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Family & Relationships - 29 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Im a 28 yr old overweight man, ive never had a girlfriend even tho ive had alot of friends who are girls. I suffer from low self-esteem and honestly dont believe i eat all the time tho people who are slim wont believe me! Sometimes i do binge eat when im unhappy- quite alot! I was very ill last year and even tho my family was around me, i wished i had a love. Even tho i have many friends only 2 visited me. Everyone says i should be a comedian as i make them laugh. People tell me i have a great personality. When i was 20 i had my heart broken by a friend who was close to me, i loved her and she loved me to 'as a friend'! If i had a penny everytime i heard that. She didnt tell me straight away, she returned my feelings and we kissed and cuddled loads but she went off with someone else! I still imagine i can have a beautiful young girlfriend i love and am attracted to. If its not gonna happen i dont see the point! I thought sex was special! Shall i visit a prostitute? I very lonely now!

2007-12-29 01:40:34 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend who i was with a year ago (we just got back together ) he keeps asking me how much do you love me after we say i love you to each other. i never know what to say what would you say? good answers only i really do love him im just bad with words.

2007-12-29 01:37:44 · 6 answers · asked by a new woman 1 in Singles & Dating

ok, me and this girl have been getting really close lately, and the other night we started making out while watching some movies.. the only problem is.. she has a b/f currently. and i also know this guy. she tells me she is breaking up with him, but needs time to do it the nicest way possible.. it felt so right at the time.. like nothing else mattered, and she said the same thing.. i just dont know what step to take next.. this is the first time i have ever been in this situation and im having alot of mixed feelings to it.. any advice will help =]

2007-12-29 01:36:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i want to pay my mom back if she pays the fee for an online game but she said she had to think about it but if i wait any longer 1) ill get really mad 2) the sale will be off. so how do i get her to say yes fast? i told her all the benefits and everything, still she has to tink about it.

2007-12-29 01:26:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

it seems to me at some point looks might not matter...other wise how do ugly people dat/ get married

2007-12-29 01:22:33 · 6 answers · asked by newglassman 2 in Singles & Dating

If you have,prove it. (clue) and tell me(his) name. No smut please,they may be minors on line. Now i,ll find out who my friends are.

2007-12-29 01:14:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

There's this girl I like and she keeps teasing me and our conversations increase over time. We're involved in many school stuff and she often does funny things like pointing out her tongue to me and doodling on my paper. She's kind to me too and often treats me differently. Sometimes pretending to be mean. And a few times she was teasing me, her friends were just smiling knowingly.

I don't know how she feels though. I told her last year but she said she just wanna be friends. Now some things have changed I believe.

There's this other guy who likes her too. They don't talk often but she responds to the convos that he started. He was planning a group hanging out last week but somehow was cancelled. A few times like that too.

Today me and that girl and others had a students council meeting and she was holding her handphone, then her good (a girl) friend just grabbed her phone from her and she immediately told her friend to give her back and said it was a text from her tuition teacher. I text her pretty much too for the past few days, although a lot are about this students council stuff.

Does it - her friend grabbing her handphone - mean she likes that other boy who likes her? But that friend also teases her about me sometimes.

2007-12-29 01:14:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been living with my exhusband for the last 6 yrs and it has been great.We bought this house together and we share it. He has his room and I have mine. We always tell each other that we love one another, but the sex isn't there. And that is a choice we made together. We get along great. My kids who are in their 20's don't ever want us to marry each other again.lol Our family is very close and them seeing their parents together is something that most kids don't see when their parents divorce.I wouldn't change anything about our situation. If it's not broke,why fix it. Right! So what is your opinion. Only serious anwers please.

2007-12-29 01:13:53 · 31 answers · asked by sassynspunky03 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-29 01:10:23 · 15 answers · asked by davinder s 1 in Singles & Dating

I really really like this guy but right now we are only friends. HELP!!

2007-12-29 01:09:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

And how old were you when you first had a serious relationship??

2007-12-29 01:05:41 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

The girl i like just broke up with a guy. they didnt kiss or go on a date or anything. i want to ask her out now. how do i do it? i want to ask her to the movies and stuff like that. REMEMBER: 8TH GRADE!! This means no driving or anything like that.

