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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-25 04:17:47 · 10 answers · asked by sfumato 1

We have been going out for about a year and a half. He openly admitted that once upon a time he pushed me to my limit and mistreated me just to see how far I'd go. He did things like hang up on me, yell at me, start arguments, physically hit me, all just to test if I would really get fed up or not, but says that he really loves me and I'm the only one. Although I admit all the time that I am not perfect and I know I mess up at times, he still believes he does nothing wrong and never thinks that he should rectify a situation that he caused. The blame will fall on anyone but him.

But my problem is letting go. I just don't know if I can. Why does it feel impossible? Why do I feel like I can't do this? What is the best way && the best step to take towards moving on?

2006-12-25 04:15:26 · 12 answers · asked by re-focusing_energy 1

We are coworkers and I gave her a nice compliment saying I enjoy being around her. She said "that's so sweet." So as I left she went and asked one of my coworker friends if I had a cursh on her. My friend said yes. She said well I think he's cute. My friend told me she thinks i'm cute so I went and told her that I have a crush on her. She said "that's so sweet. She gave me a hug and after we hug I told her I would of told her sooner, but she you have a boyfriend. She didn't say anything about that really. So the next day she starts to flirt a lilttle. I didn't flirt back because she has a boyfriend.I gave this girl this letter well here's what it said When we first talk and after the conversation was over I started to like you. So everytime when you talk to me I get butterflies and feel tigly inside. Also when we make eye contact I get nervous. That's why you see me not making too much eye contact with you. I enjoy your company. I still have a crush on you.When you told me you might get another job I was sad. You're such a sweet,kind, and caring person. Your very pretty.You have such a beautiful smile and it makes me smile too. You have pretty blue eyes. I can't stop thinking about you. Your always on my mind. If you don't like me the way I like you. I'll understand and we can just be friends.
I gave it to her yesterday and I saw her today and she didn't say anything about it. I didn't asked her about it. I was kinda down today and really didn't feel like talking. Anyways I didn't tease her back or flirt with her back because she has a boyfriend. I played it cool and kinda ignore her I just wasn't in the mood to talk. And she knew that. Anyways she thought I lost interest in her so she said "You don't like me anymore" and walk away fast and look back at me and smile at me. She knows I still like her, but she has a boyfriend. We are co-workers and her boyfriend makes her come into work crying sometimes. I don't know why she stays with him, but she does. Anyways she didn't say anything about the letter still. She show all her co-worker friends the letter and told them I like her. She never told them that she likes me. Sometimes she flirts with me. I didn't flirt back I played it cool. Today I gave her a christmas present. It was a glass angel. Well she like it, but she didn't want it because her boyfriend would be so mad at her for accepting it. She didn't give it back to me, she left it in the front office and told the manager about the situation. She told him that I like her and treat her different than other girl employees. And she also said to him that she just wants to be friends with me. So did I screw up? I thought she like me. I don't know, i'm sad right now. Any advice?

2006-12-25 04:15:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-25 04:12:51 · 20 answers · asked by wiz_kid_ruchika 1

2006-12-25 04:00:21 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

He lives a while away.
He sent me two e-mails, but hasn't answered any that I have sent him.
He is my boyfriend.
We love eachother, and we trust eachother.

2006-12-25 03:59:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

what other words do women like to hear men say to them?

2006-12-25 03:56:31 · 19 answers · asked by urstory 2

Me and my fiance meet like in 6 months.till then we have a mail that keeps going between us....where we add the date and add what we want to do next time! we have come upto like hundreds....and finished most of them when we met last month.now again have to add up! can u tell me few things to add?!?!

2006-12-25 03:56:27 · 5 answers · asked by Cute Angel 3

2006-12-25 03:56:18 · 13 answers · asked by Irechia 1

Do you think romantic relationships can survive without sex? It's just that I've promised myself that I would remain a virgin till I'm married. Is it possible or I'm just being naive?

2006-12-25 03:53:13 · 22 answers · asked by Coco 4

2006-12-25 03:52:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

because im thinking of all the advantages and disadvantages. The advanatages are like true love, true bestfriend, someone you can trust and those things. The disadvantages i think are less time with friends, less time with studying. Are there more? I dont really know what should I do. cause if i get one its like my friends will act like"ok you just got a gf and your not hanging out with us anymore". and if spend time with them, my gf would think "ok your not taking this seriously, were over" something like that. help pls.

