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Family - February 2007

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she has now raised in court that I was not paying her the full amount since 1995. Therefore asking relief of her child support payments. I've paid her every month since originally ordered, but do not have all the canceled checks, money orders on record. Is it her duty to supply proof that I did not pay her like she claims? What can I do to show proof that I did make the payments & also made additonal cash payments to her? This the first time she has raised the issued and if she had problems with the child support then why didn't she asked for help ie Child support services, DA? How long can they go back if child support was not an issue then until now since she's the one paying me child support? Does she have any legal recourse for raising the issue now? We also had a verbal agreement that part of my child support I was to give to her be held in mutual funds for our son's college, in which I've contributed to since the agreement...

2007-02-26 00:38:59 · 10 answers · asked by maspika00 2

I know it's wierd sounding. But they tell me what I can and can't do, where I can and can't go. They tell me if I can drive my truck or not. I pay for it, I put gas in it. The only thing they provide me is a place to stay. But I can't stand up to them and tell them that I'm grown! I'm 21 and still have a curfew of 12 only on the weekends. I'm scared of getting in trouble if I stay out! I have to do something or I'm crack and go crazy....

Suggestions would be nice.....


2007-02-26 00:34:51 · 7 answers · asked by angel2005_2001 5

I live with my aunt and uncle in Utah. I hate my job, I have no friends. The only thing going for me is that I am going to college in Colorado this fall. I miss my mom, brother, and sister. And my friends back home. They're in Michigan. I moved to Utah to get away from some problems I was having. I feel much better now. Should I quit my job and go home? I don't really need a job. I am going to college for free(scholorships and financial aid). I really miss my family and the schedule that I work on is making it impossible to make any friends. Any thoughts are well appreciated. Thanks.

2007-02-26 00:06:07 · 17 answers · asked by flamemaster_lang 3

2007-02-25 23:44:20 · 12 answers · asked by deacdawg2002 1

Lookin for pearls of wisdom or words of wisdom that are only one ore two lines, I want to add these to a newsletter,

2007-02-25 23:37:03 · 7 answers · asked by highdiddleday 1

2007-02-25 23:35:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wanna go out on my own and my friends but my parents won't let me any ideas how i can persuade them

2007-02-25 23:31:12 · 4 answers · asked by Nicky93 1

ive been married with my hubby for two years today but together for three. we have always been on our own and have only had eachother for support, we have a toddler and a baby.

thing is his family is trying to cause trouble between us. weve just moved back to his home town and he has reletives there. thing is they have took one look at me and disliked me. they constant lell lies about me to other people and reletives and i cant seem to make them like me- even for my hubbys sake.

my hubby knows that they dislike me and hes very angry with them and doesnt want anything to do with them, and thats his choice!

but i always keep bumping into these reletives and they slag me off to people they may know in shops etc.

what am i to do as i feel i cant confront them and my hubby recons we should just leave them to their lies, but i know the lies have got so bad im practlicly a slag and a bully to other people and no one wants to know me at the baby groups. we arnt going to move

2007-02-25 23:27:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

on my block there are so many young fools who think they are so slick.they think nobody can stop them.we have block meetings,and still no answers.what can we do as a block.

2007-02-25 23:16:37 · 4 answers · asked by baby mom 1

My husbands nephew and I take turns taking care of my mother in law I get her one week and he the other week, then it's my week again, and so on.. Well this past week was my week and she has been mean and insulting me all week and my husband doesnt say anything to her.. I don't know if it's my place to say anything to her or is it his place.. He says he don't want to say anything to her to start an argument.. But I don't think I deserve to be insulted in my own home.. I have been nothing but nice to her.. And lately she has been treating me very bad.. What should I do?

