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Family - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

And he has taught them and them about family virutes and here is turnign his back cold like they were dead now. I do not understand that how can a parent do that. He was caught cheating on me and I faced him faced to face and then he does this he can not even return their calls but for a while he was favoring the oldest and now he has turned cold on him. Can someone help me understand this man, because I do not.(SAD)

2006-12-11 09:26:40 · 11 answers · asked by pooh 1

I have a wonderful 13 year old son named Steven, who is just the joy of my life. For the past few months, he's been a penpal with an older 49 year-old gentleman named Walter who's currently encarcerated in the Alabama State Prison. I think my son got Walter's address off of one of those prison penpal websites.

He and Walter have become fast and dear friends, they write to each other all the time. In fact, the other day Steven told me that Walter wants him to visit him at the prison. I think this would be a great opportunity to meet his friend.

The only problem is that I can't drive Steven 60 miles to the prison. I have a demanding career at the Piggly-Wiggly and can't take the time off (I'm a single-mom). Steven told me that he could take the bus, but I'm just afraid that he's too young to ride all that time by himself on a bus.

I'm afraid he'll get lost. Do y'all think that a 13 year old is old enough to ride the bus alone for 2+ hours

2006-12-11 09:20:49 · 31 answers · asked by LeeAnne 1

My mother drinks from the moment she's awake until the moment she's asleep. She has tried AA for a year, that caused her to drink much more. It's gotten crazy since she has gotten a payout, now she's a drunk with money, and the most popular woman at the pub. She is slowly getting sicker and sicker. How do I help her?? Watching her is killing me inside. who else has been in this situation???

2006-12-11 09:13:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I HATE holidays and my family and friends are pressuring me into doing things. I really don't want anything for christmas but then they get all mad and I don't like celebrating things since my Grandpa died because it just isn't the same with out him. I am also afraid of getting to deep into relationships, so I've broken all them off within a week because I'm afraid to lose again and I'm sick of crying myself to sleep everynight and nobody noticing that somethings wrong. I want to talk to someone but I can't with anyone in my family and none of my friends seem to care, don't have the money for a therapist, so got any ideas of who i could talk to?? please help

2006-12-11 08:56:26 · 5 answers · asked by roxychyk 1

My birthday is in 18 days/

2006-12-11 08:55:47 · 7 answers · asked by Little SC 1

i dont believe in santa, im in 9th grade, seriousily i dont, but i dont know how to tell my mom and dad without making them sad , should i tell them or not??

what should i say if i tell them?
i think they kinda know i know but still....


2006-12-11 08:50:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents for some reason don't have much money anymore and things are really tight around here now. I'm not used to not being able to get things or having to live in a penny pinching lifestyle. My parents are getting upset with me because I don't get it and right now I'm so confused and don't know how to handle this anymore. I don't know my question. I guess it's just that I'm confused about how to handle this situation.

2006-12-11 08:44:28 · 26 answers · asked by Renee Z 1

me anmd my dad argue about everything and anything, we occasionally dont, but alot of the time we are at each others throat about dumb things.

what can i do???

2006-12-11 08:42:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister is a really good person, I think she doesn't want to be a parent. She has 3 children, she's been seperated from her husband for about 3 years now so she is considered a single parent. The problem is, she is raising her children just like our mother raised us. With a lot of yelling and whoopings. I know a lot of you probably don't agree with the whooping part so let's just deal with the other issue. Her daughter is very hard-headed, and difficult, but the only way my sister responds is by yelling at her and it's ruining her daughter. I live with them now, so I try to intervene a lot by dealing with my niece myself. But it's her child, not mine. My mother recognizes that it is because of how we were raised as to why my sister acts this way. I managed to recognize that and change that about myself with my children, but my sister is not dealing with it that way. I want to talk to her about it without hurting her, but I don't know how. I love them so much, I just want it to change

2006-12-11 08:42:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

he wont tell me what he wants!

