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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Sometimes i think i wont to get married so i still look young and youthfull in my wedding pics and everyone says i look beautifull as i glide down th eisle with my pert D cups and tight *** as im now 26. But finding the right man is impotant too, yet what if im waiting till im like 40 and i look haggerd!!! What do u think is the best age and whats most important?

2006-12-26 06:35:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because asian girls make them feel powerful, and are less threatening to their ego?
How do I know that the guy love me for real? Not just they can't find white sexy girl in their countries?

2006-12-26 06:35:28 · 11 answers · asked by ★menta★ 4

A couple of days ago I told my crush of 2 years that i had feelings for him. He said that he does has feelings for me but that he doesnt know if he wants to date me because he has feelings for someone else too. (Also he has never been in a relationship before.) I was hurt and was starting to get over it until yesterday...he wants to know if i will take him back and that he wants to try and have a relationship with me because he really does like me...he realizes that it was foolish to wait around for the other person. I still have feelings for him..but should I take him back???

2006-12-26 06:34:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've been broken up for about a month and every time I say I'm moving on he pops back into my life. He invited me and my son to xmas with his family and it was amazing, we had the best time and it seemed like he wanted to get back together. I'm miserable without him but he says his heart isn't where it used to be. He says he happy now but we had sex 2 weeks ago. I have no idea what to think of all this. I am getting so many mixed feelings here. He knows I want to be with him and why would he toy with my emotions. I am a fool for thinking he wants to be with me, or should I just move on? He won't even give our relationship a second chance and I refuse to be his booty call. My son is so attached to him and it's going to break my heart to say he can't see him anymore. I just want to know what I should do....How do I get him back...how do I get him to love me again without playing any games?

2006-12-26 06:34:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Making out is getting boring, how can I hint without SAYING IT that I would like to move a little further. How can I get him to feel me up?

2006-12-26 06:33:45 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 26-year-old Asian girl. I like a man who is teaching English and from north England. I just gave him a small thing for xmas but I don't know what should I do then. I wish he could like me too and I am not sure if he will like me or not (I'm pretty and stylish.) Or maybe I have to waiting for his response. somebody tell me how to do??

2006-12-26 06:32:59 · 3 answers · asked by elle 1

what do you do?? male or female!!

2006-12-26 06:32:17 · 13 answers · asked by ? 3

This girl I really fancy keeps sending me text messages. Im not sure if she fancies me or not! We work together. We were out on or Christmas night out the other night. We got on well together but I didnt make a move. We talk alot together at work and we have spent time alone were she has said she has enjoyed talking with me. The day after the Christmas night out she txt me to see if I enjoyed myself and was making jokes about the night. I txt back. She txt me again and I thought sod this I gotta drop a hint that I like her. So I txt her saying how well she looked on the night out. She txt straight back thanking me for the compliment. Then on Xmas day she txt me wishing me happy xmas.

I believe she has a boyfriend but that a break up is on the cards if not already happened. I know I should just ask her out but I'm afraid to rush in too soon and spoil things. Especially cos of the work and boyfriend situation. Should I wait and keep doing what I'm doing or what?

2006-12-26 06:32:07 · 7 answers · asked by K 2

It's such a blessing to be with a sweetheart like my girl, but the amount of tolerance she has for her guy friend's interference in our living space, our relationship and comfort zone is ridiculous. I'm usually at work when he's around her alone at times alot. She's been there so much for me, but still seems to somehow give this guy unfair bias over me or seemingly more patience of his blocking to our love than fair. She is constantly reminding me how her and I are one, but then not REALLY putting her foot down so that we could move on without him. I'm might stay somewhere else until he's gone or who knows what else. It's so wack to me because I know that if it was me with a homegirl/roomate that flirts and is such an obstacle to our relationship, my girlfriend wouldn't deal with half the b.s. I dealt with. We both know we've never loved no one else like we have each other before, but it seems that she lacks the firmness in dealing with this dude. Is there more to this than I know?

