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I order the christmas gift oversea to a girl i like and it takes 10 days to finally deliver to her. I track the item everyday and told her it will be late. Finally the report shown the item arrived.

thinking it was not yet delivered to her doorstep, I msg her that item item will be delivered to her soon. Then she replied that she had already received it and msg me that she was in a rush and forget to msg me that she received and said a thank you!

It was a bulk to care bear stuff toys and she like stuff toys. I msg her if she like it BUT NO REPLY FROM HER. I wonder why she don't seem ecstatic after all i search for all before getting them for her.
Kind of feeling sad. :(

2006-12-26 01:05:59 · 15 answers · asked by Fred 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

She is 20. I mean as a frenz at least should give an acknowledge reply. This is like a spring between us. The farther we pull from each other, the closer we got. however the nearly we pull each other, the fartherwe get.

2006-12-26 01:14:09 · update #1

15 answers

Sounds like you like her more than she does you. Most often when a girl isn't really into a gift that a guy bought, she will appear that she really likes it only because she really likes the guy. Sorry to say but it doesn't sound like she truely appreciated all the work and thoughtfullness that went into the gift......my opinion only.

2006-12-26 01:10:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christmas is a tricky season. if it helps, i bought my step kids ipods for christmas but the middle child wanted a cell phone. His mom bought him one. At the end of the day, we had to go on a wild goose chase to find the ipod. the point is: That when you give a gift, your work is done once you give it. It is human nature for a person to never be satisfied. You put alot of money thought and effort into a gift but, a more tantilizing one may have come along as a distraction. the newness of your gift may have worn off kind of quickly. that's all. Doesn't mean she's unappreciative. She may have been busy like she said. Find out this way. Next time you talk to her, ask her how her Christmas was and what she did. DON'T mention that she said she was very busy. Allow her to say it. If her stories aren't consistent, you know what's up.

2006-12-26 09:18:02 · answer #2 · answered by beautyzhername 3 · 0 0

I think that your effort should have been acknowledged. Unfortunately, the time we spend picking out the gift has no impact on how the recipient will feel about it. That is for sure. It was very thoughtful of you to get her some thing you know she will like. Depending on where your relationship is at, I know women like to get jewelry from their men, something a bit more personal. Maybe she was disappointed. You have Valentines coming up. Try flowers or jewelry. See if the response changes. She may have outgrown stuffed animals. Good luck,

2006-12-26 09:10:37 · answer #3 · answered by ME 4 · 0 0

Well it sometimes is hard to express your feelings through a msg...so I wouldn't be worried about it. I would be more worried if she seemed like she didn't care over the phone or something else. I'm sure she liked it, don't be sad! Wait until you can get the real feelings.

2006-12-26 09:11:28 · answer #4 · answered by sparkzxx 4 · 0 0

She told you thank you and maybe that is all she feels she has to say.......Some people get all gushy and carry on about how much they love something until you want to choke them...........there is no middle of the road so enjoy her thank you and if it hurts you that much next time send her a card with a nice thought and you will probably get the same reaction......

2006-12-26 09:11:52 · answer #5 · answered by shortieperez1 1 · 0 0

The holidays are a very busy time of year....she has probably been so busy with her family and prepping for the holidays that she hasn't had time to let you know how she likes it. At least she said 'thank you' in a roundabout sort of way.

2006-12-26 09:10:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unfortunately my friend, some people want very expensive gifts and they also would like a mind reader.
You should consider finding someone local who enjoys just spending time with you.

2006-12-26 09:09:41 · answer #7 · answered by levelva 2 · 0 0

i'm so sorry fred the gift sounded great. are you sure she was ready to accept a gift from you? what has been your experience with her? usually when women or girls do not gush or get back to you they are not ready to pursue a relationship. do not feel sad you did a great thing, just sit back and if you do not hear from her there are so so many people who would love to hear from you and always remember that!

2006-12-26 09:10:40 · answer #8 · answered by pa625 5 · 0 0

Maybe she has allot going on at home right now with family Holiday. Some families get upset about cell phones at family get together's.

2006-12-26 09:12:11 · answer #9 · answered by peorgiefree 1 · 0 0

you should have taken her opinion regarding the gift and gifted her as per her choice..stuffed toys can be bought from any near by mall. you should have given her something better.

2006-12-26 09:13:10 · answer #10 · answered by gentle m 2 · 0 0

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