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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating


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2006-12-26 02:06:45 · 6 answers · asked by Nathan 2

Why is it that sometimes we are so attracted to the person who DOESNT break their neck to get with us but the one who DOES break their neck to get with us and would bend over backwards to be with us, we're not attracted to?

2006-12-26 02:05:38 · 8 answers · asked by Lala 1

My fiance told me if he ever hit him me hit him back real hard?
he told me it take alot for him to want to hit a women

i know he jokes with me like saying he throw some gasoline on me and strike a match to make me tan and he said he give shoot a bullet and that will make me understand but he says it in a joking manner

do you think he is the violent type ? or he is just speaking in general he claims he will not hurt me

2006-12-26 02:03:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year, overall the relationship is great however we rarely get to spend time together because he works all the time and he is a musician so when he isn't working, he is playing and doing what he has to do but we do talk a lot. I didn't see him for Thanksgiving or Christmas and I'm not going to be able to see him for New Year's either. I am so lonely but he feels like the holidays are just any other day so it's not that important to him and it's really about spending time with family. He says that he doesn't love me any less because we don't see each other. I really miss him a lot and it's really starting to get to me. We have never really sat down to talk about it but when I do say something I usually end up whining about it and I don't think he listens when I do that. Should I break up with him or try to talk to him and work it out?

2006-12-26 02:03:40 · 2 answers · asked by 3262m 2

Ok, i don't know why but lately i've just wanted to be mad at someone, anyone! And so i was talking to my boyfriend and he always just signs off, and that ticks me sooo bad.. and so i'm mad at him, but then he asks why i'm mad, and just saying, you sign off on me all the time, isn't a good enough excuse, please help think of a great excuse to be mad at him, or shouldn't i even be mad at him? Please help!!!

2006-12-26 02:03:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i want to know am top young to fall in love.. every one is either telling me diffrernt thing.. and should i really listen to my heart but how can i when its telling me two differntthing.. i don't know wat to do..???? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-26 02:02:30 · 14 answers · asked by danielle t 1

2006-12-26 02:01:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

No alcohol, No tears and No going out with frenz(As they got worst problem). What other ways to overcome the sadness?

2006-12-26 02:01:05 · 14 answers · asked by Fred 1

i like 3 boys and i cant stop thinking about them.........i want to tell one of them that i like them........what should i do........and i dont wanna hear "just tell him" cuz that's just not fair

2006-12-26 02:00:26 · 8 answers · asked by winneythepooh1 2

so there's this guy who asked me out today and i guess he's okay and i would like to be his girlfriend but i kinda have a big crush on this other guy so what do i do? i still want a bf. but should i wait for the right guy or just go out with the guy that asked me

2006-12-26 01:59:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 01:59:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey friends do you think love is fatal cause i had a break up with my bf and i still can't forget him

2006-12-26 01:59:29 · 15 answers · asked by shievany 1

whenever someone likes me and they ask me out or for my number i get scared real quick.I have a fear of letting anyone get close to me and i think it's because of my past with guys that i was friends with and who i liked and they didn't like me.I can't get my head around the fact that any guy could seriously ever like me and want to be with me.My mums like you're going to be a real attractive girl but thats my mum and she's biased.how do i overcome this fear because i really like someone at the moment and they seem to like me but i can't believe it.

2006-12-26 01:56:12 · 5 answers · asked by debra 2

I realize the "Thou shalt nots" and dangers of mixing DNA. My first cousin is adorable.

2006-12-26 01:47:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also is there only one special someone or can there be more than one?

2006-12-26 01:46:51 · 14 answers · asked by wldctpete 2

This girl I really fancy keeps sending me text messages. Im not sure if she fancies me or not! We work together. We were out on or Christmas night out the other night. We got on well together but I didnt make a move. We talk alot together at work and we have spent time alone were she has said she has enjoyed talking with me. The day after the Christmas night out she txt me to see if I enjoyed myself and was making jokes about the night. I txt back. She txt me again and I thought sod this I gotta drop a hint that I like her. So I txt her saying how well she looked on the night out. She txt straight back thanking me for the compliment. Then on Xmas day she txt me wishing me happy xmas.

I believe she has a boyfriend but that a break up is on the cards if not already happened. I know I should just ask her out but I'm afraid to rush in too soon and spoil things. Especially cos of the work and boyfriend situation. Should I wait and keep doing what I'm doing or what?

2006-12-26 01:45:38 · 9 answers · asked by K 2

2006-12-26 01:44:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

She and I used to be getting along very well when i had a crush with her buddy & she was suffering a breakup.I have a few clean dates with her buddy and decide to give up and move on.

Then She and I alway text each other almost daily and reply was always quick. We tell each other anything(problem,etc). I alway give a morning call everyday. (Past 2 occasion I ask her to wake me up in the afternoon) The text get less and slow for past 2 months. And now it is I who keep initiate the text. ( Last time it was 50% her). Once i hint Ito her she seem to take it as a joke. I actually move deeper sending love msg. No REPLY.

On xmas, she received my gift. She did not react or inform me anything until i told her a parcel will be sent to her soon.Then she told me she recvd and thank me in text. When i ask she whether she like it, NO REPLY. 1 week ago i ask her to wake me up. She DID NOT. We still keep it friendly contact.

2006-12-26 01:42:37 · 7 answers · asked by Fred 1

yesterday i asked her out. online.. but she told me that i will recieve the answer today. What If she Say No today ?? What should I Do ?? =[

2006-12-26 01:42:29 · 5 answers · asked by john w 1

2006-12-26 01:40:28 · 5 answers · asked by super_454_star_288 1

I had this guy involved with me for a year or so...we're into a long distance relationship...but really, no matter what angle you look at, WE know it's wrong...but then again...even if i know it's wrong...why doe's it hurt to end things up with him? He couldn't even give me his presence and his time....

2006-12-26 01:40:28 · 2 answers · asked by Kristine U 1

Actually I want to know what guys really like to hear from their gfs.. :) Something that would make you feel special in a way..

2006-12-26 01:35:31 · 11 answers · asked by hotlipz 2

can girls just keep going and going orgasm on top of orgasm until the guy gives up! lol??

2006-12-26 01:35:04 · 8 answers · asked by Tazzzy 1

I normally go to a saloon that has 2 or 3 working there. I always ask for the same girl since she does a good job and I get my hair shampooed. However, everytime i go she takes longer shampooing my hair, she massages my scalp longer, and lately she run her fingers thru my hair in a way that really is turning me on.

2006-12-26 01:34:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whast would you do if the guy you loved lived far away and the only way you could talk to him is through letters and phone calls? You cant move on either. Thanks in advance for your help. I appreciate it.

2006-12-26 01:30:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

he told me it take alot for him to want to hit a women

2006-12-26 01:29:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently have noticed many people in their late teens(18-19) and early 20's feel it is absolutely necessary to live with their bf/gf just because they think it's the thing to do in to pop-culture. They also feel they need to spend the night, or many nights with them because of pop-culture as well. It seems alot of this ideology is pushed upon them current TV shows like Howard Stern, Road Rules, The O.C., and basically anything that's on MTV or VH1.

Do you, or did you feel your values were impressed upon you by TV shows or by your parents? If you answered by TV shows, how did you feel when you found out that's not the right way to go, and lastly, what will you do when YOUR kids follow this same ideology or whatever is prominant at the time they're in this age group?

2006-12-26 01:29:31 · 5 answers · asked by Jim C 5

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