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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I am 15, she is 16, i like her and I know from her best friend and others that she likes me. So, How should I let her know that I like her and should I ask her on a date straight away (movies) or continue hanging out in a group?

2006-12-25 09:14:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I know thig guy called Ben. He really Likes Me and I really like him. The thing is I've seen him Twice. I have his no. But everytime I ask If he wants to hang out he seems to aviod me. I asked last week he said he was doing a sponsor thing for skateboarding but then I heard he went camping instead ... Ok. This week he's going round his friends house... which i can understand. But other times It seemed like he was avoiding me maybe because he's scared or nervous. He's really nice and sweet but it seems like he doesn't want to see me. I did text him to wish him a merry xmas . And said sorry if i was being to pushy by asking if you wanted to hang out so much. And I also asked if he was avoiding me ...
I really want to get to know him.
Please Help.

2006-12-25 09:11:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a poor old fairy,
from the top of the Christmas tree.
And as you enjoy yourselves this Christmas
please spare a thought for me.
while you are have a lovely time
with presents from Santa's sack
I'm stuck six foot in the air
with a pine tree up my crack.

2006-12-25 09:09:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 09:09:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

and how would we know?

2006-12-25 09:04:07 · 15 answers · asked by kaizoku 3

Well it took me forevor to get the guy and i kinda wanted to keep him around. But now hes had sex with one of my good friends. What do i do?

2006-12-25 09:01:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

The girl that was 15 years old that loves a 26 year old guy on the internet (I believe he is a pedophile).

What am I gonna do. I love her and care for her safety but if she gets victimized she won't even love me because of what that bad boy did. What should I do?

I tried to warn her about the guy she was dating was too old, he acted too nice to her to be dating a 15 year old, and she act like like I was a liar. I told her I and my mom believed he was a pedophile and she acted like I was making excuses.

The Pedophile brainwashed her. She was a respectful girl. I will never find another respectful girl on the internet.

What should I do?

I will lose the girl I love to a pedophile. What should I do?

The Pedophile Brainwashed Her.

What should I do?

2006-12-25 09:01:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

a girly girl or a tomboy
and why?

2006-12-25 09:00:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i go to high school with this girl and i always talk to her online and stuff and once we get past the watsup, nuthing much, i never know wat to say, could i have some advice please

2006-12-25 08:57:58 · 12 answers · asked by dude 1


2006-12-25 08:57:41 · 12 answers · asked by Ara T 1

why or why not?

2006-12-25 08:55:41 · 16 answers · asked by *Glitta n' Gloss* 2

i know he loves me very much but i just can't let what he did go. i miss him sooo much and i don't know what to do. Someone please help me!!!!

2006-12-25 08:55:37 · 28 answers · asked by rxmikoo 1

if a guy says he's attracted to you
and if he says
he likes you.....

arent they both the same thing/idea?

2006-12-25 08:55:07 · 5 answers · asked by India 1

so my name is Morgan and i really like this guy his name is Chaise, i havent been knowing him long i met him augest 4th 06, and he always chaises me around and runs after me and colors me pics.. and he is always smiling at me, but he is usley shy when he sees me but idk if he likes me are not so i need help? and he is usley mean..!! but does he like me?

2006-12-25 08:52:35 · 6 answers · asked by Crazychick4god 1

I like you too....
now what?
we're both beings so awkward towards each other now

2006-12-25 08:51:00 · 19 answers · asked by India 1

I have been in a long distance relationship with my best friend and he has been in love with me for years, but he does not act like it now...and I feel neglected...well every time I ask him a question he starts trippin....i broke up with him because i was sad and emotional....I love him, but he acts nonchalant and says he wants to be with me...what should happen....any advice?

2006-12-25 08:50:49 · 7 answers · asked by maggi r 4

What are your best lines? Best gestures? Best ANYTHING? Be as blunt as possible!

2006-12-25 08:40:17 · 11 answers · asked by scarlett 2

2006-12-25 08:37:42 · 18 answers · asked by vern7us 3

what kind of bikinis? halters?
what else turns a guy on that a girl wears/does??

2006-12-25 08:36:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Give some positive advise.....
Tell me success stories?...How did you two make it?
How far did you live from each other?
How long did you guys had two wait to see each other?
How long did you go without talking?
How did you build trust?
How did you make your love grow stronger in your LDR?