2006-12-26 06:31:35 · 4 answers · asked by Justcool 2

he did not send me a christmas card. Is this a bad sign?

2006-12-26 06:30:57 · 11 answers · asked by ronnie 2

Which type of costume would you like to see her in, a nurse, school girl or maid?

2006-12-26 06:30:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

feel awkward in telling others how you met them?
Ummm...wasn't it considered romantic when women were writing letters to men who were at war then meeting them when they got back(if they made it of course)? Same idea, different medium, right?

2006-12-26 06:30:13 · 8 answers · asked by viewAskew 5

Thers this guy at school that is just so perfect.And heres y i like him so much.Hes funny,caring,athletic,cute,stays out of trouble,pretty smart but not retarded,and allways treets a girl right.I meen he allways tries to make me laugh and talks to me and stuff.But i am not sure if i should ask him to out with me or not.Please help me with this one!

2006-12-26 06:29:35 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

we've been together for 3 months he is my first serious boyfriend im 18 and he is 24 and he is good financially and im not too bad myself im a loan processor for a mortgage company and he lives in his own place i would just like to move in with him but im scared of telling him and him not been ready. what should i do tell him or wait a litle longer? thanks

2006-12-26 06:28:25 · 22 answers · asked by Blondie 2

I probably can use common sense, but I wanted a womans opinion. This woman I know she was talking to me like 100 words per minute for like 20 minutes. I wanted to know, was sher nervous about me or did she like me or what?

2006-12-26 06:27:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ive been with my boyfriend for 6 months. We moved with our relationship too fast, Lesson learned...And now Im wondering if we should even be together..At least not living together..But I dont know what to say or do...He moved in with me, and recently his mom lost her place and is staying with us too...She is no problems at all - she great...But my boyfriend has a few things that I am just being so close to fed up with. And Ive told him this..And say I dont want that to be a part of my future....So he kinda has an idea that he needs to change some ways or he will loose me...

2006-12-26 06:27:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dated this guy for two years he broke up w/ me in august and he already had a girlfriend within weeks...ive heard lots about her and how she's sooo perfect for him...and he's now hanging out with her and the group of friends we both hang out with...and i feel sooo nervous and maybe even a little intimidated by her...i mean sure he acted like a jerk and a jackass bt honestly im happy for him that he's happy... is it normal to feel that way about the girl????

2006-12-26 06:26:03 · 18 answers · asked by theoneandonly 1

Okay...I have always believed that you should never wait for someone else to do things for you. If its something you want, work hard until you can obtain it. I believe I have my priorities straight. I have always had my own place, my own car and have been able to pay my own bills. Is it wrong for me to be this way? I have sisters that depend on men for everything...including happiness. I watch them struggle, and often have to help them out. I have 4 sisters. I try to do the total opposite. I am a single mother who works full-time, and i'm in school pursuing a degree in Nursing. I dont consider myself a man hater. I just dont have a man at the moment because I am taking some time out of the dating scene.
My question is: Why do guys run away from Independent women?

2006-12-26 06:23:03 · 13 answers · asked by vivian M 2

Their family members "playfully" refer to their girlfriend as "daughter in law"? (I said it once too, and he said it didnt bother him when I asked if it did- I wanted to slap myself after syaing it cause I dindt know if he'd like me joking that way and I dont wanna "scare" him) His mom and grandma were saying this all Christmas weekend long, and it's not the first time its happened. I dont think he heard it, but honestly I was flattered. I know they like me A LOT, and they think I'm a positve influence on him so maybe its wishful thinking that we'll marry one day. (I hope so too.) Does this make guys feel weird or have any girls gone through this? What do you think about them liking me so much to already consider me part of the fam? Dont get me wrong- I'm NOT complaining cause it makes me feel good that they think so highly of me, I just dont want him to feel weird about it.

