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Family - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

2006-07-13 17:32:54 · 19 answers · asked by Justin G 1

While in Lowes, my husbands ex fiance walks up to him, kisses him on the jaw,looks at me and leaves. I didn't know who she was until he told me. I was livid with anger. Why wuld he allow her to do that? I was so hurt that he didn't introduce me as his wife. I told him it better not happen again.

2006-07-13 17:23:08 · 16 answers · asked by IwishIwaspretty 1

I have this crazy mom that I am sick of . She is so dependent and abusive at the same time and I really dont know what to do with her . She cant use a computer or drive a car . She needs someone to babysit her all the time . Yeserday my step dad left her after 20 years . He said he cant take it anymore and as she ageing she is getting worse. PLS share your stories with me maybe it gonna make me feel better seeing other people have the same problem .

2006-07-13 17:10:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

was that the right thing to do cause now the all hate me

2006-07-13 17:10:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sophomore year of high school, I decided that I would never want children and I haven't changed my mind since. I can't think of a good reason to want children. Also, when I ask other ppl that question, they hesitate right away and then give me a tentative answer.

2006-07-13 17:01:48 · 17 answers · asked by bebeeangeldust 4

2006-07-13 16:59:41 · 7 answers · asked by okiegurl27 1

What was your mother's standard advice?

2006-07-13 16:52:14 · 18 answers · asked by thenaturalshop 1

2006-07-13 16:50:14 · 18 answers · asked by lane_by 1

My kids and I are going camping this weekend. My sister in law and her2 kids want to go, but I don't want them to. They went with us last weekend, and she is going to jail for 25 days on Tuesday, during which time I will have her kids. I told her she and the kids could not go this weekend because I wanted to have a weekend for just my girls and I. She is really upset with me now because she really wanted to go. Did I do the right thing, or am I being selfish. Should I feel obligated to share my little vacation,(which by the way I paid for the site, the food, supplies and everything for her and her kids to go last weekend, and would have to do the same again, and I am a single mom too) or is it OK for me to be a little selfish and want some time for my family? What do you think?

2006-07-13 16:43:27 · 12 answers · asked by jensarquist 3


2006-07-13 16:42:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

my step dad wants to adopt me and everyother weekend i go see me real dad but my life is soo confusing i want to die. HELP ME PLEASE

2006-07-13 16:21:10 · 10 answers · asked by Hailee W 1

Hi...I'm looking for my father. I have never net him. I know his name is Victor Manuel Gonzalez. He was adopted when he was a baby. He has a sister named Josie and two other daughters named Christina and Vanessa. The last I heard he was living in the New York area working at a cable company. He served in the army where he learned how to speak English. He is Puerto Rican. If you have any idea of who this is please help me find him. Thanks.

2006-07-13 16:17:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-13 16:06:20 · 8 answers · asked by COURTNEY F 1

What should I do? My husband really hates my father and his wife. He thinks that they haven't helped us any time we needed (like to buy our 1st house, take care of our child, or anythiing else). He thinks they are selfish and only visit for their fun and pleasure and that visits from them are spent catering to them. I don't disagree, but would rather ignore their behaviour and have a good family get-together once a year instead of having to get into a fight with them everytime we meet. He thinks I shouldn't hide my feelings and tell them the truth. I think that is only being mean and wouldn't do anything to make thinks better and would only make it worse.

We fight about this about 2 times a year: every time we visit with them. I have issues with his family but I would rather he be happy and I would never want to be the cause of a problem between him and his family so I never complain to him. He knows that but doesn't think it matters.

Do you think he is right?

2006-07-13 16:01:02 · 7 answers · asked by moietmoi 1

What do you think is a reasonable time for a 15 year old to be home at in the summer?

2006-07-13 16:00:43 · 33 answers · asked by Becky 4

I once asked my mom if there was a fire if she would let me pull the alarm in a fire and she said she would. How is it she would let me pull it even if she was near me? Would you let your son pull it in a fire if he asked and you were in a safe place and the alarm was outside? What would you do to help your son to make sure he pulled it correctly? Would you watch him and guide him? If so what would you say to help? Would you put your hand over his hand to pull the handle ? Or read the directions together? Would it be ok for your son to read the alarm directions out loud? How would you calm him after?