2007-12-29 01:02:02 · 8 answers · asked by snowboarder230 1 in Singles & Dating


Feel free to give it a rating

2007-12-29 01:00:12 · 3 answers · asked by Michael9 4 in Singles & Dating

I have been unfaithful to my husband. I don't love him anymore. We have seperated, he doesn't know that i was with any1 else. I feel so so guilty though, as we have 3 kids. I also suffer from severe depression and was in hospital. I really appreciate everything he did when i was there. He was a good Dad, but sadly only started being a good husband lately, but it's too late. However today I feel so guilty for upsetting him, as he still loves me, and I don't want to be alone, and i feel that I can't cope with the kids. All the time I have been depressed I don't like being alone. Do you think I should get back with him and say with no intimacy? or should we stay seperated? or what do you suggest? The idea of me being with him again repulses me. Obviously I do care for him, as we were together for 10 years, but not in the way I should, and it is not fair on either of us to be together, but I need advice PLS

2007-12-29 00:59:44 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i knew a guy thru online since a few months.He proposed me.I told him clearly that i didn't see him from that point of view and cannot change my view.I tried to avoid him in many ways,by abusing him,picking up fights with him wantedly on silly issues but the guy still says " he loves me a lot and cannot live without me"..why do guys act this way..is this true love,lust or showing his strubborness to gain me some day..plz answer this?

2007-12-29 00:58:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Alright yesterday,i was mouthing off to my parents because they were being jerks.And My dad started screaming at me and swearing and wouldnt let me talk at all.He Also grounded me for a month just for me saying "I hate You".Then he took it out on my mom and screamed at her and everything till my mom was crying and begging for forgivness.My Dad left in his car and came back an hour later.Then he got all mad and things.Also he slapped me in the cheek and my stomach hopefully he didnt hurt my baby.it wasnt hard but it was just enough to hurt.Please Help me is my dad an abuser.if so what kind
Emotional Or Physical

2007-12-29 00:53:25 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-12-29 00:51:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Well ive been seeing this guy for quite a while and i was seeing him while he was seeing another girl who he had been with for about a year. i thought i was wrong at first but then he assured me that he was "only seeing her" and that it was okay. Because i liked this guy so much i carried on meeting him. At one point i thought he was just using me for things, and he admitted it. After that we didnt talk for about 2 weeks then one friday night he rang me askin if i would meet him but as i was busy i said no. Then obviously that left me thinkin "he must be still intrested". Another week passed by without any coontact as he was busy with work and things, and because i hadnt spoke to him for a while i began to forget about him and move on. But over xmas we have began to talk alot more again and after a 3hour phone call he asked me to be his girlfriend and he said he really likes me. when a girl is told this she wants to believe it but thers always negative thoughts.. anyway i said no..

2007-12-29 00:51:07 · 10 answers · asked by Nicola! 1 in Singles & Dating

There's a new guy at my school and I really like him, but what should I do about my old bf. He might get really mad and hurt the new kid. What do I do?

2007-12-29 00:49:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

It was about 2 years ago. THis guy thought that I was clueless or something because he would tell all his friends he liked me. Make sexual comments in front of me that I "wasn't sapposed to understand". And he would touch me all the time. I was not comfortable. I'm not the sort of person who flirts with all the boys, and I can stand to be made a fool of. Anyway, when he asked me out I turned hiim down, and told him I wasn't sapposed to date untill I was 16.
I am 16 now, and ready completely to date, We now sit next to each other in math and we are starting to become really great friends. He's funny, cute, and he's increadibly insanely smart in math. And I see a side of him I never got to see before. I love this guy! Why couldn't he have been this way before he asked me out???? ANyway, he has a girlfriend now, and I've tottally blown it. Is there anyway to get him back or is it over??

