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Singles & Dating - 26 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

when is there going to be a new episode?!?!?
anyone know what is going to happen!!?!?

2006-12-26 07:02:05 · 3 answers · asked by lola 1

how did u tell u parents bout ur first boyfrined how old were u

2006-12-26 07:01:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well he wanted to be friends with benefits, but I broke it off because I have feelings for him and want more. But he still talks to me and acts like friends even though I won't sleep with him any more. So what should I do? I'm thinking if I stick around and be friends with him maybe he'll want to be more? Maybe he just needs some time to ease into it? I don't understand why since he is attracted to me and he likes me, why not just be a couple? I really like him a lot so it also hurts a lot that he doesn't want more. So anyways I'm just confused about what I should do. Thanks!

2006-12-26 07:00:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-26 07:00:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

where do you think??

2006-12-26 06:58:34 · 15 answers · asked by TheArtistFormalyKnowAsSlavemaker 1

Last night me and my boyfriend were on the phone, and he told me his cousin was sleeping over. I didn't mind at first, up until he started acting really wierd (like breathing heavy, making wierd noises etc..) I definately got suspicious by the way he wasn't really conversating, but rather asking me simple things that I would answer to.He is always talkative and by the sounds he would make (it sounded like he wanted to moan but was holding it in) Sorry for the info but to be honest he was acting the same way as when I give him oral sex. I couldn't sleep last night because, I just kept thinking about it.

I don't know how he would do that to me, but especially with his COUSIN! It makes me sick that they could be so disgusting, and immoral. I just can't belive it!

I know men will take the pu s s y that gets handed to them, but I wonder if she provoked him. I am almost 100% sure that they did do something whether it was oral sex or any other type of sexual activity.

2006-12-26 06:58:34 · 19 answers · asked by Mermaid 2

We met two months ago after nine years. We were mesmerized by each other and we continue to talk weekly by phone. We have found to have many similar interests, that we want the same things in a relationship, but I am now becoming interested in more. How do I keep this relationship going on the right track without pushing to commit. I really don't want to commit and neither does he. We are growing older, but our sexual connection drives us both wild. We want to continue to see each other when possible (we live 2500 miles apart), but we are both scared of the every day stresses. What do I do to continue? What can I do?

2006-12-26 06:57:57 · 4 answers · asked by MARY M 1

ive been dating this woman for about a month and 1/2 however instead of the 4-5 dates that would normally be for me weve been out 8 or so times...
On our 1st date while talking she mentioned she always has guys automatically expecting "strings"
I have therefore made a special effort to give her extra space and not be thrown in with those guys
2 weeks ago we went to a party where someone apparently asked her if we were bf.g/f she told them that she as my date (which was the case) but later that night she asked me how should she respond to that if it was asked again, i told her right no we were in the wierd dating stage kind of in between dating and bf/gf
we did exchange xmas pres. and have plans for fri and new years eve.
I was thinking of telling her a few min. before the ball drops id like my 1st kiss from her of the new year to NOT be from her as my date but to be from her as my girlfriend
do you think this is safe move or should i wait for her to bring it up again

2006-12-26 06:57:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

After almost 4yrs of being separated, I'm finally divorced and have decided to date once again. The problem is, I no longer trust anyone and it's really taking a toll on this relationship that I'm in. I met this guy a little over a year ago and communication is great between us. I mean there's nothing under the sun that we can't discuss with eachother. Anyway, over the last year, I've cut him off so many times because I felt like there were things he lied about. He claims that he's in love w/ me and expresses that he wants to marry me when I'm ready. Well, at the beginning of 2006 I cut him off for about 4 months. During that time, I went out with a couple of guys but it was nothing like my connection him. Our paths crossed once again and we picked up where we left off. A few months later he got the news that he's got a baby on the way. The baby's here, he claims that he's in love with me and has told the other female but he's still hiding our relationship from his family & her.

2006-12-26 06:56:46 · 12 answers · asked by DD 1

I wanna show this poem to the girl i lik, can u guyz or girls tell me if this is good

roses are red violets are blue, your eyes
are beautiful just like you
when i first saw you
i saw true luv
when i started to talk to you
i saw endless luv
when i come back from a hard day
i just think think of you and
you make me smile away
i never felt this way before until i saw you
and all im trying to say
is that i love you

2006-12-26 06:55:58 · 10 answers · asked by C T 1

I love sex but my boyfriend all is tired ,
He said I'm sex compulsive, Do you think I need a doctor? or new boyfriend?

2006-12-26 06:55:52 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

guys in previous relationships of mine and friends has only interested those guys buy our looks once they found someone they thought was hotter they move on . why do guys think we are a piece in their game.

2006-12-26 06:55:26 · 25 answers · asked by rockinbeauty 1

Have you ever regretted turning down someone who wanted to be with you?

2006-12-26 06:55:10 · 9 answers · asked by shar 1

my friend knew i liked this really hot guy. So she went and asked him out for herself. and she lied to me and said he asked her out. Should i still be her friend. Cause i am really mad at her cause every time i am around she talks about him and braggs. What should i do.

2006-12-26 06:54:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going out with this guy and I keep on having dreams about him what does it mean?

