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my big sister is in town this weekend and she wants me to watch over her 4 year old son Niki. I live in the country and the only store we have besides a little shack that sells eggs, is a wallmart super center. last time my sister broght niki to our wallmart my sister spent 26dollors and 75cents for niki to ride every poney out side of the wallmat 11 times. because niki wanted to, and if niki doesn't get his way he screams and crys and wines and kicks and gets all red. but otherwise hes a perfect angel. i have a specail medication i get weekly on saterdays from the wallmart super center. so i will have to take Niki with me! What if i run out of quarters? What if he screams and crys and kicks. I seriosely think this boy posesed. serisoly. I really don't want to spend $30 on Niki. but once Niki got mad at my sisters boyfriend for not giving him some gum and he kicked him in the shin jumped on top of him ,pulled his hair, and bit him till he bled. im scared of Niki. What should i do?

2006-10-07 15:56:05 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

27 answers


2006-10-07 15:58:48 · answer #1 · answered by Courtney 2 · 2 0

Explain to you sister that since Niki is is so spoiled you don't want to take care of him. If she gets angry respond with I'll take care for him, but, while he's with me he will mind his manners or suffer the consequences. Then explain you will use corporal punishment to keep him in line.

Don't be afraid of a four year if he won't mind give him a spanking, if he tries to kick you or bite you, give him another one. Someone has to get him under control now or he'll end up seriously hurting some body and end up in jail. Children must be taught right from wrong and it best to start very early in their life.

You are the adult so control the situation. Or if it to much trouble lie to your sister and do something else.

2006-10-07 16:14:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would not babysit the child. Niki needs some serious help. You may think you are not able to help Niki, but I would like to suggest a way that you can. Tell your sister and Niki's father the way that he behaves. Since they have not disciplined their child you are unwilling to babysit for them. Your sister may have no clue that her son is a terror and this may be the first step in helping her cure is behavior.

2006-10-07 16:01:04 · answer #3 · answered by justthetwoofus 3 · 0 0

Tell your sister that because of his potential outbursts you are not comfortable taking care of him. If she is angry that is her problem. I have a niece who is like Niki and I finally had to say enough. I am not embarrassing myself and putting that kind of stress in my life for someone else's kid--family or not. There is nothing wrong with my niece other than when she feels she is losing control of the situation she lashes out in the form of tantrums such as what you describe. Niki likes being in control of his mother so let him. You don't need the aggrevation! Stand your ground!!!!

2006-10-07 16:02:18 · answer #4 · answered by j05gemini 3 · 1 0

first things first, take a deep breath, close your eyes and say "i am not afraid of a temper tantrum." until you aren't. that's all this is. when you take him to walmart tell him the rules before you get there. let him know what will and won't be acceptable. he's four so he's old enough to understand. let him know that if he is good in teh store he can get a candy bar or something like that but that's it. then, sorry, here's the hard part, when you go to the store, if he still throws his fit, ignore it. do not give in. i can't tell people this enough. don't let him do ir or it will encourage him to do it again. if you get weird looks, just say "sorry. he has no manners" or "sorry. i don't give in to temper tantrums." if that doesn't work, get what you need and head out the store. do not get the candy or whatever reward you offer, or anything for him at all and be sure that there is a consequence waiting at home that he is aware of before you go in the store and be sure to enforce it whether its a time out or no tv, whatever. just don't give in to it. he'll remember that you don't play that and the chance that you'll have this problem agian will diminish. also, if he hurts you in any way, slap the crap out of him. you should never allow a child to think that they can hurt you or anyone. or tell your sister no. i know this temper tantrum treatment works because i did it to my step-sister. i also dragged her out of the store hollering "exuse me, temper tantrum in progress, coming through" the whole way out the door. she still did the whole whinning crying thing to everyone else, but she never did it to me again.

2006-10-07 16:05:57 · answer #5 · answered by kajunprincezz 3 · 0 0

Tell your sister to take Niki with her. After all Niki is her child. She could hire a babysitter too.

2006-10-07 16:00:57 · answer #6 · answered by whataboutme 5 · 0 0

You should still take him and go get the stuff you need if you are afraid of him he will be crazy they sense it. Don't give in say thats all you have and than have a plan something you know he realy likes at your house crafts a game whatever. Get down to his level and in a stern yet soft voice tell him thats it and now that thats done we get to go back and have some real fun than follow threw. It should work Good luck.

2006-10-07 16:03:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh honey first why is she leaving her child with you did she not come to vist you or did she come to part and have a free baby sitter second tell her NO!!! that you want to spend time as a family and then call your friends aand leave it sound like the child need some one to (i belive in woopings) discipline in his life if they are stay at your home tell your sis that you have rule and that her son well follow them in and out of your home or there well be consequences and repercussion and honey there is always the truth tell your sis that you can't handel the child

2006-10-07 16:11:49 · answer #8 · answered by proudmom 1 · 0 0

You are enabling your sister to allow this child to become a monster. She, and he need professional help, and I'm not kidding after the description of the kicking, biting, etc. Have someone else pick up your prescription, even if it is a taxi driver.

I would refuse to be responsible for the child until she gets some help for herself. This actually is a form of child abuse. The kid can't be blamed.

2006-10-07 16:04:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He's 4!! Look it like this.. you are the adult NOT him.. Tell him even before you get out of the car the way IT is going to be and be stern.. If he knows you are affraid of him and his temper tantrums he has you right where he wants you.. If he starts screaming you can do two things.. Tell him fine lets go and leave or you can do the Dr.Phil thing and start screaming just as loud.. Bet you get his attention and he stops..

Good luck

2006-10-07 16:03:57 · answer #10 · answered by fishin_girl72 1 · 0 0

Get your medicine tonight!

Tell Niki no rides, and don't take Niki's crap. He is 4 and you are the adult. Your sister can let him treat her like that, but not you.

Or, transfer the RX to the Walgreens and drive through and get it!

2006-10-07 15:59:00 · answer #11 · answered by Beth M 4 · 2 0

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