2007-02-25 23:15:52 · 17 answers · asked by Tracy 4

my mother in law is 73 and an extremely bitter woman. she finds it difficult to find joy in others happiness and as a result is consistently rude, hurtful and judgemental to everyone in her family....... this family now includes me. None of her children look forward to seeing her because and all of them are too scared or feel too sorry for her to say anything. Her husband died 10 years ago and since then she has basically been given permission to talk to people however she wishes to because no one wants to upset her. yesturday i said something after she decided to yell at me for something quite trivial. i told her that i thought her tone and the words she chooses to use to speak to me are often rude and hurtful. this did not go well.

what role am i meant to take as a daughter in law? is it selfish to bring up her rudeness? should i just shut up and take it?

2007-02-25 22:38:09 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a small child, crawling so tenderly
Not knowing now, what in the future he’ll be
Early in life, we’ll need to plan
To grow him into, a really great man

We hope that his life will be true and be long
For that feat, he’ll need to be strong
For in his life, he’ll share all its sorrows
He’ll take it in stride, and plan for tomorrows

If he is smart, he’ll learn to observe
For sometime in life, it will throw him a curve
If he learns young, there won’t be much pain
As we all know, it can come down like rain

When he is young, he can go anywhere
We’ll start him out young, give him a dare
We’ll hope that, he’ll learn to explore
There is so much out there, for him to adore

And when it is time, for him to grow old
We hope in his life, he was truth full and bold
And when all those years, does takes it toll
We’ll look at his life; we’ve accomplished our goal

2007-02-25 21:48:53 · 8 answers · asked by edgar b 1

She's 29, healthy has no children. She's been on the dole for two years, doing a two hour a day part time cleaning job, complains she's tired and stressed all the time. Her life revolves around the job centre, not looking for a job but signing on etc.
After 2 years of this and lots of arguments I just can't bear being around her anymore, everyone in the family worries how she'll end up if she carries on like this but she's not taking steps to change her life. She was calling me yesterday but I didn't answer because I knew there would be an argument judging by the text she sent me just before the call...
I feel that I have to back off as she has the tendency to blame everyone else for her missfortunes,(ie when I talked about how she can't carry on living like this she'd say I wasn't helping but sinking her further) so if I'm not around her maybe this will take responsibility for her actions. what would be your advice?

2007-02-25 20:45:01 · 11 answers · asked by Liz S 1

2007-02-25 19:50:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

very unstable, maybe an addict but the child (10 yr old) still wants a relationship with the mother. How would you handle it in an effective manner? Do you tell the child?

2007-02-25 18:39:31 · 19 answers · asked by selysammi 3

Wives are famous or rather infamous for over-spending...
Should Husbands hand their Wives 100% of their salary? or 50% or just 10% ??? What do you say ?

2007-02-25 18:26:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

How old should your kid be before you remove the "baby on board" sign in your car?

2007-02-25 18:21:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

this past month i have helped my aunt take care of her 3 kids one of which needs 24/7 medical attention (ages 3 and twins 1 yrs old) while her husband was out of the country on business, now i love my family and i was raised that you always help your family out, the thing is i hate going over to my aunts house, i dont like being alone with her becuz when we talk she be-littles me, and makes me feel unappreciated and just plain bad. my friends say that i should just not go tell my parents i dont want to, the thing is i am the only one that has the time, since i am currently out of school. i know my aunt needs my help but i hate going over there, i practically cry the whole drive over there. how can i feel so bad when i'm doing something to help someone else?

2007-02-25 17:52:11 · 11 answers · asked by silentwriter16 2

My mom is a single mom with another little one on the way. I think Indie is just about the epitome of a kewl name. No one else has it and it stands for the best complement anyone could give you, and the definition of my family (mainly my mom) "independent". My mom isnt it crazy about it she thinks people will think of the nascar indy thing. What do you guys think?

2007-02-25 17:17:55 · 7 answers · asked by chicachica 2

i cry myself to sleep and cry for no reason. i lost my grandpa almost three years ago and i still can't listen to the songs that they played at his funeral. could that have some thing to do with it?

