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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

ok my dad died when i was 3 and now im 15, i miss him coz no body is here to call me princess or tell me what to do. i really miss him!! i was taken away from my family around 4 coz of something really bad my grandmother did, and had to go to court, now i have no idea if my mom, my sister or anyone in my family is even still alive, and this is why im so self loathing and even have an eating disorder.. but i really miss him, i just wish i could be a normal teenager, i usually blame his death for everythig that went wrong in my life.

2006-08-19 05:48:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

he is the most annoying person ever...always thinking he is better than everyone else. he is one of those people who if you say something he will always have a story about when he used to do it or teach it. he thinks he can control me and tells me what to do but i just b i t c h at him. they have been together for 2 years and my mom is really happy...but seriously i have had enough. i only like him because he is really rich and always takes us out to dinner...i know thats mean but its the truth. he is overly nice and helping too...like for everthing he is like 'oh i can do that for you' blah blah....its just like give it up already. i dont know what to do, my mom knows i hate him, but she doesn't do anything about it. what should i do?

2006-08-19 05:37:15 · 13 answers · asked by oh baby 3

help me with my problem

2006-08-19 05:36:50 · 27 answers · asked by jojolds135 2

Jane and Mary are sisters. John and Gary are brothers. John marries Jane and Gary marries Mary. John and Jane have a baby girl. Gary and Mary have a baby boy. What is the relationship of the baby girl and boy? Are they JUST cousins? Or are they more than that? THANKS!

2006-08-19 05:34:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister had her baby . And he is 5 now. But i was part of his life because they lived with us since he was 2 years old. I used to be healthy then, i could run, and be happy. But now i've acquired several injuries and illnesses for example knee damage. I cna't run much anymore.With my sister's baby, i would have so much fun with him, running, being silly, and jumping around and teaching him how to exercise etc but i can't do any of that anymore. I'm 26 and although it doesn't seem like i will ever find a partner, i hope for it, and i think about having a baby. being that i'm not a person of many words, i'm not a talker, what can i do to have great fun with my baby? I don't want to just sit around but if that is the case, i guess i gotta get good at speaking.

2006-08-19 05:30:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am in a lesbian relationship and I dont know if I should try to hold on to it. Me and my girl got into a fight the other day and she put her hands on me. I had to call the police and yes, she got arrested. She has never been locked down before so you know as soon as she got out, she was callin me apologizin. I really dont even want to deal with the bull no more because she acts stupid all the time because she does not trust me when I have been nothing but faithfull to this girl. I want to move to another city and start another life with her but with all this happening, I just dont know if I have the strength to do it. Plus while she was in jail I found chatline phone numbers and codes which gave me proof that she was talkin to someone else. She say she loves me and she will take whatever I dishout to her just to keep me around. She has no family, shes 32 and Im really all she got. But I feel like I just dont care anymore and dont want to deal with anything anymore. Now what?

2006-08-19 05:27:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i come home its like coming home to a war zone. its reall getting me down. am i the only one in this situation or are there others out there? please help before i give them up for adoption.

2006-08-19 05:20:09 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a half brother from my dad and i havent seen him sence i was like 2 and im now 22. i would like to be able to see him again sence i have no memory of him sence i was so young. his anme is jason higgley last i heard he was living with his aunt in new york if any one could help it would be greatly appreciated.

2006-08-19 05:10:00 · 6 answers · asked by jackie84 2

2006-08-19 04:51:37 · 17 answers · asked by Dr. Mojo 3

And I notice that my mom is closer to my sister and her kids than she is to me. I get kind of upset about it because they seem to have a bond that I wish I could have sometimes. They make it seem like it's supernatural but i know it is just because they live so close and spend so much time together. How do i tell them i dont want to hear about all the storys about how close they are..>>???

2006-08-19 04:46:36 · 11 answers · asked by Holly G 3

I love my sister in law to death,she is like a sister to me but she stays in me and my husbands bussiness.Sometimes he tells her things to get advice then she go tells the whole family about us.Should i just stay away from her.People also says she talks behind my back also she acts like she wants him all to her self. It sounds like she wamts to break us up. Am i right

2006-08-19 04:41:03 · 9 answers · asked by greyeyebeauty81 2

2006-08-19 04:37:26 · 5 answers · asked by Dr. Mojo 3

2006-08-19 04:32:35 · 32 answers · asked by breadloaf76 2

My son was due on Thursday and the Stork hasn't brought him yet, maybe today?

