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Family - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

i love this boy and he knows i love him but he likes someoen else only a little he says and everytime i say i might like someone else he freaks and says he hates me i cant liek anyone else for i loose him as a friend what do i do?

2007-01-15 03:07:55 · 7 answers · asked by CHRISSY 1

Get a passport for his children without the mother knowing.?

Also If I got the children a passport each, and he tried to get them one would that stop him from getting one as i had already got them one? I'm in the UK.

2007-01-15 03:06:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-15 03:00:37 · 20 answers · asked by darestobelieve 4

my mom and dad r fiting and i am really scared i need advice now plz im really scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-15 03:00:28 · 4 answers · asked by taytay b 1

my partners ,EXhusband and EXpartners get mentioned in our day to day lifes,I thought it was an adolesant thing but it occurs to me in adulthood.too why help please,any advice would be good

2007-01-15 02:42:30 · 3 answers · asked by s2or3 2

im a proud father of a six month old, I have joint legal pay chid support. She is not breast feeding we only live 20 miles apart, but she wont give me the visitation I want. she wants me to only see her 15 hours a month, and shot down my proposal for 131 days for the year. I know our daughter is just an infant but by the time this is all over she could be well over a year old. so Ive decided to get the ball rolling on joint physical custody, im wondering what she can fight me on, michigan grants joint physical in quite a few cases so im not all that worried. what can she fight me on? im just tired of her calling all the shots, we have no parenting plan or visitation set up now.

2007-01-15 02:40:00 · 3 answers · asked by storminnormin 2

We believe that his step-mother has kept or hidden assets from the family.

2007-01-15 02:28:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-01-15 02:07:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

You're visiting your in-laws with your spouse and kids.

Your mother-in-law is on the talking to her uncle on the phone.

He asks her what they are doing and she says your spouses name and the kids are visiting and completely leaves you out of the conversation about who's visiting.

2007-01-15 01:45:51 · 19 answers · asked by Sarah S 3

im 16 and live alone with my mum, she works ridiculous hours as a train gaurd, shes always getting assaulted and injured etc. I want her to change jobs because she is 55 and she has a very sore knee so cant run after the crims etc.

Also its affecting my grades because i dont sleep until she comes home usually 2-3am.

She has a degree in human services and a diploma and stuff, but she is not motivated to change jobs, i get worried about her and stuff. what can i do to persuade her? i have tried telling her how i feel.. its also affecting her love life cos no 1 wants to go out with her cos shes hardly home and she puts the blame on me sumtimes! help

2007-01-15 01:42:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I never met my father, he died before i was born, actaully he died trying to get to the hospital when my mom was in labor. My whole life i never had a dad until 1st grade when my mom married my step father. I love my step fater like hes my real dad, is this wrong? Also him and my mom have been fighting ALOT and i think they might get divorced. Please help me

2007-01-15 01:23:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has to be out in public - they'll find it if it's in my room - so I need a name that could not possibly interest anybody or provoke curiosity.

2007-01-15 01:21:37 · 7 answers · asked by mathu9 2

i have been with someone for nine years we just decided that it wont work well he decided he is the person my daughter looks up to and loves i love him to but he wants to give up how do i give my daughter the news?she already has anxiety. what is the best way to tell her? please help.

2007-01-15 01:03:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a sister who is very crazy................. She always irritates me. all the time she is singing the wrong song which make me want 2 kill her. Wat should I do???? She also does all the nasty work. Always keeps her things on my bed. She is always talking nonsense. Totally nonsense. If I tell her 2day then tomorrow she will not remember it . Are these the signs of any mental problem. But she is very guud in her studies. I dont understand wats her problem? She irritates me a lot. She is my elder sis not younger. She makes me tell her dat she is looking beautiful, her hair colour is beautiful. She will come to me and tell me, "tell, dat ur hair colour is nice" etcccc Last day she told me to ask 10 que in Yahoo! answers so dat my pts decreases. Wat nonsense is this. U gotta help me out. Plz helpppppppppppppppppp

2007-01-15 00:52:49 · 8 answers · asked by || SMI || 3

I need to move my son and I to TN and all the companies I have found have given me a cost of 1200. Anyone know anyone cheaper?

