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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I'm already 27 now,Just asking if those cumming penis and vagina
are really real and who started all these things???it's just so disgusting to look at,but why some of the men like it?

2006-12-25 06:01:01 · 8 answers · asked by serenity_ai_ma 1

I dated this girl that was a little permiscuous. I could tell she was VERY experienced when we-ahem-. Also she seemed to be proud of the fact that she sleeps around a lot.

She doesn't sleep with every guy that she comes in contact with, far from it, so don't get m wrong.

She also seemed to be very dishonest with her previous boyfriend and had a secret double life that he eventually found out about and caused them to break up.

So should I pursue anything with this girl or not? I can't help but think that she would cheat on me. She strikes me as the type.

2006-12-25 06:00:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, this might be complicated but I hope someone can help me. Ok what happened is about 6 months ago I met a guy online. We started talking and became really really good friends. We talk on the phone every day for at least 2 hours. Also, we are able to share everything with each other. I don't think there is a thing we haven't talked about. Then, two and half months ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and we have been dating since. Here comes the problem though. When we first met, I asked him how old he was, he said "I'm 15." Since we had only just met online I didn't expect us to talk for more then a week I replied "same." The truth is though that I am really a year younger. I truely have been meaning to tell him but it has slipped my mind and now I'm worried about telling him.I know we love eachother but I don't know how to tell him & wat his reaction will be. If anyone can offer advice on how to tell him and what you think his reaction will be please help.

2006-12-25 05:59:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so i had a phase w/ a friend where we would flirt and it made us realize that we are very compatible. shes been hangin out at my place for a few days now. the other night she got drunk and we fooled around. while i usually dont do that, i played along b/c i knew that she was curious too. now that that has happened, i must say i like her alot and she knows that however she has a date on new years from b4 w/ a guy she likes, or at least she liked him at some point. she wants me to go to a hotel party w/ her but he will be her date. should i be offended by that? does that mean that im a backup plan? and if she said she doesnt want anything physical, is she tryin to throw me off to confuse me?

2006-12-25 05:58:20 · 3 answers · asked by wizzpack 2

What signs would you show her? which are the main questions you ask a girl u r interested in?
Also what thinks (body expresions, facial...) have u catch yourself doing/saying not intencionally when you really are into a girl?

2006-12-25 05:55:54 · 4 answers · asked by Latina Hottie! W.Chocolate 2

2006-12-25 05:54:46 · 13 answers · asked by <3*tinkerbell<3* 1

Anybody agree with this quote?

It's fact that good looking and rich guys will get more girls (any girl who denies that is lying)

What do you think? female and male opinions appreciated

2006-12-25 05:52:18 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 05:50:58 · 25 answers · asked by 4

What can i talk about?

2006-12-25 05:50:41 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

everytime my boyfriend is drunk he gets very angy wth me for no reason at all. what should i do? i have spoken to him about it and the is no difference.

2006-12-25 05:50:22 · 17 answers · asked by paulette h 1

Im never scared when i talk to her in class in front of everyone,but i really dont know if she'll accept.I know it's a little bit early to dateand its a now when i have to concentrate on my studies,but im really doing good in my studies,me and her finish in the top 5 all the time. So could you help me ask her out???
Could you also mention when is the correct time,and where is the best place to go out(like a movie) etc etc..

All answers will be most appreciated!THANK YOU!!

2006-12-25 05:43:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been in love with the same guy for twenty years. We dont see each other often but when we do there is always sparks. We are always touchy feely and stuff and it makes me happy, The problem is that he lives a state away from me. We write letters and talk on the phone. He doesnt know how I feel about him though. Every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach. What should I do? Thanks in advance for your help. Please noone tell me to move on because I cant do that not until he knows how I feel about him.

2006-12-25 05:43:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so i wear thongs becuase i like the support they give me. but man y ppl give me wedgies in them and it hurts. but gurls think it is sexy. do u think it is worth the pain of gettin wedgies to impress a gurl?

2006-12-25 05:41:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

You think a girl is cute/pretty. Finally 1 day you talk to her and she flashes a smile with a wide gap between her front teeth.
Run? Or pursue?