2006-12-25 03:52:36 · 6 answers · asked by Lonez 2

ive nothing to say and don't bother what you should take it as?

2006-12-25 03:51:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why? Why? Why??

2006-12-25 03:47:36 · 11 answers · asked by Tazzzy 1

my guy best friend said he likes three girls and i know two of them as he told me who they are but he won't tell me who the third is. what is he so afraid of he knows he can trust me as he has in the past? he said that he's confused because he's known her for a long time and i'm wondering if it's me. He also said that he doesn't know if she's just a really good friend or if he really likes her? please help as i am really confused

2006-12-25 03:47:20 · 7 answers · asked by confused 2

i want to not be in love with the man but i don't just want to replace love with hate any ideas? thanks......

2006-12-25 03:47:02 · 27 answers · asked by Jelly 1

They send me a notice telling me i need to send them my phone number so they can contact me.
i was like you just did.and shreded the notice.

2006-12-25 03:46:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


I bought my girlfriend a necklace that has the first letter of my name on it. but not hers, is that bad?

2006-12-25 03:45:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

why dont men like to shop, i mean every time i take my boyfriend out he gets so bored so quickly or he jus goes all quiet...

2006-12-25 03:45:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well this really nice guy gave me a gift unexpectadly and well i dont' exactly know why i dont' like him...hes cute, smart, funny and everything i just don't get it....signed "CONFUSED"

2006-12-25 03:44:33 · 3 answers · asked by Riggs 1

2006-12-25 03:43:49 · 7 answers · asked by Candy 1

My ex and i broke up 9 months ago after dating for almost 5 years. We had broken up before, but it didnt last this long. He hasn't called me, e-mailed me or anything this whole time! No contact at all, he doesnt even say anything about me to our mutual friends. He broke up with me, so i'm waiting for him to contact me. I don't want to get back with him, theres too much history, but i still want him to miss me and regret dumping me. My friends still talk to him, so i know he doesnt have a new girlfriend. But, I miss him so much and think about him all the time. Why doesnt he miss me??

2006-12-25 03:42:06 · 16 answers · asked by texxxasgirl 2

well i gav this girl hints that i liked her and she knda stopped talking to me. ladies. what does this mean? i dont know what to think. i dont try talking to her bcuz i dont wana annoy her. i know women hate clingy guys

2006-12-25 03:41:50 · 6 answers · asked by Cali Boy 2

theres this girl at my work, shes 18 and a senior just like me. she always likes to talk to me and shes REALLY friendly and sweet to me every single time we meet. i think shes adorable and unbelievably cute. the problem is is that shes a bit too annoying and only likes to talk nonstop it seems. im thinking about hooking up with her do u think i should?

2006-12-25 03:40:31 · 9 answers · asked by LDshayne 1

I got oral from this girl the day before yesterday and afterwards she tried to kiss me but I told her I don't kiss on the second date. She kinda looked at me like her feelings were hurt, but then she played it off. Was I wrong? I mean, why would I kiss her after she just...

2006-12-25 03:39:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Merry Christmas :-)

2006-12-25 03:38:21 · 40 answers · asked by Jim 7

I am very troubled by this problem. Although i've already known the answer all of u might give, i want to hear anyway.
Me and my bf recently broke up but we still like each other. We have been together for around 2 years now and our relationship was perfect. Everyone thinks highly of our relationship and we are able to communicate and talk about almost everything in the world. You can say that we were the best of friends. We are each's other support, with school work, problems, anything. But we felt that our relationship was too stablized already, maybe stagnant? That's why we decided to give each other a break. Although this was a mutual decision, i miss him badly. I miss everything about him and it really kills me to have to face the fact that we are no longer together.
Till now, we are still able to behave normally as best friends, but it's really painful for me. He is still there for me and even tries to console me about the break. He's really trying not to break my heart and

2006-12-25 03:36:57 · 7 answers · asked by Mimi P 1

I need to be able to fill all the animals and humans motives please will someone tell me the answer!

2006-12-25 03:36:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lots of girls always say they broke up with their bfs cause he just wanted sex. i just wanted the guys point of view. do you guys date girls for sex or is it real love?

2006-12-25 03:35:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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