2007-01-15 00:46:03 · 3 answers · asked by angelfsh9 1

after they are done using them . What annoys the hell out of me , is when people leave **** laying around the house .

2007-01-15 00:33:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

it is hard for me. We usually dont not hang around much, felt lonely. Still i try to make up something but we dont get along with each other. FYI, we're not enemies. what should i do?

2007-01-15 00:25:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-15 00:08:38 · 4 answers · asked by rosan 1

i only know of one website called missing you that is free i am a single mother on benefits and cant afford to pay fees to look does anyone have any ideas or websites that i can search i dont have much info on my dad just his name and the name of his siblings

2007-01-14 23:58:52 · 9 answers · asked by memes4pete 1

Have you ever wondered? Your wife or sister in law bear a resemblance to your mother or sister? This is what I noticed.

I know my colleague for a number of years. Recenetly, he invited all of us in our company back for Christmas. I found his wife have an uncanny resemblance with his sister. Looking at an old photograph of his parents hung on the wall in his house, I also notice his wife have an uncanny resemblance with his mother during her younger days.

Since then, I decided to pay more attention to the people around me and I seem to notice a simliar trend. My neighbour's wife also have some semblance to his mother. Likewise, another neighbour's son in law look a little like him during his yonger days.

Why is this so? Or are all these just a figment of my imagination?

2007-01-14 23:31:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got into here now you little brats!! What do you think you are doing?? I said you could use my Yahoo i.d to ask "serious questions " about travel & life. So A is attracted to a doctor, H is attracted to Mrs J? WHAT THE? Yes I just caught my bro & sis using my Yahoo i.d to ask some very @#$% questions. I know they must be true because I know all these people. I am going to have to tell our parents now!! & do not try ringing me because I will not pick up!!! So do you think I should tell our parents my 21 year old brother is attracted to the 26 year old ex-wife of our grandparents, best friends- son? & that my 18 year old, ( she said she was 26- liar & yes she does own all those things thanks to our CHRISTIAN PARENTS!!)sister is attracted to a 30 year old(family friend),doctor? I am REALLY about to!! How could you 2 be so gross?? This is no joke people! What should the punishment be 1. Tell my parents OR 2. Make them both go to church for 2 months & volunteer for Sunday School?

2007-01-14 23:22:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some parents turn on thier kids and mistreat them? Its been in the news alot of parents have been killing, mentaly and physicaly abuseing some children.... Like that lady who put her baby in a microwave ( SICK) or that lady who beat her bf with her baby ( bit*ch) Or that guy who is said to have decapitated his daughter (ugh) .... Im just appaled... What is wrong with these ppl???

2007-01-14 23:18:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-14 22:52:11 · 3 answers · asked by nicole_elise88 1

2007-01-14 22:12:52 · 8 answers · asked by jono3528 1

I would like to email you as you suggested, you said you worked for abused childrens homes id really like your help but you're only listed as 'answerer 15', can you get back to me so that i can email u please? thank you very much xxxxxx

2007-01-14 22:08:07 · 5 answers · asked by Tiger18 2

My brother is a drug addict, 22 and still lives at home. My parents are constantly fighting about it. He steals from us constantly and my mum is so stressed I am sure she will have a heart attack soon. He has hit me before and I am scared he will hit my little sister. My Dad wont kick him out cause he doesn't want him living on the streets. What do I do???

2007-01-14 21:30:08 · 19 answers · asked by angellover6056 5

We have a computer with mozilla on, she deleted the history from the toolbar, but I have it set to cache the sites/cookies and when I was going through them I noticed several porn sites. It wasnt me, there's a time stamp. I'm not sure if it's curiosity or if she's into it, that's gross but doesnt really bother me. The thing I'm worried about if she started to look them up because her friends are coming out or she's thinking of coming out herself.

2007-01-14 21:18:51 · 30 answers · asked by concernedinsf2007 1

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