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Family - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

violence images blood images and other bad stuff on the internet. please explain thnks

2007-02-15 05:20:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-15 05:18:51 · 4 answers · asked by janedoe 1

i dont see a problem with buying it. so tell me why you teens dont buy tooth paste that is flavored for kids. plz answer this because id really like to kno and somone else would like to kno like my sister ok thnks. im just wondering

2007-02-15 05:18:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

when its done or do u have any stuff like that

2007-02-15 05:16:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

does anyone else think this is weird?

2007-02-15 05:07:16 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you have Great Foods (?) or Peter Pan with a lid/number starting with 2111 it may contain salmonella. Be sure to check it. You can find information at Conagra.com I think it is.

2007-02-15 05:05:24 · 8 answers · asked by WriterMom 6

My mother& I haven't spoken in 3 wks. It all started when I made a few jokes about a few of her quirks-the first one, she participated in & laughed back & the 2nd one, she told me where to go using the F word multiple times.I was completely taken off guard as were the 3 family members we were with as they were all joking with us.In thinking about the situation & the reality of what happened, I know it goes much deeper.I have had such anger toward her that I cannot physically talk to her as I think it would affect my health negatively. I sent her an email & told her that I am willing to forgive and forget and that I was saddened to think she thought I would hurt her intentionally. Her answer was that I needed to meet with her face to face w/my father present. I know why she wants to do that, so she can belittle me one again &have my Dad scold me like I am a child (I'm 35 y.o). She hasn't even called or seen my daughter in 3 weeks, that hurts more than her being mad at me.What do I do?

2007-02-15 05:02:50 · 7 answers · asked by thxgram 1

About 5 years ago, my mother in-law spanked my son ( 17 months at the time) for running away from her, she did this in front of me! I spoke with my husband about it later that evening, he agreed with me that she shouldn't of done it. The next day I explained to her that only myself and my husband (her son my son's father) would be the only people allowed to physically disciplin our kids. Not her or anyone else. As angry as I was, I was very civil during this conversation. She said she agreed,and as a mother she could understand how I felt. Well 3 days later, my son had gone towards an electrical out, about a ft away. My mother in-law smacked his hands, again right in front of me. In other situations,she's made comments like..." you better hope your mother gets a hold of you before I do!" Needless to say I'd had enough! Since then I've never let her watch the kids. Now she often asks the kids "when are you going to sleep over with us?" I'm stil against it, what should i do?

2007-02-15 05:01:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mother has borrowed money from both me her 19 year old son in college. and my grandparents. Do you think i should suggest she re-pays me first they have more than enough money while i am a student

2007-02-15 04:59:41 · 4 answers · asked by bud 2

We had a fight this morning and we both went off to work mad. How can I say sorry to him so he'll forgive me? Something creative....

2007-02-15 04:36:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-15 04:30:17 · 11 answers · asked by sLb♥CeM 2

my father is VERY VERY VERY over preteced ,, yes he does care
but too much , and he always says that u should thank god cause i care alot of fathers dont even know where their kids at
well. im not a freaking kid, im a freaking 20 years old man.
just because im the only son doesnt mean he has the right to ruin my life right ?!
i dont wanna go to college here, i wanna go to aus or newzeland or canada or america or whatever but here sucks my dad knows that . but he just wont let me go . last time we talked about it was a year ago , and he said if u wanna go then go ill just be sad that my only son dont listen to me . if thats ok with u
so i listened to him but guess what ?
i took F in most of subjects in college BECAUSE i just felt like its worthless and im not doing it for my self he dont understand this .
he thought i was only lazy ive told him that million times but he thinks im making excuses to leave the country
what makes thinkg even worse

2007-02-15 04:28:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am currently a freshman in college my mother lost her job during my sr. yeaar in high school i am now a college freshman and she is working a job only making 7 a hr with less than 40 hrs each week. she has borrowed about $1000. any suggestions about if i should allow her to borrow more from me or any suggestions in general about what i should do about staying in school or coming back home to help with the bills

2007-02-15 04:06:42 · 12 answers · asked by bud 2

Ok...my step sister is pregnant. She's 19 (but a very immature 19) and very irresponsible. It's too long of a story to tell, but she's been staying out until all hours of the night (and drinking according to her friends), is smoking up a storm, and has uncontrollable anger issues. Her mom is very concerned about her behavior, but does not confront her due to my step-sister's explosive temper. Her mom has asked me to speak to her about it, but I'm afraid she will think I'm a "know-it-all," and ultimately cut me out of her (and her baby's) life.

It's gotten so serious that my husband and I have actually discussed adopting the baby if she can not raise him. We are very worried about her and the baby.

Anyway, I plan on honoring my step-mom's wishes and speaking to my step-sister tonight. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can gently tell her she needs to get some responsibility and get her act together?

2007-02-15 03:56:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband drinks EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. He does not drink tons of beer just like 4-6 beers every night and he is not happy if he does not get to drink for a night. He drinks about 12 when his brother or his friend comes over. He doesn't really act any different after he drinks but I hate the fact that he thinks he has to have beer every night. Would he be considered an acholic?

2007-02-15 03:51:43 · 29 answers · asked by Loves2Snuggle 2

I am 7 months pregnant and my husband never babys me. I clean up after him like crazy, I give him a massage almost every night and I cook for him. He just seems to take me for granite. Yesterday we both were home from work and he asked me why I had not yet carried in any wood for the stove. I repeat I am 7 MONTHS PREGNANT!! I don't really need to be carrying heavy loads of wood into the house, I could get hurt. He acts like this all the time though. What can I do to make him care more? (He is excited about the baby though)

2007-02-15 03:47:26 · 22 answers · asked by Loves2Snuggle 2

she has been fighting a rare germ/infection on her head since she was born in November..Doctors have never seen it before on the head. She spent 11 days in the hospital already..came home and we thought it was all gone and then last week it came back and she's back in the hospital. Thanks!!

