there is this guy that i work with, he has a major major crush on me. Everyone can tell, well from what they say he doesnt hide it from them. I had no idea that he had a crush on me until all my co-workers started coming up 2 me. At our Xmas party he was going 2 fight this guy, cuz he was doing some naughty things bhind my back. He buys me lil bags of candys N puts them on my desk. Hes really really nice, ive always thght he was nice even b4 i knew he hada crush on me. Hes a hard worker, super nice guy, like geniunely nice. Has an AWESOME personality! Not joking hes always happy, never lets anything get 2 him, sings all day, just happy. I am a lil freaked out i guess now that i know, hes been calling me 4 the past 4 days, like just 2 c how i am and then like just wants 2 talk. I Dunno waht to do. since ive know ive noticed when he talks 2 me he just looks at me or when we all have a conversation he like doesnt even acknowldge them.
I know looks dont matter but it bothers me. Wat 2 do
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And What??