2006-12-26 06:22:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel that guys think I am ugly and fat which i am not i am not even close to fat.This dude in my class i think he likes me but i don't think he likes me.I don't what to hurt feelings so should i give a chance.He is like the only guy in my class that doesn't make fun of me.S o what should I do?

2006-12-26 06:21:19 · 14 answers · asked by Mixed-Girl 3


2006-12-26 06:18:11 · 3 answers · asked by rhiannon_kc 1

I broke up with my finance in November after 11 months to go on a weekend vegas trip with an ex boyfriend--it was not an intimate weekend trip-- but it happened to be my 1 year anniversary with my finance, although we were apart at the time. When I returned I realized the mistake I made by going on the trip and tried to repair the damage but found out the following week that during that weekend trip he replaced me with someone he met at the bar. Since that weekend he has been seeing that girl and stringing me along indicating that he wants to repair our relationship. Stupid me thinks we are going to fix things and make it work. Am I in fantasy land? I'm 36, not in high school!!!! I sit at home and cry myself to sleep, my teenagers tell me to move on but how can you move on when your heart tells you to go back. He continues to see her and tells me that he loves me but needs time to break it off with her because she is just to nice. HELP! What should I do?????

2006-12-26 06:16:54 · 44 answers · asked by Hopeless 1

Is this wrong. Okay theres this guys i kno i luv and hes knos that i luv him and he wont leave me alone about it. He finally told me that he loved me too and that he wanted to have sex with me, when he asked me this i was like NO. He told me i was f**ked up, well when he told me that i lost my mind, because he had the nerve to say i was messed up when he is the one that has a girlfriend. After i yelled at him he told me he was sorry abd he asked me again if i would have sex with him. I really love him and i want to but he has a girlfriend is it wrong to do this???

P.S. I lost my virginity at the age of 11 and now he thinks i am vunrulable(dunno if thats spelled right) and i am willing to have sex with anybody!! help

2006-12-26 06:16:28 · 11 answers · asked by Jus call me "BUBS" 3

scrotum, now I have some white and green stuff oozing, help? what is it, what to do?

2006-12-26 06:15:58 · 8 answers · asked by seahawk 1

My b/f of 5 months bought me a beautiful engagement for Christmas and popped the question! We have had problems all along with his lying to me. I told him i loved the ring and would love to marry him, someday, but only if i can start believing in him again. He got mad and said that if his wanting to marry me didn't prove he loved me nothing would.
I feel like if he loved me, he wouldn't be lying to me all the time. Am i being too sensitive, or am i right?

2006-12-26 06:14:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 06:14:14 · 6 answers · asked by CUTIE 4

We had a great relationship going fo a while. But there's something in between us that recently became apparent but I have no idea what it is other than it's extremely painful for her. I respected that...for a while, but I think I've had enough. It's like she wants to take a break from us only so she can try to forget about "it" again and then pick us back up. But only to end up right back here, as I see it anyways. So I want to tell her that I love her and care for her, which is why I can't be in her life only some of the time. Any suggestions on how to deliver this without sounding accusatory or downright mean? Should I even care if I do? I would love to be with her and I want to do this in a way that leaves that possibility open in the future.

2006-12-26 06:13:36 · 9 answers · asked by randyken 6

I'd like to get opinions from other girls who work in a retail store about this situation. There is a girl I have seen a couple of times at a store I shop who I like and would like to ask her out. It's just that everytime I see her at the store, she is always busy working and there are always people around so there is no privacy to talk to her plus I don't want to get her into trouble at work. Usually in the past when I have asked out a girl, I usually talk to for a while first but I don't have that opportunity in this case because I don't know her outside the store she works at. What I'd like to ask is: is it okay for a guy to just ask for your number right away without talking to you - such as "Hi, my name is Chris, can I have your number so we can talk later?". If you are a girl and a guy asked you this quickly for your # would it make you feel uncomfortable or would it not matter if you liked him? Which is better - small talk then ask for # OR get straight to the point?

2006-12-26 06:10:56 · 18 answers · asked by Chris C 1

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