2007-12-29 00:48:46 · 3 answers · asked by geminiblonde123 3 in Singles & Dating

3 months ago my ex texted me a bunch of RUDE text messages. So, i threatened to file harassment charges against him..I also told him to PAy for the text he send on my phone (cuz i'm charged for texts)..He also told one of his friends to call me and harass me...I told him to pay all that he owed me and i told him i wouldnt mind if we didint talk anymore..We havent spoken for 3 months till last night he called me at 4 am..i didnt noe it was him cuz e CHanged his number..so when i called the number back, he answered...then he said he called to see "whats up" we "talked" for a while then he said he had to get off the phone to do somethin else..WHAt is his Problem????

2007-12-29 00:43:57 · 12 answers · asked by Ask ME 3 in Singles & Dating

wat do u look in a gf and a bf?
how do u know if ur bf still loves u n trusts u?
what makes a happy relationship?

2007-12-29 00:42:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

your all alone and your tired of doing something that you used to. something that you wanted to do only at home.

2007-12-29 00:41:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I been with this guy for 7 years, married two of them. The abuse isnt all the time, but when it is, its bad, I have bruses all on my arm, and if I scream he'll take the car, and other things that he brought that the kids enjoy. Man, its tough. How can I get over this, I want to hate him, and I'm so hurt, I know Im a good person, and deserve much better, but how can I get over this. You think I could so easy, since he put his hands on me, but its not. I have three girls and a 4mth old boy, and I want to get over this quick, I live in a place where, where I can afford the rent so I cant move, and I just know in a couple of days hes going to try to make me feel guilty and say many Im sorry's. I wonder what will happen on New Years, Help Me pleace, is there some kind of pill I can take...I need real good advice..

2007-12-29 00:39:31 · 24 answers · asked by vanessa 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My husbands sis and husbands bro's wife have started picking on me again. Both have a history of making me look like the enemy, my husband's brothers wife is a real drama queen, she just starts crying and expects sympathy from everyone. I dont know why they do it, but for some reason they find any excuse to start conflict with me, it could even be something as petty as "you said a size 10 won't fit, so you think I'm that large!", or my husband's sis would go out of her ways to make me feel jealous, which I find really childish. Either way what I've noticed is that once a problem does start it ends up with everyone e.g my husbands brothers acting distant from me for a while which is what my sister in laws desire, I feel they want everyone in the family to think bad of me. I am a phd student and also a television model, my work has suffered as a result. My husbands brothers wife is a housewife so she has got all the time in the world to gossip.

2007-12-29 00:38:27 · 9 answers · asked by kitty 1 in Family

I've got this friend,he's got this girl for over (7)years(i.e.when he was in secondary school);a year after graduating,this girl's attitude started to change(doesn't want to see him & stuff like that),& is also hearing rumors that she is seeing some other guy.All of a sudden oneday they had a chat & this girl told him that "everything that has a beging must surely have an end".

After about a year she is now telling this guy that she loves him,that the reason she told him that statement is that
*things in her life were not going fine & so she said it out of frustration*.
And now this friend of mine is no more in the country...
the night before he left the country this girl came to him and gave him good-bye kisses.

please help him out with your advises

2007-12-29 00:37:47 · 15 answers · asked by edwin u 1 in Singles & Dating

Ma said no cause they have not talked to these people in many years like 10 years so she said no to ginving me an address ... I wanted to reconnect with an old friend and send them a card and rebuild a friendship. Is taht so bad. Is my Ma wrong? I think so.

2007-12-29 00:37:25 · 12 answers · asked by craig_snow2000 1 in Friends

Me and my Husband split up yesterday, cos I don't love him anymore, and haven't done for a while, and it's not fair on either of us.
I suffer from severe depression, and find it very difficult to look after myself, let alone our 3 kids. All the time I have been depressed I don't like being on my own and am very worried about being lonely, and am scared about spending so much time myself. I know that I will dwell on things, and I will have noone to talk to, or cuddle when things go wrong. I shall have to cook every meal. Go to the shop every time I need something. Do everything in the home myself, and I don;t feel like I am a strong enough person for all of that. On top of it all, I feel so guilty, obviously I still care for the guy, just not in that way. He is the father to my 3 kids, and we have been together for 13 and a half years, so i am bound to miss him and the pain of missing him as a companion hurts, and i feel guilty for my kids sakes too. What should I do? I don't know

2007-12-29 00:36:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce