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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-25 09:59:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 09:58:10 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked my bf to come with me to my father's house for christmas. I arranged the gathering early (12 noon to about 2) because I know he has children that he will want to see later.

His mother invited me over to have dinner with them. I graciously declined because I knew his childrens mothers would be there, and I didn't want to be the cause of any tension (one of them doesn't care for me).

Am I wrong for being pissed that he, at the last minute, decided not to come, since that would have been the only time I would have been able to see him?

2006-12-25 09:57:42 · 4 answers · asked by ♥ Meme ♥ 3

Well I totally like this guy, and he likes me a lot too. But we live in different countries. But I am very attached to him, I really miss him. We went out for two months, (in a boyfriends kind of way).

Ok.. well we chatted through text messages on friday, he was working but we chatted for like 2 hours... Then on Saturday I sent him a Christmas ecard. But he hasn't replied... He is probably busy and tired.... That's why I don't know what to do... should I just not do anything... Should I send him an email, cause I really want to hear from him again... the thing is that I might seem kind of desperate and crazy.. Cause I was the one who sent the ecard and the one how texted him first too... he is busy and stuff and that he has his life, because in the distance we are like friends... and talk twice a week, but I want to hear from him...
But kinda want him to talk to me first next time.


Any advice

2006-12-25 09:56:28 · 8 answers · asked by Latina Hottie! W.Chocolate 2

2006-12-25 09:53:23 · 13 answers · asked by Kate the Saint 1

HELP me please!!!

2006-12-25 09:52:30 · 16 answers · asked by redneckguy456 1

2006-12-25 09:51:32 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's divorced, the dad has the kids for a week, and her parents are jehova's witness, so she has nobody for Christmas. There is still time, what can I do?

She isn't calling me back, but I haven't called since Saturday. I could try again but I don't want to be a pest. Wouldn't she call back if she wanted to do something?

My family is done spending Christmas, and I'd like to do something with this person. I know where she lives, should I just show up?

I was thinking about calling and if I get no answer, leave the message, I'm coming over at 7, if you want to stop me you have to lock the door? We are very good friends so she wouldn't be worried about stalker issues or anything like that.

2006-12-25 09:51:03 · 6 answers · asked by JoeIQ 4

I really want a boyfriend. Now I know what you're going to say, grow up! you'll get one when it's time! It's not about you! BUt I need help getting one. I know guys like me but not the way I'd like them too. Some boys at my school make comments about my butt and ya know... but how can I find a guy who likes me for who I am and not my body? After that is done, how can I get him to be my boyfriend?

2006-12-25 09:49:57 · 11 answers · asked by camel lover 1

Me and my bf broke up 2 days ago.But i always thought that he liked some other girl.I don't know why but i just always had a feeling that he did.Now my friends ex is going to ask out my old bf and i'm really sad because i still kind have feelings for my old bf though.What should i do?

2006-12-25 09:48:36 · 2 answers · asked by Richelle 2

2006-12-25 09:43:38 · 10 answers · asked by The Global Geezer 7

Because I have being single for 16 and half years so just wondering?

2006-12-25 09:42:19 · 17 answers · asked by Kylie 1

Like i said before, he told me a few weeks ago that he thought he was in love with me, and though he was drinking, he was not drunk. When we WERE going out, a few months ago, he cheated on me. It did hurt, but i forgave him, and he was sincerely sorry. I think i tried convincing myself that it would take a LONG time to get back with him, and i told him that. However, recently he was in court, and that day i realized i honestly, truly cared for him. I found out that he was seeing someone for about a month, and just found out they are now going out, as of today. I cried, my heart feels shattered, and i have never felt like this over a guy before. I told him last night that after he wasnt busy ffrom all the holiday shi* to let me know so he could come over because i want to talk to him personally about the way i feel.
*Please give me your honest opinions* THANK YOU*

2006-12-25 09:40:26 · 8 answers · asked by . 3

Everything else considered exactly equal (personality, looks, fitness, college degree, age, style, income, hobbies, etc.).

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer - living as possibly the only American in a third world community for an extended period of time. Having to adapt to foreign obstacles (including dangers like crime and disease) with no immediate support from the U.S. gov.

Military or ex-Military - war, enduring one of the worst hells that there is, but having the support of fellow soldiers and heavy financial backing by the U.S. gov. Part of an institution with lots of history and cool uniforms.

