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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-26 06:08:55 · 24 answers · asked by renew69 2

We broke up about a month ago after over a year of being together and hes already dating some1 new has been since the day after we broke up....we still talk but i can't help but notice i still have feelings for him and i can't let any other guy in? What should i do

2006-12-26 06:07:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy I was casually seeing for over a year, had just recently moved back home for a job (1 state away from me). He said he wanted to keep in touch, but since he's left, he hasn't as much as I have. So..I didn't contact him for a month. Sometimes if he continously hears from me, then I stop calling/emailing, he gets suspicious, & then calls me. Anyway, long story short, he called me the other night at about midnight & told me he was listening to our CD that we both liked & said it reminded him of me, so he called. We were talking, then he came out & said he had met a girl. Now he's always been competitive with me, and if he "thinks" I have a guy because I hadn't contacted him or something, he'll volunteer that he's met a girl. Like out of jealousy. He apparently felt lonely & insecure to hop back into a relationship, but I didn't say anything to him about a guy. He then said he still wants to go on vacation w/me & my parents. So he's either lying about this girl, or he's not serious w/her because this trip probably won't be until next fall. Then he said if I needed something to call him. Well, why is he being like this? Was this a desperate move to keep me in his life still? Why is he acting out his competitiveness still? What does he want from me? I had told him that I missed him & wished we talked more, but he said "it is what it is". What?!

2006-12-26 06:07:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met this girl that I have been talking to for a while. She is very attractive and young..and she wants to do ALOT of disgusting things in bed. All the things that I wanted to do with past girls that I had to work for are in this woman combined. She asked me my limit and I said I didn't have one thinking she didn't want to do anything dirty. She wants to stick anal beads in my asshole and rim me. She also wants to beat me with a whip. Then I can put a beer bottle in her snatch and do anal with her at the same time. She will also let me pee on her. I don't so much find this stuff especially attractive but the fact that i may never get another chance to do it make me compelled to go through with it. She has never had the opportunity to do these things and she is really excited to try it. What would you guys do?

2006-12-26 06:07:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

honest answers will be really appreciated.. =)

2006-12-26 06:05:19 · 16 answers · asked by h00ray 1

i mean...if youre boss told you that you must walk long carpet of burning hot coals or shards of razor sharp glass to even get in the door each day...we would all laugh...and we do not readily accept pain in almost any situation....but yet for some reason we are all prepared to go through the pain and suffering that matters of the heart often bring...over and over...technically we need a job...money...to buy food ...to survive...much more than we need love...so what is it that drives us to accept the pain...and always be willing and open to the possibility of more...for the sake of the wonderful feelings we may or may not have in return sometimes......what do you think drives us in that way...or are we just far less intelligent than we give ourselves credit for???...just curious...what do you think?...;0)

2006-12-26 06:04:47 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

needed with detail...jk

2006-12-26 06:04:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

everyone keeps telling me let him come to you. I really want to ask him out but i'm afraid that he'll say no. How do i know for sure that he won't say no??

2006-12-26 06:03:23 · 27 answers · asked by chelsie 1

a high school girl that is.

2006-12-26 06:02:21 · 12 answers · asked by Kevin 2

Yesterday my girlfriend and her guy of 4 years got in to it. The whole thing was over a number that he found in her cell phone. She *67 this person a week ago because she didn't want this person to have her number and it was only called one time. When confronted about the number she told her guy that he could call the number, it was nobody. He chose not to because he thought she was cheating. Later on that night they got into another disagreement about the same thing so this ***** *** ***** tried to put her and their daughter out in the streets with no place to go. She would'nt leave so he choked her to the point where she could not breathe, dragged her through the house and threw her down on the floor in front of their daughter.
My question is guys would you go to the extreme of putting your girl and you daughter out as well choking her in front of your daughter and going to jail all over a number that you don't know whose it was? What do you think about this guy?

2006-12-26 06:02:00 · 11 answers · asked by annonymous g 1

Do you think its better looking if a guy keeps his pubic hair really short or a little longer? Do you think his nutz should be shaved?

2006-12-26 06:00:58 · 11 answers · asked by renew69 2

we have been together for 3 years it seems she getting bored of me she doesnt kiss me hug me or want to spent time with me anymore all she does is go out with my sister and about six lads that she says are just friends while i stay at home and look after are 2yr old boy what should i do?

2006-12-26 06:00:24 · 30 answers · asked by craig d 1

FACT #9: White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused as results of environmental variations. but at least five studies that have attempted to equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two races indicate no significant change in relative results. As environment improves, the Negro does better but so does the White. The gap is not decreased. (26) In fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk, associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove University, reveals that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES where socio-economic levels of both races are raised to the middle classes. (18)

2006-12-26 06:00:23 · 3 answers · asked by NONAME 1

I told my close female friend that I needed time away from her to clear my head after she kept giving me undecisive answers if we'll go further than friends.She said if that's how I feel then she respects that and that maybe I do need time to sort my head out.(told her I don't know what to think\do anymore about her undecisiveness,am confused,need to clear my head).