2006-12-11 08:29:23 · 2 answers · asked by Sarah 2

I borrowed $ from my grandma for daycare for my 2 kids. She said that she would pay for two months, and I need the second month pretty soon. asking her the first time was so nerve racking and her memory isn't that great anymore ... I have to ask her again, and I am just as nervous. I hate borrowing money but I have no other choice ... any advice?

2006-12-11 08:26:42 · 4 answers · asked by luvlily00 1

I have an unbearably cute picture of my little one to send with this year's Christmas cards. Is it intrusive -- or bad in any way -- to send cards to my former in-laws? I'm not on great terms with the ex, but I adore his family. (I haven't had reason to speak to his grandparents in over a year. His mom sends me holiday and birthday cards. And I'm in pretty regular contact with my ex-sisters-in-law.)

2006-12-11 08:26:25 · 9 answers · asked by some chick 4

im 13 and my parents have been abusing me since i was about 3 physicall, verball, and emotinal... they hit me ALL the time for no resson... like when i was 4 my mom was sooo mad at me 4 not eating my vegstables that she hit me soo many times that i still have a scare from it and then she told me 2 leave like she kicked me out of the house and i hid in a tree for like hrs... ive always just delt with it... but a few weeks ago my mom was hitting me all the time and she was saying horrible things 2 me everyday that i was so sad that i couldnt go 2 school and i was so scared of what was going 2 happen that i put a bookshelf in front of my door 4 a rlly long time... well my question is what would happen if i told some1? i kno most of the time they send u away 2 live with relatives but i dont kno any1 that lives in america and actully i dont have any that i have ever meet...and also what would happen 2 my parents? i rlly dont kno what 2 do and sometimes it gets rlly scary...what should i do?

2006-12-11 08:23:40 · 14 answers · asked by ... 6

I am grown and my mother has been staying with me but has odd habits- like going out for a smoke at 4:30 AM...tell me can you top this behavior in your parents??

2006-12-11 08:23:40 · 1 answers · asked by Lovely B 3

Ok, I have a brother coming home from the navy in Jacksonville, Florida. i REALLY miss him ! He's coming in on Thursday, the night before my basketball game and Christmas show and my brother's basketball game in Martha's Vineyard. And what do you think he chose to do ?! GO TO MARTHA'S VINEYARD ! Im so mad because i really wish he could have come to one of my activites on those days! I miss him and want to spend time with him ! Do you think he is favoring or is he going to be with me later ?! i dont know ! I just wish he would come to one of my games or the christmas show! And when he;s home for the holidays, he is always out talking to people and saying hello and stuff ! Its really hurting my feelings....I don;t even know if im gonna be able to spend time with him ! =( And he's always with his so called BEST FRIEND (cough cough girlfriend) so, help is appreciated ! I don'tknow if he is favoring or just has too much to do... HELP ?!!!!??!

2006-12-11 08:22:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

with a girl that lived 500 miles away. We have always been close and I cant believe he moved away to be with her. He moved back to our home with her and left again to her town- moved back again and is now moving back to her town again. I feel so heartbroken and I will miss him so much.
I can't help but to resent the person that introduced him and her. She and I also used to hang out but she no longer calls.
I don't know if I am wrong for feeling this way - or how to get over it. I will miss him so much and I don't have anyone else that close to me to talk to or hang out with.
the lst time he moved - I was very sad and depressed for months.

2006-12-11 08:14:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-11 08:13:58 · 16 answers · asked by Island Girl 5

I had a baby two months ago. My mother in law seems to have to take contol and its like its her child and not mine. I know shes just being a grandma but she goes as far as holding him,feeding him.changing him..and not asking me or anyone else if we would like to hold him or anything she just does it all. So when I am around her which is almost always I know for that time I wont get a chance to hold or change or feed him because she has to be the one that does it. Also I really hate it when she has to give him a 4-5 oz bottle every hour everytime he crys. I try to explain to my husband that she cant do this,and that babies cry but that doesnt mean they are hungry each time they do..is this right for me to think this and what can I do about all of this?