A friend wanted to know as well different opinions.

2006-07-13 15:58:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just found out that i could be pregnant and my fiance is a twin and most all children born are boys. He has five brothers for crine out loud. I think if i am it will be a boy. Suggestions on names. Nothing simple but not to common. I hate common names like john, matt, josh

2006-07-13 15:57:50 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-13 15:43:46 · 23 answers · asked by aaa 1

My Mom grew up in the 70's, she likes all kinds of music, mainly what I call "crap". I like Tool. Yea, it's heavy metal, but c'mon, IT'S MUSIC! She says because I listen to them I've become "different" and "dark" I am so NOT "dark" and it's "devil music". WTF, I'm not evil, I'm not any different now than I was before I listened to Tool. Why is she like this??

2006-07-13 15:34:21 · 29 answers · asked by ♀♥♂☮Trippy Hippie☮♂♥♀ 6

this person is family?

2006-07-13 15:26:39 · 8 answers · asked by red 1

I have a Xanga, an online journal, and my mom has bookmarked it! She doesn't know that I know she reads it. I had a different one, then found out she was reading that one, so I switched. Somehow she figured that one out too!

I don't know what to do because that's not for her, it's private, and this really affects how much I trust her. I'm afraid that she looks through my room.

I don't know what to do. I don't know if she would listen to me if I asked her not to read it.

It really bothers me. Why would she read it?? What does she get out of it?? it's none of her business! It's only meant for friends. What should I do?

2006-07-13 15:22:10 · 15 answers · asked by Debi 3

2006-07-13 14:52:58 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, what happen in our mind and soul.. until we can't fall in love with them.. I mean, we close to them, spent every minutes with them, and if their handsome....,, I think that's enough for make someone in love with them.

2006-07-13 14:49:56 · 35 answers · asked by ~CutieMe~ 1

OK, well, my sister always has her iPod adapter plugged in so that she can hear her music through her computer when she is in her room. Well, I wanted to move some pictures from her computer onto my Mom's becasue my mom's has more room and my sister's is running out of space. She said I could use her computer, but when I'm done I have to plug back in her adpater and that when she gets done working on her experiment it better be plugged in. I have to unplug it so I can use the FlashDisk because there is only one working slot on her PC. so I was just like... "Ok"...because it wasn't a big deal.

Well I moved several files betweeen the computers, and I went to the bathroom. I came back and she was on checking her mail. She said she would be done in 5 minutes and that I could get back on after her. So I left...and she got off. I didn't know WHEN she got off...and I never actually got back on...so I didn't plug back in her adapter...I COMPLETELY forgot.

More details underneath...

2006-07-13 14:45:53 · 23 answers · asked by Psychedelic Worm 3

so so so many reasons (not worth writing it all here - too long). I have been married 25 years and so it's not like I didn't give it a good try. I'm so unhappy and we are pretty much roommates at this point. I am not OLD (well, some of you may think so but just wait till you are there.......). Anyway, counseling is not something that will help. I don't know what to do. I have no money - splitting the "stuff" and my almost adult son who would be traumatized (believe it or not) if he knew. Plus his girlfriend is pregnant and they need me here. How do you get out and survive if you feel you really need to? It's hard enough making the bills with 2 checks. I don't know what to do. Are you supposed to just live with it and fake happy? Things have been so bad for so long!!

2006-07-13 14:37:39 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been looking for my little sister Gwen Wolf for YEARS!!!! I haven't had any luck. I don't know if she even remembers me or my sister, so that might be a problem. She will be 18 this year.

2006-07-13 14:35:18 · 4 answers · asked by shelley9483 1

my parents are in the process of getting a divorce. i am at my last year of high school with all my friends that i gruw up with. i live in l.a. and my mom is going to move to palm springs. my whole life is where i am at.

2006-07-13 14:14:38 · 13 answers · asked by veli0407 2

Why do parents bring their kids to restaurants and let them just run around and bang on other peoples tables and try to get attention from other people and the parents don't even try to dicipline them or watch them or anything. If they didn't want the kids to begin with why did they have them? I believe parents should be required to attend a basic child care class and a basic child psychology class before allowing them to have kids.

2006-07-13 13:58:39 · 10 answers · asked by politicallypuzzeled 3

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