The conversation ended on this note, with her saying:

She then said there are too many ppl in the world who are 2 faced and selfish,who don't value individuals like she does.Is hurt that OTHER ppl don't value ppl the way she does.MEANING???

Not spoken for 3 weeks now.(the longest ever!)What she thinking\feeling?Will she EVER speak to me again?What do I do now?

For xmas I sent her a xmas card and a small teddy(saying special friend)-just saying merry xmas and happy new year. I wrote a short message how special and unique she is+ how important the friendship is to me.

Who'd get 1st in touch again?

2006-12-26 05:57:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is this one girl I really like and I've asked her out a couple of times before but everytime I ask her she just says maybe or one time I asked her to a dance we where having at the school she said she was busy if not she would have gone with me so a couple of weeks ago I asked her out again and she just said no so I don't know if I should just lay low for a while and then keep trying with her or just move on.

2006-12-26 05:57:08 · 9 answers · asked by loot 3

I like him alot but he doesn't like my friends anyway and we fight alot over retared stuff All answers welcome

2006-12-26 05:54:32 · 38 answers · asked by BigBallerGurl2 2

I have a guy that I like and we have been kind of seeing eachother for a while. He thought of me on the holidays and I really want to let him know my feelings for him before the New Year starts. Do you think there is a chance that his feelings are strong for me since he thought of me over the holidays?

2006-12-26 05:53:26 · 4 answers · asked by Kemma 3

For my entire life, I have been somewhat on the reserved side. I am not painfully shy or anything, and I open up right away when I am alone with someone. But now that I am getting older, I realize that boys seem to never notice me. I am very smart and really pretty, but I am a little bit on the quiet side in school. I was just wondering if anybody had some ideas of how I can get over my little bit of shyness. Thanks

2006-12-26 05:52:55 · 12 answers · asked by hottie:-) 1

Nobody Ugly on the outside the prettiest people could be ugly
even unatractive

2006-12-26 05:52:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER fall n love!!! I told him i hate, love what do i do? I lied, and i told him i would never,ever,ever,ever lie to him, does that make me a bad girlfriend?

2006-12-26 05:51:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 05:49:18 · 21 answers · asked by JackLove 2

there is this guy that i really like and i would do any thing for him...but he is always asking me if i want to have sex with him, and he is always touching me...and some times he says, "you're so cute." but he has said, "sweetie, i know your smart" only once. i don't really know if he just wants to have sex with me or if he truely likes me

2006-12-26 05:47:59 · 16 answers · asked by mimi 1


I have a boyfriend that I have been with for a year and I will do basically ANYTHING for him. I would rather do NOTHING else than be WITH him.Sometimes I worry about him before I worry about myself for example when I am at the store I wonder what he needs first and I will go buying things for him and go broke before I worry about what I need.
I think about him constantly 24/7 and I try not to but it doesn't work. Sometimes if he is driving on the road really late at night or at night period, I wont be able to go to sleep worrying about him getting home safe. If he does not call me when he gets in or it takes too long, I panic and cry especially if he doesn't answer the phone. I am in great fear of something happening to him....is this bad? And is it bad that I worry about him before myself.

2006-12-26 05:47:56 · 15 answers · asked by ♥Mizz.Purdy♥ 2

2006-12-26 05:46:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was just wonedering do men really like to be the hunter?

2006-12-26 05:42:23 · 18 answers · asked by gypsy 2

because i have to wear all these sexy dresses and all the guys are always around me and stuff.should i stop being a model or break up with him or spend the greatest night with to make up for it or what?

2006-12-26 05:40:59 · 17 answers · asked by hottie 1

I met this girl awhile back and we made plans to go out between Christmas and New Years. My Grandma just died on Christmas day. Should I tell this girl my grandma died, go out on the date anyway, or make up some other excuse. I think telling her the truth might scare her off or even make her think I'm lying. What do you guys think I should do?

2006-12-26 05:39:56 · 10 answers · asked by Greg 3

There is this girl i know she looks at me all the time. one time i go chruch i open the door i saw her she looks at me whit her mouth open i look a longer then she close her eyes a little and move her mouth. if i dont stop looking she will not stop. we never say a word me or her. we look in are eyes for long but never say noting. does she want me to talk to her last time she was crossing her arms and looking at me whit a little smile?

2006-12-26 05:38:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


ok does anyone have an intrest in a blonde hair, blue eyed, skinny, frigile, pettite, smart, long legged, tan, and past model girl? becuase im feeling kinda lonley :)

2006-12-26 05:37:23 · 21 answers · asked by music_lover2232 1

I would reallly like to know what boys find attractive in girls. Both looks and personality. Any guys please answer this cause I'm really curious. Thanks

2006-12-26 05:37:09 · 6 answers · asked by hottie:-) 1

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