2006-12-26 06:51:43 · 24 answers · asked by RoseMary 2

Confused about this? i was wondering if anyone can help me with a prob i have... well the thing is i met this guy and now where dating for awhile but he has a brother and everytime i see me or he sees me-he makes sures im looking at him and giving him attention. Well I dont know its seems wierd too wierd for me to treat me like this, i mean everytime we go to a club or something he comes by and gives me a long hug as if he didnt want to let go--and inside im thinnking whats going on? is it me thats being silly or is he showing me some affection towards me---spending the holidays--well he makes sure hes sitting superly close to me and talks to me and makes sure im looking at him--- hmm ? wierd. And i dyed my hair and he noticed and commented me right a way. Strange... and there was gossip from my bfs friends -they said that --the brother is jealous of my bf dating me and they said he wished i was his instead of my bf--does anyone think there is something there besides NICE GUY!!????

2006-12-26 06:51:16 · 17 answers · asked by Misia 1

ok i brok up with her because i thought she was being relly anoig but than i saw that she was not that bad and she is hot so waht should i do plese anserw my question and mabey it might mack me fell better

2006-12-26 06:50:53 · 10 answers · asked by Ethan G 1

Never seen him in person, know him through a friend

2006-12-26 06:50:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my best friend is havin trouble with two girls that like him n he likes both of them but doesn't know which one he wants to date. plz help me help him!

2006-12-26 06:50:03 · 9 answers · asked by rockinbeauty 1

My boyfriend of 14 months got in a right strop on xmas eve because I asked him why he wasn't bringing his kids here on xmas day to open their pressies......he said I didnt invite them (he know's they don't need an invite, they are always welcome here) he said I was looking for an argument and stormed off, leaving my pressies and not taking his! he told me not to text him ever again or ring him or talk to his mates!! I know this may be a silly question but whats happening here? Bearing in mind he has practically lived at my house for 14 months and not paid a penny, oh and has his own place! He is a mummys boy 2. Any ideas?

2006-12-26 06:49:55 · 35 answers · asked by Lucky 1

I like a girl but i found out that a nother guy likes her too, What to do? I also need advice on how to aproach her.

2006-12-26 06:49:51 · 9 answers · asked by Superman 3

What are some signs that show tht ur ex bf/gf want to b together again?
like..how wud he/she act around u..

2006-12-26 06:49:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My gf and I had an arguement the past weekend, and I feel it really damaged our relationship. I feel that we haven't been very close for the past 2 weeks, so when I saw her talking to other guys at the bar, it pissed me off. I told her that it makes me mad that she has talked to other guys more than me the past 2 weeks. I know they are friends, but I am a jealous person and it drives me nuts. She is a great person and I could not live without her. What is the best way to say sorry?

2006-12-26 06:48:46 · 18 answers · asked by dwarner33 2

2006-12-26 06:48:27 · 13 answers · asked by WORRIED 1

This guy that I was casual with, more or less friends w/benefits, mostly mixed signals, still wants to go on vacation w/me even though I talked to him the other day, said that he had met a girl already, said it is what it is w/ me, & probably the new girl too, if he's still wanting to go on vacation w/me & my parents even. So what is going on here? What is he thinking? By the way, I wanted to show him that I'm not playing his games of making me jealous, but I text messaged him Merry Xmas, & now I feel retarded that I did after he told me about that girl =(

2006-12-26 06:47:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay, my boyfriend just broke up w/ me. But i still love him, more than ANYTHING, and by the way he's acting, he still loves me too. mean while, when i was down and blue, my bestfriend Nick was there the entier time. Just today, he admited that he loved me. what should i do?????

2006-12-26 06:47:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i haven't heard from a guy friend of mine in over a week. He just had a death in the family. Is he just dealing with his loss? Normally I wouldn't questions people's actions during a time like this, but this guy is so on and off all the time anyways. Right before all this happened he admited he had some feelings for me.

2006-12-26 06:45:55 · 8 answers · asked by Jen_n_TX 3

In the past week and a half, I have had two dreams about a woman I know through work. I am attracted to her and we share a strong connection. But she has a live-in boyfriend and I am married, so I have never acted on it nor would I. My wife pays me no attention and rarely even lets me touch her. I have never had these dreams before and am not sure why it happened this time. The amount of time spent with this woman has not changed either, so it is not as if I am all of a sudden around her every day of the week. I see her about once a week for about 2 hours. Am I crazy? Why is my mind dreaming about other women all of a sudden?

2006-12-26 06:44:52 · 23 answers · asked by Jaybo 2

2006-12-26 06:43:29 · 29 answers · asked by renew69 2

My live in boyfriend of 8 months has a teenage daughter who lives across the country ... Even though she's far far away, I'm pretty uncomfortable with it. We're perfect for eachother, but when it comes to one day marrying him, I don't think I can go through with it. One day I'd like to share a new experience of child birth with a first timer as well. Not with someone who's been through it... Any of you think the same way.. Have you or do you have a bf that has a kid? How do you deal?

2006-12-26 06:38:12 · 19 answers · asked by Jenna S 2

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