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Family - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

looking to order christmas gifts for my kids cant afford to make down payments but can make monthly payments something like abc distributing or something

2006-10-07 18:19:09 · 3 answers · asked by mslanette2u 1

1. Life is tough for me for the past 5 yrs, low income 1K or less. work 7 days a wk 12 to 14 hrs a day. i'm living in SGP, suprised?
2. To me, life mostly suffering & lots of bad luck.
3. I don't want to burdan next generation.
4. If i have children, i want to give the best of everything. But i know i can't now.
5. I ask this question because under lots of pressure for relitive and friends. All asking "when have baby" when ever meet.
6. I don't want my child to suffer. Try to imagine your own life......
a. New born - you cry.
b. First day at school - you cry
c. All exams - ha ha need to explain?
d. NS for male - tough but remember & talk about for life.
e. Love affair - heart breaking at lease once.
f. Job - talanted but non seem to aware.
g. Family - who dare to say i have no family problems.
h. Sickness - high expanses, all human get it sooner or later.
i. Old age - look around U!!!
j. death - thats not the end. Just begining of next cycle.
k. many more no space....

2006-10-07 18:14:09 · 9 answers · asked by loneygun 1

ive got parent issues like everyone else. my mom moves around from guy to guy she would go from a lawyer to a mechanic to a security guard than back to a lawyer all in one week. i normally wouldnt care because we have no relationship we dont talk at all. but the one guy she happens to love is a total asshole. im 15 and we just moved in a month ago. he gets into fullout fistfights with his 16year old son and i can hear the hole thing. i avoided him but today i had friends over and they were drinking when he sobered up enough to realize that we drank his beer it caught his attention. he hit me over and over and i wasnt good at defending myself and when he came after me i froze up. now iv got bruises and the hole half of my face is bright red. and get this after all this he asks for an apology! my mom said it was a once only thing and my stepbrother said "once only thing my ***" i no this cant be normal how do i get out of this without messing up school and turning out like my stepbrother

2006-10-07 18:12:53 · 17 answers · asked by Annie B 1

It's not so much what he does to me; it's what he does to my mother. He calls her deamoning names, and has pushed and shoved her around since I was little. He gets very very angry quickly, and for no good reason. During meals, he often just gives her dirty looks the whole time. He walks around the house and mutters things under his breath. The yelling thing has not been working for him. Now he just ignors us. When we all eat dinner at the table, he will fix a plate and take it somewhere else. He has gone over three months at a time not speaking to my mother or me. This is a cycle that goes on throughout the year. When I was younger I became angry at this, and expressed my opinion. Big mistake. He also says very mean things to me. It seems that whenever he is angry with her I get it also. Whenever he comes home I hide so I don't have to confront him. I don't feel comfortable around him, even when he is not in a mood. I'm on edge all the time because I don't know when he will snap.

2006-10-07 18:07:16 · 17 answers · asked by trenchwatch 2

2006-10-07 18:04:43 · 2 answers · asked by Toju A 1

My Older sister called my yonger sister in the delivery room while she was giving birth to her baby and my younger sister is only 16 she got a $700.00 baby shower thrown for her and after my 16 year old sister had her baby my older sister drove 250 miles to see him.
but when i had my first kid i didnt get a card or a phone call or any thing and she didnt see him till he was about 2 month and i had to go to her.
and with my second kid again nothing and she didnt see her till she was around 6 months of age.
After my mom pased two months ago (the only person i was close to). All my sister call each other except for me.??

2006-10-07 17:47:14 · 7 answers · asked by Dakotah D 3

// I need to send this mail in correct form.Please correct it for me. It is easy .Copy >correct >and peste.
Thanks for your comments.
I know, I am not good in photography.
Last day visit for zina aunt. I got a shock. I can explain it in woed. She turn into a mummy. I shoot some pictures for (for your better understanding) you. hope, you will get it tomorrow. She burn herself. Even she cant walk properly. It should be clear who is responsible for it. and the so called doctor must get punish.

