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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I met an old school friend recently and I really like him, he offered me his number and a few days later with drunken courage I texted him to say it was nice to see him and does he fancy a drink? He replied 'sounds good' so I suggested a venue and we exchanged a few more flirty texts but we never confirmed anything. I ve not heard since , so im thinking maybe hes changed his mind!! Should I contact him?

2006-12-25 07:36:37 · 26 answers · asked by longleggedlass 1

Does it hurt. Does it feel good? What is it like?

2006-12-25 07:36:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is weird. Some days I can open my eyes really wide. It gives me a good appearance, and some days my eyes can't even open that much. I touch my eyes the days it can open wide, and it feels like it's pushed out in a good way, and when i touch my eyes when i can't really open them that much, it is pushed back alot. it feels more like jello than a muscle to me. i want my eyes to always be opened wide and stick out. but more days it is pushed back and i cant open them that much (its not really bad, its just i cant open that much). i look like a whole different person when i can open my eyes alot and when i cant. so can anyone tell me what's wrong? btw, i have 20/20 and no problem with my vision.

2006-12-25 07:34:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my gf,,,which is 60% my type and she's nice 2 me,,,,and i think she would cry if she looses me,,,and im sure that i dont want that,..

or the girl of my dreams,,,,that if i think abt her i will forget anything else,,,,,,,and it apears that she's into me,,,,,,,,and she know that she's the girl of my dreams,,,,but she will not do anything cse i have a gf that i love,,and there 4 she's not telling me her feelings but she tells me that im a very close friend 2 her,,,,,,,but i realy feel like a jerk and i will tell u that i love both of them,,,,,

so curse me if u want but if u were me who would u choose

2006-12-25 07:34:01 · 9 answers · asked by mall123mall 2

I can tell this guy that I love him without any problem, but I'm not sure I mean it. I don't really feel anything when I say it. I'm just responding to what he says. I'm just not sure what I feel any more. After 6 1/2 years, I think it's familiarity and laziness as much as love(it would take effort to leave him and I don't know if I really want to go to all that much trouble.). It doesn't make me sound very nice to be thinking like this, but what do you do when you don't know what you feel?

2006-12-25 07:33:39 · 4 answers · asked by Bookworm girl 2

Why goes through the minds of people who limit their definition of beauty to a race that is not their own?

I don't have a problem with interracial dating that is based on true love or based on genuine attraction that has nothing to do with the other persons race.

But If you are going to limit your definition of beauty to one race, then why don't you limit yourself to your own race? To limit yourself to another race shows that you have self identity issues. To limit yourself to a race that is not your own is like saying "there is no such thing as an attractive man/woman in my own race".

In my opinion you should not define beauty by race(I've dated Asian, white and black guys), but if you are going to define it by race then surely you should define it by your own race.

2006-12-25 07:31:58 · 28 answers · asked by Whatever 1

can a girlfriend be also your best friend ? I meant is it balanced to have the girlfriend occupy the place of the either the lover and also the best friend ...? or isn't better to have a best friend separate from the girlfriend , and keep the girlfriend as only a lover ?

2006-12-25 07:31:49 · 25 answers · asked by Roy A 1

she says that she wants 2 spend the new year`s day with me, but maybe we don`t have were to go or don`t know... so she was invited to a party and maybe she`s going, maybe she will cheat on me, I was invited to many parties, but I want to stay with her, if she goes to a party..... bla.... anyway... just answer my question :)

2006-12-25 07:30:23 · 13 answers · asked by Apollo 4

i lov my bf but weve only been 2gether 4 like 2 weeks and he hasnt been talking 2 me alot i mean he wont call me unless i ask and he hasnt gotten on IM but i dont want 2 call him b/c im scared and that if hes parents pick up i wont no wat 2 say but i need 2 no if hes bored of me already hes and christen and he say that told him 2 like me and i thought that was sweet but he hasnt called or IMed me 4 a few days ans im ggetting a lil worried not a lot just a lil but i just dont no im 13 wat cood really happen at this age
HELP ME !!!!

