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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-25 08:26:17 · 4 answers · asked by beglos 1

know this girl from korea. and when i first met her this summer we went to movie together and i bought her a teddy bear and she bought me a this little chain. as matter effact i dont even know her that much. when i left korea, i asked her if you wanna write letters to each other, who would write a letter you we have email right??? but she said yes saying this is gonna be fun? does she like me? and why? btw she is younger than i am

2006-12-25 08:26:00 · 7 answers · asked by chis b 1

From what I hear, he was really depressed and kept on saying that I was an idiot and like hating me... Then he starts saying hi to me and then he gave me a candy cane for Christmas... I'm confused.

2006-12-25 08:23:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

please help

2006-12-25 08:19:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Thankin the lord for her safety and, to help this young women she decided to go to the police station,She felt she caould recognize the man so she told them her story. The police asked her if she will be willin' to look at a line up to identify the man.She argeed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before.When the man was told he had been identify he immediately droped down and connfessed.The officers thanked Diana and asked if theres' anything they could do for her.She asked if they could ask the man one question.Diana was curious to no why he had not attacked her. when the police asked him he answered because she was not alone she had to tall man walkin' with her.Amazing whether u believe it or not ur never alone..,Did u know 98% teens wont stand up for god?repost this as a girl was raped in (ur city)if u believe in god.god loves u no matter what,he is always in ur heart if u deny him in front of ur friends he will deny u in front of his father

2006-12-25 08:18:41 · 11 answers · asked by Sexi Azz 1

I met someone nearly 3 years ago and we dated for about 2 months. After I ended the relationship we tried to stay friends, because we lived nearby at the time. We have since grown into extremely good friends and share most things. We have also both dated since breaking up.

For about the last year we've had what can only be described as a "casual relationship" where we act as friends most of the time but when we are both single we usually end up sleeping together. I know this isn't an ideal arrangement but at the time she seemed very willing while knowing it couldn't go further. It's been during this time that I decided to let her know that I loved her and cared about her greatly, but while I am sexually attracted to her I couldn't be romantically "in love" with her because when we dated it was a disaster. She has since revealed things herself:

She thinks I am the lvoe of her life, she never want sto be with anyone but me, which I don't want.

2006-12-25 08:17:31 · 8 answers · asked by jleslie4585 5

whats ur fav. color

2006-12-25 08:16:59 · 24 answers · asked by rachel v 1

there is this girl we've been bestfriends for like a year and we MATCH big time. i love almost everything about her. i started feeling for her few months ago and i told her. she was like i cant feel for you the same, i dont know what would happen in the future but now i dont have love feelings for you. i am very attached to her and as a friend i dont wanna lose her, however, i want to have her as a lover. sometimes i see hope and sometimes i cant even feel it. i'm confused. shall i wait to see if she liked me ( or is that impossible) ? sometimes i feel i owe my heart to give it a chance. i sometimes feel that if i tried to look for someone else then i'll be giving the hope away. i need to know wut to do. please help me. i'm desperate. is it possible that she could love me??

2006-12-25 08:15:42 · 18 answers · asked by confused lover 2

I went out with my bf for a year and 2 months he broke my heart real bad ....he broke up wit me over the phone and told me that i think we should go our seperate ways out of no where.... everything was going good i dont noe wat happened well a couple of weeks went by and every good memory we went through together went through my mind well now Im tryin to get over it and I found someone else and my ex is tryin to get back with me I dont want to get back wit my ex because i dont wanna get hurt no more but then at the same time it seems like i was less stressed out wit him but i dont wanna just 4 get about the person thats been tryin to get wit me cuz he hasnt done nothin to hurt me in the past....im lost wat do i do?

2006-12-25 08:14:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 08:10:57 · 37 answers · asked by Gossip 1

I think i just cheated on my bf!!!!!

