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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Im bored at work on christmas so i thought i would entertain myslf this morning with a survey.Do you date out side your race? or do you want to but just dont know if you can because of how people will react?Or are you a hater of any one that does that?

2006-12-25 01:27:37 · 32 answers · asked by wblueyesinvt35 2

2006-12-25 01:24:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 01:17:39 · 8 answers · asked by hackworth 2

was it what you thought it would be? who has had more then one sexual relationship come out of answers?

2006-12-25 01:12:11 · 12 answers · asked by On It 1

i keep dreaming about a guy...having sex with him etc..does that mean I love him? Should I tell that guy? I have a BF now and I love my BF very much so why do I dream about my friend...?

2006-12-25 01:11:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 01:10:19 · 15 answers · asked by love_momo 1

in a girl you like.how do you act around her?

2006-12-25 01:09:08 · 13 answers · asked by debra 2

who do they want to be contacted by? And what for?

Chit chat? new friends? new hook up with a potential lover? Hoping for a little hate from Alotta F?

And if you do not post a visible e-mail contact on your Yahoo Answer page, why not huh?

2006-12-25 01:07:20 · 10 answers · asked by On It 1


I been goin out with this girl for like a month. AT the begginig she really liked me and I dodnt like her as much. But as we contunied dating she started to like me less and less, And I started to like her more and more. She broke up with me and I have 2 options. First I still really like and and want to be with her. But then I realized that she broke up with me and that I can find someone better. So should I like call her and still keep in touch or should I ignore her and let her come back to me.

2006-12-25 01:06:18 · 4 answers · asked by Titans 1101 1

Me and my boyfriend recently broke up and i really miss him badly. We were perfect together all along. We've been together for almost two years now and we broke up because we thought that we should give ourselves different opportunities to see the world. We are 19. We are still able to maintain a really good friendship together, still talk normally, play normally. Like best friends. But i really feel upset when i know i cannot have him as a lover anymore. And i can't help myself from holding his arm, hands, as usual. And hedoesn't mind. Although he will emphasize to me that i shouldn't do that anymore. He is also there to help me with this breakup, he consoles me and also tells me to focus on other aspects of my life. He is a really nice person, and my friends tells me that he misses me too. All along, i thought we were perfect for each other and i'm just not willing to let him go. But i've already tried a last attempt to sort things out with him already but it didnt work out. I know

2006-12-25 01:03:56 · 6 answers · asked by love_momo 1

if u will what r u planning to do by urself that day?
if u don't have plan wat r u willing to do?

2006-12-25 01:02:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 00:58:55 · 12 answers · asked by Saya Otonashi 1

you know that there is no future for this relationship. he is from another religion

2006-12-25 00:57:27 · 13 answers · asked by 3ioosh s 1

I've been with this guy for a year. At first, he was very attentive but lately, it's grown into him suffocating me. We don't live together so if I go to the store and he stops by, he'll go to the store I'm at and pretend as if he ran into me there. He's done this about 6 times. I found out he's been going through my computer to see if I'm talking to anyone online (I'm not) and he asks me a ton of questions about everyday conversations that I've had with friends and even my mom! I planned to see a movie with a friend and he whined that this guy (who is gay!) might try to get me into bed. He's taken my house key and made at least one copy that I know of claiming I told him to do it (I never did) and kept it. I finally got fed up and told him a few days ago that I need a break. He did his usual whining but I didn't budge. I've asked him repeatedly to give me space & privacy but he always goes back to acting the same, usually worse. Am I right to dump him even though it's the holidays?

2006-12-25 00:56:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 00:54:34 · 15 answers · asked by Saya Otonashi 1

Am I emotionally drained out? I cried myself over a girl the past five months. Is it due to that? I don't care about christmas, or new years or spending time with my family anymore. I feel empty.

2006-12-25 00:50:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 00:47:04 · 20 answers · asked by 3ioosh s 1

what should i do if my co fraternity/sorority discover that we had a relationshp with my bro......................i lve this man.....