2007-02-25 17:15:45 · 16 answers · asked by ZariaD 1

he passed away four years ago, i still miss him so much,anyone else even though your an adult miss your dad?

2007-02-25 17:04:39 · 9 answers · asked by seven-11 4

well her past relationship was the same she did not have much contact with us at the time until things with her relationship went bad. In the sense where her boyfriend started cheating on her then he just said to her one day he did not want her in the house no more and decided to throw her out and there i was like always helping her out . Then ended moving whith me and my family then met a friend of my boyfriend and wriht after she decied to have the guy move in maybe after 2 to 3 months after moving in the guy decieds he no longer wants her and himself to live there and move out and from there on we dont talk agin not even on the phone because he would usally be there.

2007-02-25 16:57:46 · 7 answers · asked by floresmagie 1

My 36 year old boyfriend is moving to another state with his parents instead of staying here with me. (They all live in the same town right now) We've been together for 7 years, and now all of a sudden he wants to move with his parents clear across the US. Although he has always said that he doesn't like being around his parents, he wants to move with them. He has been saving ALL OF HIS MONEY for the move since September of '06 (which he gives to his mother on paydays, that has a savings account in her name for him). He hasn't given me a dime since Sept., and we live together! How would you feel if this was happening to you? I'm hurt and angry and I want him gone NOW since he's going anyway! I've asked him to leave and live with his parents since he's moving with them anyway, but he refuses. They are all moving in June, but I want him gone now! Should I feel this way?

2007-02-25 16:05:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-25 16:04:49 · 21 answers · asked by Nick 2

My mom is going to be 97 on Saturday. She lives with us and feels we do enough just in what we do for her living here. We live in the country and 2 1/2 hours from her home and friends. I can't even talk her into going home for the weekend (flu season!). So what can we do here that would be fun and unexpected?

I just warn you .......
She can be cranky.
She can refuse to go out to eat.
She is going to raise he11 about anything we buy.

So what CAN we do that would be appreciated?????

2007-02-25 15:47:22 · 3 answers · asked by momwithabat 6

I have been so nice to my in laws i paid off my brother in laws hot checks. I let both of my sister n laws live with us. I helped my mother n law go to the doctor among other things and they still constantly stab me in the back. They go to my husband and say stuff ( he doesnt believe them). I have a 4 year old daughter and I dont want them to be a negative influence on her and then again I dont wont her to resent me becasue I did not let her get to know them. She cries everytime we say we are going down to their house so she knows somethings wrong. Please give me so good advise. Thanks

2007-02-25 15:35:00 · 5 answers · asked by hotmama 2

I remember being 15, and no one could convince me I was wrong about the way I thought about things, and no one coould have convinced me that I needed to make different choices about not running from home and breaking the law and so forth....but.....Now I must convince someone I care about....but she is 15 and convinced she is the boss.

2007-02-25 15:20:10 · 4 answers · asked by Julie 2

he is 18 years old. and i'm 14. he cusses at my family, hits us, and threats us. the only reason he is still living with us is becuz my mom wants him to graduate. Recently me and him got into a fight and he stabbed me. im okay now but what can i do to get him back???

2007-02-25 15:01:48 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a son who is 25 years old. He is living at the Salvation Army and it is eating me alive inside. When he was 15 he shot and killed my boyfriend in the back for physically abusing me. He never served time but he would not go to therapy. He got on some serious drugs but now he only smokes pot. Everyone has tried to help him from giving him a car which he did not take care of and it tore up. He has stolen from all of his family and pawned things just to get money. He even stole medicine from his grandmother who is dying of cancer. No one will let him live with them because they cannot trust him. I now have a very good Christian boyfriend who wants to marry me. He is the love of my life. Even though my son has hurt alot of people I for some reason feel guilty that he is now living at the Salvation Army. I feel like a piece of crap Mom. He rides the bus to McDonalds where he works or walks. If I go get him I lose my fiance? What should I do? I am so torn up over this that I am sick.

2007-02-25 14:59:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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