for the past seven years my mum has been wheel chair bound by an injury causing too much pain for her to be able to walk, socialise and do normal day to day things including being a mother and a grandmother. But she even lost the will to fight against it, not even 6 months ago i found her in her room, over dosed on morphine, i woke her and she freaked out, demanded i bring her a knife and kill her, i wouldnt, so she tried to herself. The family was devistated none of them would even talk to her, only me, but then tried to get everyone back on side by telling them i made her do it. This hurt me alot, but i can forgive her for that, but the thing i cant get over is that she could just leave like that, i needed her in so many ways. but she was just so willing to let herself go. My dad is now an alcoholic and mum is back at home with him, both in hteir own little lorld of depression, both my sister and i have tried to help them but they cant see that anything is wrong.
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