It wasnot planned but I was with this guy and he just kissed me and then I contiuned to kiss him then after a while my bf sent me a msg saying "where are You I love you"
I mean what the fck is wrong with me?I feel so stupid i mean i would never want the same treatment now both of them love me!!
I really love my bf but he lives not as close to me as the other guy..so I see the other guy more often but he going to prison 4 three and half months cause he punshed and broke a guys nose but now hes changed he's more calm etc.. but I just dont know which 1 to break up with i feel in love with both help!!!

and the second guy gave me hug and his penis was in erection so he steped bk(myb so i couldnt feel it) he clams to be a bit shy and her said he's nerveus but hes really cute and sweet what to do?? thanks

2006-12-25 08:10:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im about 6ft tall, And theres This Boy around 5"7...We Both really like eachother but im scared of What it might look like if we dated. I'm always seeing the guy Taller than the girl in many relationships.. HELP :)

2006-12-25 08:10:39 · 20 answers · asked by Sunshine =] 1

too much going on in her life
and i was like yeah i understand, after that conversation we stopped
talking and haning out... than like four months later i kind ran into her
and we talked about random things... and than later that same day i got
a text it was her texing me her new number she was like yeah here is my
number i forgot to give it to you, after that i would get texes from
her every few days and than we kinda started hanging out again but we
dont really mess around we just kinda sometimes flirt over texes... but i
cant tell if she likes me just as a friend or more than that?? please
help i need to know because i like her alot and i dont know how to tell
her. please read my first quastion to get the whole thing thanks your answers are much apriciated

2006-12-25 08:10:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i havent had a boyfriend in forever, and now my bestfriend is seeing someone and i am kinda jelous or maybe i am just jelous. the point is this xmas sucks, does anyone agrees with me

2006-12-25 07:58:36 · 11 answers · asked by felicia j 1

my boy friend has been cheating on me, i found out recently. he doesnt know that i know. now i want him to pay...more than hurt i feel angry by his behaviour. pls suggest something.

2006-12-25 07:58:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-25 07:58:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you rather date someone with a super attractive face, but they're overweight? Or someone with a killer body but a face only a mother could love? I know ultimately this stuff isn't supposed to matter, but if two people like this walked up to you and asked you on a date, who would you most likely pick and why?

2006-12-25 07:56:13 · 11 answers · asked by Quintessa 2

How are they made?

2006-12-25 07:54:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 07:53:12 · 13 answers · asked by sammi 1

how can i go visit him (in georgia) when i live in texas without anyone knowing i'm going to visit him? my mom says no and i am super bummed. i love him soo much. someone help me :[

2006-12-25 07:50:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

too much going on in her life
and i was like yeah i understand, after that conversation we stopped
talking and haning out... than like four months later i kind ran into her
and we talked about random things... and than later that same day i got
a text it was her texing me her new number she was like yeah here is my
number i forgot to give it to you, after that i would get texes from
her every few days and than we kinda started hanging out again but we
dont really mess around we just kinda sometimes flirt over texes... but i
cant tell if she likes me just as a friend or more than that??

2006-12-25 07:45:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

well he always stays by me and he seems to be insteared in me and he has come to almost every party that i and others have had help me if you can

2006-12-25 07:44:39 · 10 answers · asked by roscobabe123 1

do you believe that in a matter of minutes just from hearing the person talk to how he/she looks you can fall for them. i have had this happen a while ago. of course when your to shy to say anything dont you get jealous when you see them going out with someone else secretly (even though you never went out with them before) comon havent any of you ever had a secret love for someone but didnt and NEVER did tell them (Im in high school for you peeps wonderin)

2006-12-25 07:42:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

please email me

2006-12-25 07:41:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

this guy has agirlfriend

2006-12-25 07:40:34 · 6 answers · asked by MARLENE O 1

he started combing his hair while looking at me smiling, he came up to me said hi and thats it then he just rushed into the bathroom i think i know him from school and hes in the same grade (9th) havent heard or seen him since.

2006-12-25 07:38:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

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