Rayan is out of order. He spoil himself. Every day he fight with his mother. It’s a terrible situation. Today I again meet with zita aunt and bring Rayan with me.

Another shocking news is Banod uncle was hijacked and deadly injured. His eye condition is very bad. I suggest him for rest but he do not pay any penny attention to me.
What can I do? I cant force him.
Zita aunt will stay in Dhaka for her regular checkup.
And finally she realized that homeopathic slowly drag her to grave yard.

2006-10-07 17:32:31 · 4 answers · asked by Rimi 2

My older Brother who is enteligent, educated, and 99.9% of the time is a responible person, Last Wednesday he arrived at my Grandfathers funeral drunk out of his mind he made a complete *** of him self and was thrown out on his ear by force of other family members, this was the second time in my life that i have seen him drunk, he is not a drinker! The first time that i ever saw him drunk was seven years ago at my Sisters wedding where he was so drunk that he exposed himself and urinated on the floor in front of 330+ people he was pitched from the church by force as well! What do you make of this?

2006-10-07 17:20:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Grandmother lives in Florida. She came into town on Friday night. The original plan was for my grandmother to say with my mom and I. My aunt was going to pick her up, and then bring her over to our house to stay.
It was getting late, after nine oclock and my mom and i hadn't heard anything from my aunt or my grandmother. We called and called and it rang and rang, still no one answered. Finally, my aunt answered the phone and says "oh sorry. change of plans, mom is staying here tonight and tommorow."We were looking forward to seeing her, and had cleaned and prepared all day.
Is it me or is that so RUDE to change plans, not call, or anything at the last minute? Is my mom in the wrong for being angry?
I think it was so rude and inconsiderate.
We need a third parties opinion.
Rude or Not Rude?

2006-10-07 16:51:26 · 22 answers · asked by thats_hot_097 2

I really don't like my name but my mom doesn't want me to change it because she says it is sentimental to her. This isn't a whim, I am a guy with basically a girls name (which is a place name where I was conceived, which is why it's sentimental to her). She says one day I will regret it if I do change, but I don't think so. How old before I get a say?

2006-10-07 16:43:02 · 13 answers · asked by Spider 1

Well, a lot of people ask this question.... Does anyone have the anser!?

2006-10-07 16:22:40 · 9 answers · asked by JustAGuy 2

If you go into the military no knowing you have and STD but once you are in basic your partener informs you that they have one and while in basic you get tested and find out you have it can you get discharged for that. The std isnt curable.

2006-10-07 16:21:53 · 3 answers · asked by SunShineBabe 3

my parents r sort of on drugs and they beat me so

2006-10-07 16:05:07 · 8 answers · asked by Kalulu W 1

my big sister is in town this weekend and she wants me to watch over her 4 year old son Niki. I live in the country and the only store we have besides a little shack that sells eggs, is a wallmart super center. last time my sister broght niki to our wallmart my sister spent 26dollors and 75cents for niki to ride every poney out side of the wallmat 11 times. because niki wanted to, and if niki doesn't get his way he screams and crys and wines and kicks and gets all red. but otherwise hes a perfect angel. i have a specail medication i get weekly on saterdays from the wallmart super center. so i will have to take Niki with me! What if i run out of quarters? What if he screams and crys and kicks. I seriosely think this boy posesed. serisoly. I really don't want to spend $30 on Niki. but once Niki got mad at my sisters boyfriend for not giving him some gum and he kicked him in the shin jumped on top of him ,pulled his hair, and bit him till he bled. im scared of Niki. What should i do?

2006-10-07 15:56:05 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

i think my friend is being abused by her mom and father. what are the sure signs of abuse...besides scratches, bruises, ect?

2006-10-07 15:44:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter doesn't like to see me and her daddy touch each other like if we are sitting on the couch and our arms touch and she sees it she starts to throw a fit.Why is this ??? Anyone ?????

2006-10-07 15:30:58 · 23 answers · asked by carebear0404882005 2

Could my friends (twins) be a model? Ya i know from those faces no but otherwise?
Sorry i am just really bored.