Be as positive as you can.....thanks

2006-12-25 08:34:35 · 20 answers · asked by BabyBoo 1

My ex dumped me for a younger girl (I'm 32 , he's 31 and she's 20)... so now I am having 'age' issues. Everyone I know tells me I'm crazy. I'm fit, healthy, look like I'm 25 and take really good care of myself... but he's made me feel like a worthless old woman. What is my problem? Do other women feel like this, too? Please give me some tips to get over this? thanks...

2006-12-25 08:32:15 · 8 answers · asked by lola 1

im marie i have a guy friend named josh. he was mean to me at the begining of the school yeah now out of no place he is nice to me. we are friends, i talked to him on the phone before christmas and we said some jokes and listend to some music. he told me on the phone that i hope yourdad dont think were going out. i said no he knows your a friend. he said umm o..ok like he wasnt expecting me to say that. he knows that i like him because i had one of my friends tell him. he makes me laugh. one day iwas crying because his best friend said a lot of bad stuff about me. he made me a card that said cerr up merry chri9stmas and do you like eggs? i was laughing so hard then i asked him to talk to his friend and tell him to stop and she said he will. how do i know if josh likes me? help!!!!!

2006-12-25 08:31:52 · 2 answers · asked by punkettemarie 1

I'm a senior in high school and he's a sophomore in college.

I told him "maybe, I'll think about it," and he hasn't brought the topic up again, and I've already seen him twice since he asked. What does that mean, and what should I do?

I wouldn't mind going out with him, but I don't know how that would happen b/c of my parents.

Any opinions appreciated, esp. if you have experience on this sort of thing. Serious answers, please.

2006-12-25 08:30:22 · 6 answers · asked by abc123 1

This is the first time that I've got my heart broken so I am going through, i can say the roughest time of my life right now... i just want to know what you guys think about my relationship.

I am 21 she's 20. We've known each other for about 8 months before we started dating on May, summer time. Everything was good, we were crazy about each other. I was her first serious boyfriend, she has dated casually with 5-6 guys before, i was her first partner.. her first love, and she was mine too... there was ups and downs but we went through those with no problems. Come September, university starts again, she suddenly got very busy with her life, we still see each other everyday, but it was always me who try to make an effort to make time for us. It was no problem to me in the beginning but slowly things started to catch up to me. I wanted some effort back in return, but she never returned them. We communicate less and less, she's very passive and it's hard for me

2006-12-25 08:29:56 · 18 answers · asked by tele t 2

I was communicating with a guy on myspace who lives in another state.
I live on the west coast in LA, he lives around the New York area and we have never met.
We both have a mutual friend here on the west coast, and we both know what one another look like, etc.

Anyway, our messages have been flirty. I tell him he’s sexy, he replies telling me I’m sexy too…etc etc.

In one message I was playing with him and wrote,
“Boy I think you are a bit ornery and would be trouble for a girl.’

He wrote back;
“” Nothing wrong with being ornery. Trouble is fun, right.
I may be coming to LA at the end of January. How is the weather there, because it’s getting cold here.””

I thought that he was throwing some hint and wanted to meet me. I mean, why else tell me he is coming to my city, certainly you can look up the weather anywhere.
Therefore, I said, "Let me know if you want a tour of the city.''

He wrote back, "Right on girl, I might take you up on that tour."


2006-12-25 08:27:42 · 13 answers · asked by Sammie_Girl 2

I was emotionally attached with a guy I really cared for. He apparently liked me too and tried to get me to confess my feelings without returning the same will to confess. I didn't tell him how I felt because I've never been in a relationship and was afraid of rejection. I was protecting myself because I had been hurt before. He got upset and became disgusted with me for reasons unclear. I tried to make amendments by writing a letter explaining my feelings, but I got no real reaction positive or negative. Sometimes he is friendly, and others he is strangely distant. I have tried showing how much I care, but he doesn't seem to realize it. A couple of months later, I mustered up enough courage to call to suggest meeting up and talking. He says he doesn't care and that no matter how hard I try, he just doesn't and that I'm wasting time. He was also drunk. He drinks excessively just about every weekend to the point of blackout. Does it seem he's taking his aggression out on me?

2006-12-25 08:27:34 · 12 answers · asked by The Maverick 2

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