i've seen this guy around for some time and actually there was once when i had a bet with my older sister who's 26, i'm 18, that i'll pass him a note with my number on it..so on that day, the both of us went into the shop and browsed at the clothes and stuff,then my sis went in,got a baby clothing and went to ask him some qns,i was standing beside her and occasionally turning around to look at the guy,hopefully there was some eye-contact but there wasn't and he looked really unfriendly and aloof,i don't know but maybe he's just like that or perhaps shy? we walked in and out of the shop a couple of times, with me still trying to muster my courage to approach him,the last time we went in, he looked at us, i don't know if he was looking at me or my sis,my sis turned n check if i was making eye contact with him but i didn't because i dare not look at him and wasn't sure who he was looking at.i wanna pass him that card but afraid of his cold appearance and what if he said he's attached?
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