2006-12-11 08:13:14 · 13 answers · asked by ♥AmBeR♥ 1

on christmas eve i have to go to my step moms dads house im not wild about her whole family, wat should i do to feel more comfortable there?

2006-12-11 08:06:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

even though my parents are seperatde my dad is always calling my mom asking her
where she is what she's doing who she's w/ and who's at home w/ her and i don't think my mom likes it either but she won't stand up for herself she feeds his need to control which she pretty much has done all her life well when she was living w/ him i understand cuz he cud get violently angry (he has a huge scary *** temper even ppl older than him get **** scared and no kids like little him) and he also does this w/ me and i wanna be free of him 4ever i feel like cryin sumtimes and feel suffocated and trapt a lot cuz of it he hardly would let me do anything (i don't know even if my mom will let me have normal amount of freedom lyk normal parents cuz she might get afraid of him) if u have a control freak parent then u know how i feel and soon my cuz is cumin so i'm gonna be hanging out w/ her but he might stop tht (specially sine she's the only 1 who sees him 4 wut he relly is so how do i break free and break contact w/o getting **** 4rom fam i'm not aggresive hes ruined me persoanl

2006-12-11 08:05:37 · 6 answers · asked by mamama 2

Christmas is always stressful for me because of money. I haven't been able to work for a while because of a medical condition plus I'm a college student so I'm already poor. So basically all my saved money is gone, and my credit cards are practically maxed (my bfs birthday was last week). My mom told me to quit my job earlier in the fall due to the stress affecting my health. She said she would rather give me money than have me work and suffer from it. But now I need money and whenever I bring it up she just makes me feel guilty. She has the money, my family isn't struggling. Whenever my older brother calls her he asks for money and she shells it out. So why is it different for me?

2006-12-11 08:04:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm trying to figure out what to get my dad for Christmas. I'm on a $50-75 budget (which is flexible), but I'm having trouble thinking of something creative to get him! He likes:

-Movies, both DVD's and in the theatre (but I don't want to do a movie basket, I do one every year!)
-Classic Rock (The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Miller, etc. He also has an Ipod Nano)
-Classic Cars and Porsches

Suggestions, anyone? Your help is appreciated!

2006-12-11 08:02:58 · 7 answers · asked by xxhalloqueenxx 2

I have been going out with my gf for almost 2 years. She is a wonderful woman and I like her a lot. We don't argument too much. When there were problems, we talk it out really and it get resolved shortly.

The only problem I have with her is her family. Other than her mom, the rest of the family are mess up. Her father, who think he is the king because he pay for the rent. Always complaints and would not do anything to help out the family. Her older sister, who is married, and treat her own family (not her husband and his family) like second class citizens, or should I use slavery. Her younger bro, who is a copy of the father, the different is he sit at home playing computer games all day and does not respond to anything. The only time you see him out of the room is for food and for the bathroom.

I ignored them most of the time. But when I have to deal with them, I get into a fight w/ gf. I have consider breaking up but don't think it's worth it. I need help on this.

2006-12-11 07:58:31 · 12 answers · asked by cb123 1

Everyone I could Posibaly ask has passed on. Also, I only know the state she lived in before she died, and I'm not sure what city it was or if she actually died there. Like I said I was eight. lol

2006-12-11 07:57:13 · 8 answers · asked by Jennifer W 1

amanda mitchell had a friend of mine to ask me if i would be mad if she dated some one else (im not dating her yet but she knows i like her). could this mean she is testing me to see how jelous i am or just going to date some one else plz help

2006-12-11 07:47:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

he put his finger in me and a pen too. we are the same age, so was it wrong and i need to tell my mom or should i keep it to myself. i didnt like it and this christmas we will share a room again. should i just sleep with my grandma and grandpa. if i ask to sleep with my mom she will ask questions. also my cousin acts like nothing happened. i dont want to tll my mom she cries easy and worries a lot since my dad left.

2006-12-11 07:45:16 · 9 answers · asked by me 1

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