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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

dad..he's really kind of old fashioned and truly simple..what do u think would a nice gift for him be? something thats not more than $50..thanks!

2006-08-02 17:02:05 · 12 answers · asked by michelen d 1

2006-08-02 17:01:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's so embarrassing.

2006-08-02 16:58:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have another question my family wants me to get the baby into swimming lessons, he's not even crawling or walking yet, think i should do it ? he's only six months old. thanks for your help

2006-08-02 16:49:50 · 13 answers · asked by flcountrygal82 1

2006-08-02 16:44:08 · 17 answers · asked by FTM and proud 1

im 49 years old cant find a job cause of my age, someone please help?

2006-08-02 16:43:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-02 16:41:07 · 13 answers · asked by GompliPOd 1

He's 5 and was being a jerk all night. Finally he told me he was going to get a hammer and hit me in the head with it. I blew up at him! I told him never to talk to anyone like that and spanked his a$$ and sent him to bed. Am I a bad father? I feel like a complete sh(t now. :((

2006-08-02 16:33:03 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a dream that my mother was telling me she was pregnant. And I told her about it today, and she had a dream a few days earlier that she had a baby boy! Is this wierd or what? What does this mean? She is 40 YO and I know she sometimes has sex. My parents are divorced so it would be my half bro/sis. Could the dreams be telling me and her that she is pregnant?

2006-08-02 16:26:03 · 12 answers · asked by unbeatablec 2

My brother, his wife and their kids visit from out of town several times a year. They stay at my house. I don't mind having them in because my sister in law and I are real close. The problem is my brother is an alcoholic. He drinks several beers a night before passing out. My sister in law drinks with him, only not as much. But it's enough to keep the two of them from tending to their crying toddler who wakes in the middle of the night from bad dreams. Usually the child cries for about 20 to 30 minutes before me or my husband get up to shake one of the parents out of their drunken passed out state to take care of the kids. My husband's work schedule is very complicated and on his dayshift requires him to be up at 4am and in bed around 10pm. The kids are still stirring, loudly, while he is trying to get his sleep. How do I ask them to stop drinking the beer in my home and to keep the kids quiet when visiting.

2006-08-02 16:17:41 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2

What do you tell him and to what extent?

2006-08-02 16:13:26 · 14 answers · asked by lolly 1

My daughter lived with her dad for about 5 years between the ages of 10 and 15 yrs old. Her dad has a girlfriend who has no car, no drivers lisence, no job and basically sits at home all day, plays solitaire,watches soaps and that is about it. My daughter caught on to this crap. She graduated from high school in May and moved in with her 25 yr old boyfriend. She just vanished one Friday and wrote me a note saying she would be happier with him. He makes $7.50/hr and pays child
support. My daughter has no job, no money, no plans to get out of this rut. She does drive, but has no car. I think she probably got her motivation and example from her dads house. Should I just wait this out and hope for the best? What is your suggestion. She refuses to take birth control, so I quit nagging about it because I think it makes things worse. This just makes me sick. I think she is trying to get knocked up. I refuse to help her
I work full time, own a home and am single and self supporting

2006-08-02 16:06:16 · 16 answers · asked by happydawg 6

How old do you really have to be to get Emancipated? and what all do you have to do?

2006-08-02 15:55:46 · 3 answers · asked by christie m 1


2006-08-02 15:55:40 · 9 answers · asked by Allye 1

I have a very uncommon last name and I found somebody with my last name in the phone book a year ago. I want to contact them to get to know them and see how we are related, but I don't want to call them at a bad time. Should I write or call, and what should I say? What do you do when you find a new relative?

2006-08-02 15:53:45 · 1 answers · asked by waltzorro 2

The kid gets away with everything, and I feel like his dad takes out all his "parental" frustration on me because he can't bring himself to punish his son.

2006-08-02 15:44:26 · 13 answers · asked by Ms. GTO 7

i try to calm her down but she dosent want to listen to me and also my dad screams at me for every little thing and he starts to hit me and also scream at me please please please help me!

2006-08-02 15:34:56 · 15 answers · asked by mystery man 1

what should i do?! IN BREEDED!! and hes 23!! (im 15)

2006-08-02 15:28:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-02 15:04:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister in law is a competitive bi**h, and my mother in law is horrible. I had a miscarriage 2 weeks before xmas and my husband and I decided not to celbrate the holiday or his bday which is xmas eve. My mil told me to get over it, I was only 9 weeks it wasn't even a baby yet and her son was not about to miss celebrating his bday over me!!! What do you guys think? I'd love some input on this, am I the only one cursed with satan as a monster in law? lol? And my sister in law caused a huge brawl on my wedding day 15 minutes before it was over. I could seriously wrtie a nocel on these people!!

2006-08-02 14:55:27 · 4 answers · asked by Jenifer L 1

Just say this and I am so so angry.I read a question about how a a mother thought that If her son got someone pregnant that she would seek custody.First,thing I think it is ridicolous when grandparents are awarded custody of their teen kids kids,I find it ddownright wrong when the guy is awarded custody cuz he has more money even if the women is a fit mother,even if she is a teen.What are your opinions?

2006-08-02 14:52:07 · 42 answers · asked by movin12006 3

OK...I Have A Neice...She IS So Annoying And Bratty...But I'm Forced to be around her anyways...she always has to be righgt and she can be really mean...she is older than me..And im tired of being around her...what should i do???

2006-08-02 14:47:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

single windowed,father of 4.

2006-08-02 14:46:36 · 12 answers · asked by horseknickers 3

my girlfriend keeps telling me that a better paying job is the best, i tell her the more you make the more bills you have..the more you have to pay out..so it makes no sence..i am happy with my job..i have a very rewarding job and have been in my job for over 12 years...she goes job to job trying to make money..i told her it doesn't look good in the resume she tells me she omitts those jobs and don't put it in her resume.she says she made 120,000 last year at a job she no longer has...as a bank worker...she has a house up in the mountains. with her husband..she says is worth 550,000..i told her it may be worth that much but she does not own the house she will be paying till the day she die..what do you think...she say's i have a dead end job..with no opportunities to grow..i told her i have plenty of opportunities to grow in my job i just don't want the responsibilities that comes with it. what do you think?..please anybody please answer..am i wrong?

2006-08-02 14:46:19 · 4 answers · asked by gengen 3

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