This is my first kid, and I haven't changed a diaper before! Help Me! Do you have any advice for a new dad?

See my 360 page for more details on baby Jack Henry!

2006-08-19 04:26:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was little my sister had just been away with my aunt and came back with a cup with her pic on it, she was all amug and i was jealous, she left the cup on the banister and was jumping down the stairs all proud of herself, so my evil side got thbe better of me an i slowly nudged the cup forward and eventually pushed it off,l it smacked her on the head and bounced down the stairs she screamed i laughed

2006-08-19 04:19:03 · 17 answers · asked by white_funny_girl 3

2006-08-19 03:57:35 · 1 answers · asked by sprickss 2

2006-08-19 03:32:09 · 21 answers · asked by amber1234 3

call your bf or gf your husband or wife would you correct them or just leave it be?

2006-08-19 03:29:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you had to choose 1, who would matter most to you?
Women: your father, your husband/boyfriend, or your son?
Men: your mother, your wife/girlfriend, or your daughter?

2006-08-19 03:23:25 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-19 03:20:41 · 11 answers · asked by lildiesel2001 2

well i live with my bf and his brother and i have been sick at home for a 2 days we got a house fone and my family and friends know not to ring me on my house fone as they know that majority of the time i wont get the call or the message as my brother in law is always at home and bf works like me but we always have our mobiles on us. my mate called on the house phone and my brother i law picked up and said to her that he had not seen me my mate asked him to check and he said he cant and he should call me on the mobile and the call was terminated. but b4 the phone call he had seen me walk pass him and he was on a phone call.
i confronted him i said to him did he answer the phone call and he said yes so i said i walk passed you ten minutes ago you could have told me. he didnt respond so as i was walking off i said you dont have to lie. and left it there. i told my bf and he said that in ten minutes some1 can go somewhere i said yea but not a sick person. do you tink i did the rite ting

2006-08-19 03:09:58 · 8 answers · asked by sexy babes 1

can somebody please tell me why men are lazy my hubby works i clean,cook, look after the kids all the motherly duties and wifely duties. Why is it so difficult for him to play with his children all under 5 at the weekend? I am confused can somebody help me. When i worked 50 hour a week i still came home at night i bathed the kids tucked them up. Also at the weekends i played with them went to the parks. Don't get me wrong he loves his kids and he does help sometimes but why do i have to keep pushing him with his children??? sorry i have gone on

2006-08-19 02:42:16 · 27 answers · asked by jules 4

to have a phobia of funerals? I have a third cousin that has passed and i am dreading going because i really do like going to funerals

2006-08-19 02:37:07 · 14 answers · asked by confused 5

2006-08-19 02:27:57 · 31 answers · asked by southgagirl_01 1

My sister and I have been living together for some years now. But recently her brother whom is on drugs has ask my sister to keep his youngest child. The childs mom is also on drugs or was until a couple of weeks ago when she overdose and ended her life. My sister has been keeping this little girl since march and she has 2 other sisters. My sister has had little to no assistance from the brother whom recently went into a drug program. And no assistance from either of the grandparents or legal aid. But I guess now since the mom has passed on she can get assistance. Since the mom's passing the two other kids have been staying here. One 18 with kid and one on the way. The other 16 and has been living with a boyfriend.
I feel like what little space I did have has been invaded. I don't feel comfortable around them. For this family has always played that stepchild syndrome.The kids don't care for me and I can't live like this. I feel like I"m paying rent and have not say.

2006-08-19 02:25:40 · 15 answers · asked by patient 2

how is that rewarded

2006-08-19 02:04:03 · 2 answers · asked by eg d 1

Does parental encouragement during childhood have anythiing to do with success on the job for their children as adults? On future success or unhappiness in marriage for their children? On sexual orientation issues that crop up later in life?

2006-08-19 01:49:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife has an operation an it's my job to take care of her. My stepdaughter come here to spend a few days taking care of her. I take care of my wife always. I feel it's stepping on my feet to come in my house and do my job. I love my wife and this hurts. Am I wrong to feel this way?

2006-08-19 01:43:25 · 21 answers · asked by zowulf1958 2

During the summer holidays when the children are off school makes it that much harder to keep them occupied.
Are any other parents waiting for them to return to school?

2006-08-19 01:41:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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