2006-12-25 05:40:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 05:37:51 · 2 answers · asked by Amiya B 1

2006-12-25 05:35:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

like i do sweet things....like message in a bottle and then i made him a poster with pics of me and him......but its like he wants something more money wise

2006-12-25 05:32:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently met and developed a relationship with a wonderful man. All was well until he told me he had been seeing a lady for over a year that he couldnt get close to. He had sent her away with a choice to make after Christmas. Move on with him or finish. He says i have turned his head, he texts me everyday and we have shared some wonderful intimate times. I am trying to be as patient as i can and not bother him. He has 2 teenage girls that i get on with very well. They have told me they prefer me to her, which although very welcome was embarrassing for me. Do i make him choose, or just keep doing the patient kind friend thing and wait? I really want him, but i feel i may get hurt. I'd love to move on with him. What do i do?

2006-12-25 05:27:48 · 13 answers · asked by beckietuck 1

I am very outgoing, but sometimes when I'm on a date with this guy lets call him F.R.. He makes me feel so happy inside, and I get quiet for a few moments... Ijust smile and stuff. And wonder.. And he looks at me and asks me what i'm thinking about... Is that good, is this guy interested in me. Or just goes out with me because I'm hot. He also says he loves the way I am, I'm kind of crazy, but weird crazy, and he is that way too so we get along very well
so do you think he enjoys my company and cares about what's on my mind?

2006-12-25 05:27:47 · 13 answers · asked by Latina Hottie! W.Chocolate 2

like the same guy but he chooses you.

At first, she said she's fine with it and will respect whatever decision made. But now, she gets jealous seeing us together and tries to poke fun at us whenever possible.

2006-12-25 05:25:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 05:22:19 · 25 answers · asked by Sky 2

my boyfriend has been wanting me out of his house for a while. i finally left when i just couldnt take being somewhere unwanted during the holidays. he encouraged me to change my life for him. Switched my bank, full time job. i took care of him, his pets and his house for him, bought him food, bbq, clothes. he was very in love at one point. we had am amazing friendship and sex life. ive never stopped loving him. after a while he was just was at bars every night. i know I should just give up. but we had the same goals to leave the state i ended a lease at an apt for him. i am homeless & have a job near his house and no where to live and am living out of a hotel after the holidays. he says his brother is moving in the 1st to his house and i couldnt have lived their anyways with him there. but i dont think his bro will be able to. he backed into my car a while ago owes me for the money he borrowed for the breaks in his car. WHAT can do or say to let him let me live with him again

2006-12-25 05:21:08 · 6 answers · asked by bqbalchick 2

maybe he likes to sleep with other woman and isnt ready to settle down with just one, but he knows that when he's ready, THAT woman will be the one he settles down with. so he wants to be in a "non exclusive" relationship with her so he doesnt lose her (and he can have her later to settle down with) while he sleeps around. -- he wants the best of both worlds but in my opinion, no girl should wait around for a guy like that unless they are really in love with him. he needs to choose to either be committed to one person, or to NOT expect to have her whenever HE is ready..DO u agree with this opinion?does it mean he can really love the steady g/f?

2006-12-25 05:14:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

as i was saying, i broke up with my boyfriend like a month ago and he recently told me that he still loves me. well, there's this other guy that likes me and i like him too. at first, i didnt know if i was ready to have another bf, so he waited for me. now that im ready, he's not. its sooo confusing. we text each other like every single day. but when i talk to my ex, i sometimes i get tht feeling that i still like him. what should i do?

2006-12-25 05:12:14 · 10 answers · asked by hallie 2

I had been dating a guy long distance, and we seemed to have a very nice relationship, but then he didn't call for five weeks. Well, he called last night to wish me a merry Christmas and he acted like nothing had ever happened...of course I asked him why I haven't heard from him. He said he was on his cousin's phone and he would call me today, but he kinda acted like he was surprised that I would ask such things....

Why would someone disappear and then pop up all of a sudden like nothing happened? And what should I say to him when he calls?

2006-12-25 05:10:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

together w/ bf/gf or hus/wife on a certain day but didn't have a set activity would it be ok to suddenly make plans w/ someone else because you figure there wasn't a specific activity so you didn't really have plans?

2006-12-25 05:09:17 · 10 answers · asked by uknowme 6

He IM's, pretending to be a random chat; he sends secret text messages; he has a buddy friend spy on me to find out details about me. He's 29!!! Should I stay clear of such immaturity?

2006-12-25 05:08:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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