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Family & Relationships - 26 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

your commute to your old job location is over 100 miles, which is unreasonably long and not economically viable because of the price of gas and bridge tolls. Would you qualify for unemployment insurance, since you have to actually quit because of the move?

2007-03-26 09:20:11 · 8 answers · asked by Bobbi J 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I've been mildly to significantly depressed for awhile. At worst, I've felt so numb, a walking ghost w/ no recollection of even ppl in my classes who would walk by & say hi to me. It was as if I felt
so lonely
I didn't even bother to look for familiar faces in the croud 'cause I just gave up on the notion of friendships.
This was a result, greatly, of a huge fight I had with my "best friends." I made up with all of them but it's not the same; some of them are already off in med. school (they are in a 7 yr program) but I'm still a jr in college, my grades are suffering (in fact, I may fail a class b/c my prof. is known for impossible exams-she prides herself in perpetuating this reputation).
My family life: my brother is still struggling in med. school and has failed so many yrs, he's been attempting this for too long. I see a lot of his mistakes in my life-will I end up like him?
These thoughts make me guilty/sad.
Don't wanna take meds. Vry lonely-never had a b/f...

2007-03-26 09:20:05 · 6 answers · asked by abby j 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

I live in ga. I take care of my disabled mother and have been doing so for 3 yrs. it is so hard to take care of her full time, plus work a fulltime job and a part time as well. I have heard on several occasions that i could get paid for taking care of her. HOW DO I GO ABOUT DOING THIS?

2007-03-26 09:19:55 · 4 answers · asked by angies72804 1 in Family

Can I marry a girl who is four year older than me. Actually my girlfriends were always older than me. Even my friends were 4 to 5 years older than me throughtout my entire life because I graduated at a younger age than my classmates. Now when I talk with a girl who is 21, she sounds too immature to me.By the way I am 22. Need some good advise.

2007-03-26 09:19:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

OK so I was seeing this girl and we were all cool but, she ended up doing my best friend. Now I am heart broke and really feel down I havnt been able to sleep the last couple of days. But you know revenge is one of the sweetest joys and I was thinking I should do her twin sister. I know its bad and there will be drama but she needs to feel how I feel. What do y'all think should I do it or not?

2007-03-26 09:19:29 · 54 answers · asked by sirloin 1 in Singles & Dating

When I was at Virgin megastores on Saturday, I needed some information so I asked a black guy who was working there.

I said "Hey Tyrone I could use some help here". The black guy wasn't too happy with that and started accusing me of racism. I explained that Tyrone is a common black name and it was just meant as a joke. The black guy then went on a rant about slavery and how blacks are going to exact revenge on whites in the near future by making whites their slaves. Needless to say he refused to help me.

All because I said: "Hey Tyrone".

2007-03-26 09:19:21 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

She stood up in a wedding with this guy once. I just can't forget the guy, he was 4'3", and looked like Will Ferrell. I burst out laughing everytime I think of him. Very embarrassing at business meetings.

2007-03-26 09:19:17 · 10 answers · asked by Sausage Fingers™ 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My b/f and I have been dating for almost 4 yrs. We fight over stupid things like phone, doing laundry, work hrs, etc. He says I have "no act right or akrite" whatever that means. We love each other but he is contantly making me feel like I should be begging him to marry me. We're both successful professionals and do not need each other for financial support. He tells me when he is ready to settle down and I haven't made any changes...then he'll move on. I'm confused + wondering if I'm wasting my time here...I'm in my late 20s and should be starting a family. Should I stay and see what happens...or should I move on?

2007-03-26 09:19:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i'm a bit wary, little girl is only a year old, do you think we should go abroad and if so, where? going in mid-June

2007-03-26 09:18:34 · 5 answers · asked by leslie anne c 1 in Friends

My boyfriend and I live together and we are talking about getting married. He has promised me we will be engaged by the end of this year.

Here is my problem: 4 months ago he sold his sport bike. He said it was too dangerous and he wants to not risk his life (like that) espeically since I am in his life now. Now, he is talking about buying another sport bike ($10,000). Not only do I not like the idea of him having a bike, but he is already $20K in debt with school loans and has a car payment. I am COMPLETELY debt free and have a large savings account. I want to buy a house after we get married and I don't want to have to pay for it all, plus have to take on paying whatever debt he has left. He wants to buy this bike and doesn't even have any money save for an engagement ring, and on top of that he says he will not pay more than $1,000 for a ring. I am not a greedy person, but does this seem odd?

Am I being unreasonable? Should I approve of him getting the bike? Advise, please!!!!

2007-03-26 09:18:31 · 7 answers · asked by she_isnt. 2 in Marriage & Divorce

"Pull my Finger" and "Poop is yumster" and other gross tuff...

2007-03-26 09:17:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I've been having these really strange dreams about this guy that I really like. In the dream I am flirting with a really hott guy. Then the guy asks me out but the guy I like suddenly steps in and answeres for me and says "no she already has a boyfriend" but I dont. Then he keeps smiling at me but he's sitting next to his current girlfriend when he does this! What should I do? I am soooooooo confused and I wonder if he really feels this way about me or are dreams just for sleeping? HELP?????????????