2006-10-07 15:29:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mother inlaw azz smells like raw funky coochie just off a heavy period.!! she sits on my couch and leaves it funky for days!! she thinks shes the bomb because she is a volunteer at the salvation army giving out food and takes plates homes!! any advice??

2006-10-07 15:24:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

you kids knock it off back there!

2006-10-07 15:15:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an uncle who is addicted to cocaine, but has no desire so seek help. We have tried to help him, but he thinks his whole family hates him and is just out to get him. He has never been arrested for it, but if he did, how many times would he have to actually go to jail before the system sees fit to order him into rehab? Will they do it after the first offense? I don't think he sells, I just think he is buying it for himself.

He lives at my grandma's and has the blinders pulled over her eyes. She doesn't see the problem, but in two years he cannot get a job. He keeps lying and making up excuses about why he can't get work. He is sucking my grandma dry of all finances and she is even pawning everything she owns jUSt to give him money so he can "go find another job."

Please help!!! Has anyone ever been through this and how can we help him?????

2006-10-07 15:11:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents keep on fighting and I dont know what to do Please Help!!

2006-10-07 15:03:05 · 6 answers · asked by xxorazzberriesxxo 1

Sometimes she tells me that i'm the worst thing that ever happened to her and i'm a punishment from god She almost never lets me go out with my freinds. Today i wanted to go to the movies and my mom didn't let me go but she let my brother go. She told me i was to young to go out and i'm only a year younger than my older brother. I asked her why she let my brother go last year when he was the same age as i am now. And she said because i'm a dork and i'm imature. I started crying because it hurts my feelings when she calls me name. I got mad and said i hate this house i can't do anything i wish i could just leave, & she replied that she hated me. This happens very often but the next day its like nothing happened. She doesn't treat me bad everyday&she buys me alot of things i want. But i don't understand she never tells my 2 brothers that she hates them just me. Does she really hate me. Once my lil bro asked my mom if i was her biggest pain & she said yes.It hurts me when she says it.

2006-10-07 15:01:12 · 16 answers · asked by Sweetie101 2

My uncle is homeless by choice.... my thing is that because I have a home with all of the ammenaties (sp?) he thinks he can come over and hang out all day. I have already told him many times (some times ugly) to go away and get a life. What am I doing wrong? He still comes back and I feel so guilty so I let him hang out, eat my food, use my computer, use my whole house like it is his own. Mind you, it has gotten ugly in the past so I try to avoid the drama and just let him hang...last thing, he also trys to overide my authority when it comes to my kids, honest question, please help if you have been in this situation.

2006-10-07 14:53:55 · 13 answers · asked by Aime E 1

i am a 15 year old, femalw...my mother use to hit me, came after me with her fist, spit on me all of that only happend a few times, and it has stoped now...except the name calling, and 2 times she made my step father hit me with a belt. she yells and screams at me, called me worthless son of a b itch. she tells me that i make her life miserable. my real father has been out of my life since iwas 2 years old. he always said he was going to call me, but he never did. and when he did( at the most 2 x's a year) he would always cry and tell me that it was my moms fault for him not being around. and he would tell me that things would change..which it never did...he is also an alcoholic and a drug addict.

2006-10-07 14:46:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, I know when a couple or family goes out they sit together and at extended family get togethers they do, but on normal occasions when the wife cooks dinner should she sit at the table with her husband? The reason I ask is because I know women that do and women that don't. The women that don't usually sit at the counter so they can get their husbands refills or "seconds" or condiments. Which is best?

2006-10-07 14:45:01 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's a funny kind, mature in alot of ways. (My wife say he has an old soul) He understands completly these guys a schooled pros.

2006-10-07 14:42:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

They didn't have no kids and they were married 20 yrs and i'm not sure what to say to her to comfort her. She does believe in god but she says she feels abandon and all that. Just anything will help thank you and now she has to live alone and he died in front of her on their porch. thank u

2006-10-07 14:36:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've been asking my friends and stuff but she says maybe.....grr..help me

2006-10-07 14:35:06 · 3 answers · asked by kaitlyn =] 1

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