2006-12-25 00:43:52 · 5 answers · asked by gwyn_41 2

well, some people advise me that it was not necessary to delete my ex from my contact list ..but, yet, it's almost a month since I broke up with my gf, aand each time, I see her online, I can't prevent talking to her and vice-versa..That really doesn't help me move on ..because, I am still waiting to see her online ...I tried to delete her, but I had to readd her, well, I can't completely disconnect ... I just want to find a way, to leave her on my contact list, and try to get over her at the sametime ..any idea ?

2006-12-25 00:37:34 · 4 answers · asked by bobby s 1

2006-12-25 00:36:54 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well me and my boyfriend have be seeing each other for awhile .more then 6 months I can count the number of times with been out on one hand .He lives 8 minutes away from where I live all he wants to do is have sex.I've told him about this so many time that I want to go out somewhere besides the movies so we planned to go out last night this was like a christamas outing for like a walk on the beach we planned to go at 7.30 he said for me to meet him at the train station so I did 30 minutes went past no call it was then 5 min past 8 so I called and was like whats happening Im at the staion he was like yeah I was going to call you then Im like its late cus Im at the train station by myself and Im like Im going home he like" you do what you have to do" then I hung up. he didn't call me till and hour later I didn't answer his calls.This was exposed to be something special I looked forward to I cancelled my own plans with my friend to be with him.Know he just called

2006-12-25 00:36:07 · 8 answers · asked by Ashanti 3

My girlfriend and I recently moved into an apartment together and she has had some relationship issues in the past which she warned me about when we first started dating. Both of us agreed that because we got along so well and we are very good for each other that this was a good step to take. Now that we're in the same apartment (co-signed on a 1 year lease), she has said that she is freaked out and doesnt' know what to do. She loves having me around and loves me but says that things are different now and she has trouble giving 100% into our relationship because she is overwhelmed by it all.

I don't feel like I was lied to or used and we did this together. Both of us want the relationship to work and we both honestly want to live together. She isn't sure how to keep from feeling smothered with me here though. Before you all write "you should have seen it coming," trust me I've already been through it so I'm just looking for solutions

2006-12-25 00:34:55 · 5 answers · asked by Evan G 2

2006-12-25 00:33:30 · 16 answers · asked by rocky 1

He was involved with this woman for 7 years and towards the end of that 7 years she got pregnant. He found out a year after the little boy was born that, that wasn't his child. She lied to him the whole time and he thought that he was his child; she even named him after him. I got involved with him about 1 year after he found this devastating news out. I've been dating him for a year and a half. I noticed that he started distancing himself from me. I got a wierd vibe, so I did some investigating and got her address and drove by her house, and I found out that he was spending the night at her house. Why would he still want to spend time with this betraying woman. I show him so much love and I am a great sweet person. Why is he stooping so low. She even has a criminal record and he is a police officer.

2006-12-25 00:31:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to be REALLY flirty...?
i havent known this guy too long, we met thru mutual friends but i really like him, i think he might like me (not entirely sure) and he's going to my house for a get together in a few days. i want to be really flirty and let him know that i like him, but i dont want to be too showy or suggestive because he's quite shy and conservative... does any one know some good ways of getting that guys attention but not looking too out there ?

2006-12-25 00:16:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why man always think 1 woman is not enough? They alway want to have another woman. When you ask they to choose between the both of you, they would said: "I love both of you! It is so difficult to choose! If not, I let the both of you choose!" Is it really so difficult to choose? What is wrong with them? They really love both of them?

2006-12-25 00:13:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like a guy, i wanna confess to him, but is afriad of rejection..
i am afriad tat i will lose a fren
how sld i go on with it?

2006-12-25 00:11:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

to be the best friend I could ever have, whatever that means. But lately I have been missing him because he has not talked to me. I ve reached out but complete silence. I am still missing him. I know you would tell me to forget about him but it is hard to do. I think I might confuse him a bit because each time I talk about friendship, I do or say something that points rather in the direction of a romantic relationship. It is hard to switch from loving someone to consider him as a friend. What should I do, should I stop trying. I really miss him.

2006-12-25 00:11:04 · 10 answers · asked by lovelyeyes 1

i have this relationship now...the problem is he is my co fraternity/sorority....in our organization we are not allowed to have a relationshp with our co fraternity/sorority.....help me...i love this man...

2006-12-25 00:03:30 · 12 answers · asked by gwyn_41 2

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