2007-02-15 03:43:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did something very wrong that i want to make right. I ran away and then when i got taken to child haven i made up a lie about my dad out of anger. Then i got sent to my aunts house and she said i could not talk to my fiance, but i did anyways. Now my cousin is mad at me for what he says was disrespecting HIS aunt but she is my aunt too. Then on Valentines Day i texted him to tell him that and he texted me back " why are you texting me i am mad at you," What can I do to make all of this right again???

2007-02-15 03:32:52 · 18 answers · asked by *TURTLE* 2

Can I ask for supervised visits if the boyfriend of my daughter (they recently had a son) has been put out of my house? He has used abusive language and I am not comfortable with him being in my home with my daughter and grandson unattended. I put him out of my house last week and he is insisting that he has a right to see his son. I agree with that but there has to be a time limit.

2007-02-15 03:32:30 · 4 answers · asked by stlouisphile 2

I found my stepson's myspace profile and his user name was "stoner*******" and everything was weed. I showed his dad the page and like me, he was appalled. He told bio mom about the page. The page mysteriously disappeared a couple of days later, but I found her blogsite and she posted on it that I had a fit about his page....duh?

If your child or stepchild had a page like that, would you be concerned? Or would you be more concerned about who had found it or saw it?

2007-02-15 03:24:09 · 11 answers · asked by mark my words 3

Especially when the brothers are really close ?

2007-02-15 03:17:43 · 10 answers · asked by Don jizzle 1

i am 30yrs young.i am the youngest of nine children. i am hardworking and and support her.im at a stage to move out bec i need my independce but i think this will kill her bec she is this kind of mother that wants to rule her kids lives...she does the same to my sisters.she makes up stories,tell us who to be friends with,when and where to go .she critisize us never have a good word to say.i cannot talk to her bec she say she,s boss.plz help me

2007-02-15 03:14:15 · 23 answers · asked by whitycat 2

Well....amazing enough my mom went to the doctors today she came back and said she was having twins!I'm thinking we might have to move because there are no rooms left in the house(I mean Justin(16)sleeps in the living room!!)But if we do move I'm gonna be really mad because it would be the 4th time I've moved and I'm tired of it.Plus I love our house and our neighborhood and my friends here.I want to ask my mom if we won't move but how should I approach her without seeming too desperate not too move or annoying?

2007-02-15 03:07:26 · 4 answers · asked by Jessica-Just Another Girl 2

Look I'm only 19 and my boyfriend in 28 and WE been dating for a year and some months.............We were currently living together along until the mother of his son passed away about a week ago and now his child is living with us and I have to step up and be a mother to the poor two year old at such a young age.......I love him and the baby so am I doing the right thing or what although I get less attention from my boy friend now I mean I'm not jelious but I just don't feel wanted by him anymore although he don't want to break up with me

2007-02-15 03:06:10 · 15 answers · asked by sexsired 4

I am a single mom who now lives in NC who is STILL fighting for Child Support in Texas. My oldest son is about to be 17 and we have gotten a total of $905.66 from him. I have called and called so many times that it just just unreal. I have requested everything and anything and have gotten nothing in return. This is unfair to our children and the people who are suppose to be on our side to help us are not helping us. I cant hire anyone from the outside to help because of it being linked to TAGO. Anyone have any idea's? I am willing to work with anyone and everyone else interested in finding these adsent parents! He has been in so much trouble with the law there with drugs and so forth so I dont understand why he is not locked up or something over this. My son deserves his child support!! And so many other children do to!! Email me with any ideas or anything. I am looking at starting a yahoo group to get more ppl together to help each other if possible!!!

2007-02-15 03:04:20 · 1 answers · asked by looking4work5 1

I referred a close family member for a job at the company I work for and she got it. Now, after a week she doesn't like it and is going to quit as soon as she can find another job. I've only been there 9 months, but it's the best job I've ever had. The owner's cardinal rule is honesty and I feel somewhat obligated to let him know what's going on, but then again it would cause a lot of hard feelings in the family, especially if she is unable to find another job and ends up staying.

Also, how should I handle things on the personal side with our family relationship? I feel betrayed and used, but she's barely speaking to me now. I really thought I was doing her a favor.

2007-02-15 02:59:13 · 9 answers · asked by Lori 2

2007-02-15 02:39:55 · 34 answers · asked by richa c 1

How many of you moms out there feel that fear 'I do my best but I still yell too much and my kids will be in counseling one day because of me!'. How many times can you ask your kids to do something before you yell?? They are good kids, sweet, considerate, polite....they just are kids so of course you have to repeat yourself, but what else can you do when you've said it 3 times and have to yell and then hear 'mommy why do you always yell?' and I say 'If you'd listen the first two times I wouldn't' But the next time, same thing. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Sincerely, mother of three not sure of her sanity.

2007-02-15 02:35:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I 've been with my daughters father for eight years but this year things have changed.I'm emotionally destoyed because my entire family never liked him anyway,But that never matter to me reason I was in love.In the past few weeks he became very distant and I can't seem to feel this viod of emptyness.I most tell you this cause it a vital piece of information I'm only 22/he's 28 He was my first everything weve tried to break it off .We just always end up together because he is all that I know.He broke up with me today after I came to his house to find out what he did valenetine day.I complety confused and hurt .How do you get throw the pain?

2007-02-15 02:32:53 · 7 answers · asked by lostlove 1

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