2006-12-25 09:40:16 · 14 answers · asked by The Man 1

2006-12-25 09:39:05 · 20 answers · asked by lightsandaction 2

My boy plays the guitar 4 me, and blushes!!!.


2006-12-25 09:36:56 · 6 answers · asked by Golden 2

2006-12-25 09:36:05 · 8 answers · asked by Tom T 1

2006-12-25 09:30:24 · 9 answers · asked by princess_anne_2009 3

I really like her. Met her a day ago, we exchanged numbers. Phoned her, had a lengthy and fun conversation. She seems really sweet, has an open personality (rare feat these days, I know). Then she said 'I'm a stripper, by the way'. (She is an honest girl, so I did not dismiss her claim as a "****-test".) I told her that I don't mind. And really, I don't, because I have no previous experience of dating strippers and I would not succumb to prejudices and preconceptions that the society has formed about strippers.

I'll phone her tommorow and ask her out for a date, I'll guess.

I don't personally know any strippers, she's the first one. She is also the first girl with whom I felt that I could actually have a stable relationship which would consist of things other than going to movies, hanging out in nightclubs, and having sex.

Any advice or thougths on the matter? Also, if I choose her to be my girlfriend, is there anything I should be aware of and be ready for?

2006-12-25 09:30:14 · 10 answers · asked by automaticStabilizer 2

I am with someone right now, but we're in a confusing time. My chances of finding someone else aren't good (I'm a fat Pagan in an area full of health-nazi Christians). People who would understand me are quite rare in this area. If you were in my shoes, would you try to make your relationship work, or would you cut and run and risk being alone forever?

2006-12-25 09:29:47 · 35 answers · asked by Bastet's kitten 6

IM a 33yr old guy and its my first holiday season after my divorce, i see people rejoicing all around yet i have to pretend that im strong and content whereas the truth is the exact opposite! If someone understands this their input would be more then welcome.

2006-12-25 09:29:27 · 3 answers · asked by ytee 2

2006-12-25 09:28:55 · 1 answers · asked by tina t 1

my friend called me last nite and said she saw my ex out with a girl who wasnt that good looking, so why would he dump me for an ugly girl. and why does it bug me, should i text him something or just ignore him?

2006-12-25 09:28:03 · 13 answers · asked by Dreamer 1

We went out yesterday - it was a jazz music festival and he was seriously concentrating on this other woman sitting close to us. We have had fights about this in the past and he continually promises to change and he doesnt stop. He admitted today that he indeed has a problem and cannot just stop looking. There is a look that is totally ok an normal for everyone but he stares and literally drops everything [eg, my hand] to feast his eyes. Every other couple around us were all loved up in each others arms and dancing, but him he was jus gazing at every woman but ME!! I can't go on feeling like he's looking for something/one out there. And what happens when I'm not around? Is he gonna do more than just ogle?? It gives me a bad feeling and is so embarrasing especially when the other woman realises that your man is checking her out and gives you either that "I'm so much better than you" look or the "poor thing" look. Can I have a witness out there??

2006-12-25 09:27:54 · 8 answers · asked by Bootilicious 2

she is getting some as we speak. and why is it so hard to get layed sometimes, tell me how do i get over a man that i dream of getting married to one day

2006-12-25 09:27:48 · 2 answers · asked by felicia j 1

ok so this guy totally acted like he liked me when i met him and called alot and stuff and was suposedly going to pay for my plane ticket to go see him, just yesterday he texted cant wait to see u blah blah, now today i havent heard from him at all? what do i do?

2006-12-25 09:26:49 · 4 answers · asked by Dreamer 1

There is this girl who has said that she likes me and i told her that i like her. We have off from school for a month now and before we left i told her that i liked her and she told me the same. She asked me if i wanted a relationship and i said that i wouldnt mind one. She said that she is going to think about it over break. She also said that she gets nervous when she is around me. Since break we have talked almost everyday on AIM. I would like to know if you think she will want a relationship. Also i would like some advice on if she doesnt bring up the subject when we get back from break right away, when should i ask her if she wants a relationship again.

2006-12-25 09:17:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i really want a boyfriend... but no one seems to like me... i hate it!! HELP!!

2006-12-25 09:16:47 · 21 answers · asked by Ariel P 1

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