2006-12-25 07:30:09 · 9 answers · asked by ashley h 2

I cant figure it out but i am

2006-12-25 07:27:06 · 22 answers · asked by Peter X. Long 2

so this guy n i were in love. weve known eachother for 2 years now. weve been talking n stuff but these couple past days there seems to b this big space between us. it seems like were getting distant. we talk on IM n live in differet states. i dont no wat to do :[ i dotn wanna lose him it would break my heart :'[ do u have any advide? he hasnt been talking much n now im questioning if he still likes me... wat should i say? im so confused plzz plzz help :( im soo afraid of losing him.... :[

2006-12-25 07:24:17 · 9 answers · asked by honney bunny 4

i like this boy and i managed to get his number and i now what he looks like but he doesnt now what i look like and in called him and now we gone close we talk and text but whjen he told me he was going to be a dad soon and that girl had a abortion so he left her as he went jail.hoiwever he sayz i love you n hew really sweet but how do i know he is serious he sayz he mingdz me talking to other boys?is he serious how do i know and do i love him because after he told me about being a dad i cryed m,y eyes i cant bare to see a girl with him do i love him??

2006-12-25 07:23:44 · 8 answers · asked by kebabz 1

2006-12-25 07:17:04 · 15 answers · asked by bigmomajill 1

this one guy always shows off around me, gives me eye contact, tries to make me laugh and walks by my a lot and looks out of the corner of his eye at me...it seems like hes trying to get me to like him? but he never will reveal if he likes me or not. do you think he likes me or hes just being an asoshole? he hasnt asked me out yet. and its been a while. hes not shy.

2006-12-25 07:15:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend for christmas as a gift to me wants to take me to Victoria secrets instead of buying me the 199.00 promise ring I wanted. When we are intimate I do dress up, so its not like I don't . He knows I didn't want anything else. He knew what ring it was, my ring size all of that. But I'm getting a Victoria Secrets shopping spree. Am I being ungrateful?

2006-12-25 07:15:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do you stop thinking about someone... what can you do??

2006-12-25 07:11:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

my ex bf and i broke up 2 weeks ago. The main reason is he's stressed out from his finals week and our relationship was partly responsible for that. We broke up kinda on a bad term. I didnt tell him i'll back off a bit, take time apart, no nothing and he didnt say anything to me either. 2 days we met online. But he only stayed for like 5 mins and logged off. I guess he was waiting for me to talk to him since that's what i always do. We broke up before, basically the same reason. And everytime he logins i would immediately jump at him and start talking. I didnt do it this time b/c i really wanna back off for a month or 2. Will it work? Some people suggest i should let him know i wanna give him space and be there for him, but that means i have to contact him first, which is another ego booster for him and may make him not wanna come back.So i wonder should i just keep on doing what i've been doing, aka, ignoring him for a month or 2 and see what happens or should i say merry x'mas to him

2006-12-25 07:11:55 · 10 answers · asked by little asian gal in cresent city 2

If you ask a guy about his status, and he says,

okay I know what 'i have a girlfriend means.'

But what is the term 'i'm locked up right now??'

2006-12-25 07:09:05 · 34 answers · asked by Robyn 1

um...do guys like girls that have confidence...or girls that are beautiful but complain about there looks.....

2006-12-25 07:08:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

see,this guy likes my sis and my sis has gotten hurt before over guys.i don`t know if that is going to happen again and the guy is not that great so because my sis is yonger than me by a 3 mins.she might think that i`m trying to ruin her life she said yes to the date but after the date i saw that guy in chat room(from school over night thing)with a girl holding hands together so do i tell my sisster or do i keep my mouth shout

2006-12-25 07:05:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

cheerleading mean like EVERYTHING to me and he keeps saying that his schools cheerleading team is better then ours and keeps saying that we suck, and we were never good...and it really makes me mad and he knows it does but he keeps doing it... what should i do

2006-12-25 07:03:21 · 3 answers · asked by Brittany K 1

2006-12-25 07:02:51 · 13 answers · asked by tulip 4

Do you think its weird that I'm 41 and still a virgin??

2006-12-25 07:01:45 · 21 answers · asked by SeAn 1

2006-12-25 07:00:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i met a guy in the Armani store when i was on a trip and he asked me for my phone no.. but since i had a boyfriend i just gave him my email, and he wrote me the sweetest email, about how gorgeous i was and if i went on a date he would make me the happiest girl on the planet... so of course i didnt even reply but i saved the email... cause it boosts my self esteem = )... but now my boyfriend needs to use my email in a while because his account just expired.. bla bla bla so i offered him my email to send some urgent messages... should i erase these messages so he wont get mad? or keep them and just make him a litlle jealous

2006-12-25 07:00:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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