ok, i love my ex. 2 days ago, everything was going ok, actually it was going great. we r on vacation, so i talked to her online and she asked me to go to the prom, and i said yes. then 2 days ago, i was talking to her, and we had a fun conversation. we kept talking, making her laugh, then at the end she said well, do you think we can ever be like this again and dont fight? i said sure, then she said thanks hun, love u then signed off. then last nite, she was quiet, so then after that i found out she was on her period. so today i sent her a message saying im sorry, and i made a BIG aplogoy, never wrote back. sent her a picture of a picutre saying love hurts, im sorry for what happened, and she still hasnt wrote back..is she mad at me? but my big question is how can i make her not be mad at me? i cant stop but think about her, hope we can still go to the prom, but my main problem is finding out if she hates me, so please, what should i do? i need this help....
6 answers
asked by
Ryan S