a mister nice...

2006-12-26 14:28:47 · 14 answers · asked by Meela 2

2006-12-26 14:28:35 · 2 answers · asked by josie 2

What does this mean??

2006-12-26 14:28:12 · 9 answers · asked by violet83 2

Its been over 15 years since she dumped me......

She really loved me too and I was a fool and treated her bad and she finally dumped me.

She moved on with her life , got married and had 3 kids...

I moved on and became successful in my work but never married or kids......

Why is she on my mind so much? I wonder if she thinks about me.....probably not......I just need to close that chapter of my life once and for all.. BUt I do believe I really missed an opportunity of my life by losing her.....

2006-12-26 14:27:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

and another question.

I was talking to my friend and said "hey whats up" then she goes "who are you??" and starts to say "i hate mexicans..im serious..go away now". This really pissed me off and she said "im just playin." Ok why would you play around like that? You really dont know whether a person is playing around or not until they say just kidding. Would you take that seriously?

2006-12-26 14:27:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like I'm bothering her now. I mean she hasn't been trying to keep in touch over our chistmas break. I told her that I have a birthday/christmas gift for her and she thanked me... but other than that, that is all the conversation that we have had. I can't get her outta my system and I don't want to. I'm just tempted to tell her via myspace; that I like her (again) and I want to have something with her. But I don't want to smurther her, especially if she doesn't feel the same way as I do. What should I do? I know I should wait, but I'm impatient and I don't want someone else to steal her heart from me. I really need some much needed advice. I don't even know how to stop thinking about her and it's killing me.

2006-12-26 14:26:17 · 25 answers · asked by LQVE 1

My boyfriend and i broke up a month ago and we have been going out for a year. He still calls me and wants me and use to call me like 200 times a day(not exaggerating). I did not want him and honeslty felt that he wasnt the one for me. I wanted my soulmate because i knew it wasnt him. Yesterday he finally got over me and now he is t alking to some girl at his job. When he told me this for some reason it made me cry. He tells me all these things about here and for some reason i dont want him to be with her. But i hated it when he was calling me all the time? Whats wrong with me? I never thought he would get over me so fast!! Or maybe i just realized that its finally over?? Help!!!

2006-12-26 14:26:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

there are a lot of guys out there that i have trouble talking to but sometimes i just want to talk to them as a friend but i am afraid

2006-12-26 14:25:29 · 2 answers · asked by fleo 3

i seen this guy everyday and i finally got the nerves to say something we been talking for a lil over a month he seem real nice i like him from what i know but is it to soon to ask about a relationship or should i just chill

2006-12-26 14:24:53 · 14 answers · asked by lil lady 2

what to do when you love a girl and she likes you but she doesnt wanna hurt another guy that likes her so she wont say yes when you ask her out.........i really truly am in love with her......what should i do?

2006-12-26 14:23:16 · 3 answers · asked by dfhfdh d 1

Well I met this person at work (it was a seasonal job). A few days pass and, out of the blue, the boss says I should ask her out. So I give it a shot, and she says, "I don't want things to be weird between us, but I just got out of a 2 year relationship and am not looking to get in another one right now." I then proceeded to get her number, and since then, we have kept in contact via text-messaging.

The other co-workers and the boss-lady herself assure me she likes me, but I dunno what to do. Her mom, who also worked with us, even offered assistance suggesting that she is shy and I should just continue to call her and text her every so often. I have yet to call her, but I really want to give it a second shot and merely do something even casual just to be in her very presence enjoying her company. I just need help figuring out what to say; I don't want to come off as some desperate or even annoying stranger she met at work.

2006-12-26 14:22:49 · 5 answers · asked by RobbyRob0 1

what to do when you love a girl and she likes you but she doesnt wanna hurt another guy that likes her so she wont say yes when you ask her out.........i really truly am in love with her......what should i do?

2006-12-26 14:22:16 · 21 answers · asked by dfhfdh d 1

what to do when you love a girl and she likes you but she doesnt wanna hurt another guy that likes her so she wont say yes when you ask her out.........i really truly am in love with her......what should i do?

2006-12-26 14:21:27 · 23 answers · asked by dfhfdh d 1

My boyfreind is becoming over obsessed with me. He thinks Im always flirting with other guys just because their flirting with me. I cant stand his habit but I dont want to break his heart and tell him its not working. Ive tried to explain to him Im not a dog on a leash and he cant control me but he still trys to. He also gets mad at me when I cant go somewhere with him. He wants me to meet him places everyday and I mean I have a life and its not all about him. So yeah any ideas?

2006-12-26 14:21:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a guy friend or used to be who I thought liked me and was maybe my secret pal and paid me a lot of attention and then I find out that he really has a string of women of not really being serious about commitmen to anybody but then makes them look like they chase after him instead the other way around. Should I even continue being friends with him? I don't know if we have a lot in common because when he started acting goofy with me I found it hard to talk to him. Now, I find it hard to carrry on conversations with him without running the other direction because I am uncomfortable with him. He knows how I feel about things that have upset me but could really careless. Any suggestions? Why do guys do this? Afraid of commitment or just want to see how far they can get?

2006-12-26 14:20:30 · 3 answers · asked by Sweet Pea 3

we r together for about 3 months...

2006-12-26 14:19:19 · 23 answers · asked by Laura J 2

and she say's she is not going to tell her home a.a. group or her dad.because he would be disapointed.i'm her X boyfriend and have been sober 2yrs.

2006-12-26 14:18:48 · 20 answers · asked by ? 1

i got some concert tickets for a girl i liked i was going to take her to the concert but now she likes another guy and she throws it in my face cuz she had a crush on me at one point and i didnt catch on . do i still give them to her or do i try to take a friend ? and if so should i take a guy or girl?

2006-12-26 14:18:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 14:18:10 · 10 answers · asked by colin050659 6

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