I was communicating with a guy on myspace who lives in another state.
I live on the west coast in LA, he lives around the New York area and we have never met.
We both have a mutual friend here on the west coast, and we both know what one another look like, etc.
Anyway, our messages have been flirty. I tell him he’s sexy, he replies telling me I’m sexy too…etc etc.
In one message I was playing with him and wrote,
“Boy I think you are a bit ornery and would be trouble for a girl.’
He wrote back;
“” Nothing wrong with being ornery. Trouble is fun, right.
I may be coming to LA at the end of January. How is the weather there, because it’s getting cold here.””
I thought that he was throwing some hint and wanted to meet me. I mean, why else tell me he is coming to my city, certainly you can look up the weather anywhere.
Therefore, I said, "Let me know if you want a tour of the city.''
He wrote back, "Right on girl, I might take you up on that tour."
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