This guy I was casually seeing for over a year, had just recently moved back home for a job (1 state away from me). He said he wanted to keep in touch, but since he's left, he hasn't as much as I have. So..I didn't contact him for a month. Sometimes if he continously hears from me, then I stop calling/emailing, he gets suspicious, & then calls me. Anyway, long story short, he called me the other night at about midnight & told me he was listening to our CD that we both liked & said it reminded him of me, so he called. We were talking, then he came out & said he had met a girl. Now he's always been competitive with me, and if he "thinks" I have a guy because I hadn't contacted him or something, he'll volunteer that he's met a girl. Like out of jealousy. He apparently felt lonely & insecure to hop back into a relationship, but I didn't say anything to him about a guy. He then said he still wants to go on vacation w/me & my parents. So he's either lying about this girl, or he's not serious w/her because this trip probably won't be until next fall. Then he said if I needed something to call him. Well, why is he being like this? Was this a desperate move to keep me in his life still? Why is he acting out his competitiveness still? What does he want from me? I had told him that I missed him & wished we talked more, but he said "it is what it is". What?!
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