We are coworkers and I gave her a nice compliment saying I enjoy being around her. She said "that's so sweet." So as I left she went and asked one of my coworker friends if I had a cursh on her. My friend said yes. She said well I think he's cute. My friend told me she thinks i'm cute so I went and told her that I have a crush on her. She said "that's so sweet. She gave me a hug and after we hug I told her I would of told her sooner, but she you have a boyfriend. She didn't say anything about that really. So the next day she starts to flirt a lilttle. I didn't flirt back because she has a boyfriend.I gave this girl this letter well here's what it said When we first talk and after the conversation was over I started to like you. So everytime when you talk to me I get butterflies and feel tigly inside. Also when we make eye contact I get nervous. That's why you see me not making too much eye contact with you. I enjoy your company. I still have a crush on you.When you told me you might get another job I was sad. You're such a sweet,kind, and caring person. Your very pretty.You have such a beautiful smile and it makes me smile too. You have pretty blue eyes. I can't stop thinking about you. Your always on my mind. If you don't like me the way I like you. I'll understand and we can just be friends.
I gave it to her yesterday and I saw her today and she didn't say anything about it. I didn't asked her about it. I was kinda down today and really didn't feel like talking. Anyways I didn't tease her back or flirt with her back because she has a boyfriend. I played it cool and kinda ignore her I just wasn't in the mood to talk. And she knew that. Anyways she thought I lost interest in her so she said "You don't like me anymore" and walk away fast and look back at me and smile at me. She knows I still like her, but she has a boyfriend. We are co-workers and her boyfriend makes her come into work crying sometimes. I don't know why she stays with him, but she does. Anyways she didn't say anything about the letter still. She show all her co-worker friends the letter and told them I like her. She never told them that she likes me. Sometimes she flirts with me. I didn't flirt back I played it cool. Today I gave her a christmas present. It was a glass angel. Well she like it, but she didn't want it because her boyfriend would be so mad at her for accepting it. She didn't give it back to me, she left it in the front office and told the manager about the situation. She told him that I like her and treat her different than other girl employees. And she also said to him that she just wants to be friends with me. So did I screw up? I thought she like me. I don't know, i'm sad right now. Any advice?
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