2007-03-26 09:17:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


2007-03-26 09:17:22 · 17 answers · asked by Malika K 1 in Singles & Dating

im so in luv with this guy at work. he is so funny, sweet, and has a great body. but supposely his girlfriend, i say she doesnt realize what she has in front of her. but of course its between him and her so i cant do anything. but i cant stop thinkin bout him what should i do plus did i forget to mention that he one of those if your his friend he wont ever go to the next level with u cuz he wouldnt want to ruin the friendship. so maybe i shouldnt go to him for anything let him come to me. idk help me

2007-03-26 09:17:12 · 8 answers · asked by Audrey 2 in Singles & Dating

There is this geeky guy that I have everything in common with and I'm pretty sure he likes me and I like him too...just one problem..I'm not really attracted to him physically. I'm not nearly as nerdy as him, but he is the nicest guy ever and smart and I love talking to him...but i'm just not feeling it..he's a runner, really skinny, and has bad posture, and glasses. I feel so shallow, but really i'm not -- I want to date him..I really like him, but I can't ever visualize anything physical between us. He mentioned he's starting to lift weights..but how can i change the way I feel?
also, I'm afraid some of my friends will think he is just "too nerdy looking" for me or something :(

2007-03-26 09:16:55 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i think they should have two single and dating sections, one for teen - 18yrs old. and the other for 18 and up. i just dont want opinions from a 14 yr old on how to deal with a prob i have with my bf. lol and i cant' blame them because they're trying to earn points and like the 'area' so they have a right to answer.....but it suxs for me!

2007-03-26 09:16:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok people, now this is a very personal and sensative subject for me. so please not sarcastic or negative responses. thank you. my son was born with gastroscissis.doctor said it was a fluke thing, happens 1 out of a 100 kids.. a portion of his small bowel was on the outside.we did ultra-sounds every 2 weeks to make sure there was blood flow.(some how within the last, had to have been couple weeks.) the bowel twisted and died.so he needed a transplant.i transfered him to fairview. witch is the best specialized transplanting hospital of the state. when he was 10 months and 21bls. i donated 1/4 of my liver and a portian of my small bowel.he was in surgery for 14hrs, me 12.we were both doing very well in the begining.and he stared having complications. three months later the main vain in his liver clotted off, and there was nothing they could do.its been a yr.i still constantly think about him all the time, and cry all the time.looking at his pic's, video,&toys.i tried so hard to save him

2007-03-26 09:15:34 · 9 answers · asked by Tammie Tempesta 2 in Family

2007-03-26 09:15:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

It seems to me that many of the girls that I date think that their ex's are stalking them? Are most dancers like this?

2007-03-26 09:15:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been dating this girl on and off for about 6 years now. However about a month ago I met another girl and I have really started to like her. Its nothing more than friends at this point but I would like to maybe have a relationship with her. Is it worth risking an "ok" relationship to hop into a new relationship?? I guess im just scared of something not working and ending up alone.......

2007-03-26 09:14:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

people say race doesnt matter in a realationship but to most people it does

2007-03-26 09:14:37 · 10 answers · asked by ortizpapi96 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Looking to contact an old friend I lost contact with about three years ago after his girlfriend at the time told him she didn't want us talking anymore. I would love to get back in touch with him but don't want to interfere in his relationship. (as much as I would love to have a relationship with him of my own!) How can I go about finding out if he's married now? We don't have mutual friends and he lives in Texas and I'm in Ohio!

2007-03-26 09:14:25 · 2 answers · asked by Melanie 3 in Singles & Dating

He's in the military and is in Kentucky, while i'm in California. The whole reason i couldn't take the car was b/c he didn't want his name on it and now he's doing to me what he didn't want me to do to him. His big excuse is that he has no time. How can i get my name off of the car loan before we get divorced? He's suppose to be deployed soon and I have it on good authority that my ex-friend is living w/him. If he deploys with my name still on the car and he lets her drive it while he's gone, I will be liable for damages she may/will cause.

2007-03-26 09:13:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have a problem - my ex does not take our babyboy but takes the oldest every 2nd weekend.

Why? He does not want to go see Dad. (I never talk bad about him - I'd be too scared anyway).

The only way, he says, he will take him is if I go with them. I do not want to go - he was abusive with me (not with the kids).

Now, he blames it all on me.
He is sooo pissed, he writes me emails saying that I keep him from seeing his son, that he will tell them later what I did.
I am in fact giving him tricks (things our sons like), encouraging him to take him at the same time he takes the oldest and/or go pick him up at the Daycare to take him for lunch.

Wow, how do I stop this cold fight?

My baby boy will be sad not seeing his Dad and seeing his older brother leaving with Dad...

2007-03-26 09:13:35 · 1 answers · asked by Shaana 5 in Marriage & Divorce

My ex and me split up and i am supposed to be seeing her in the holidays, we pretty much live together and i feel fine since i have come home for my space. i think we should still talk but i dont know if this would bring back feelings and i would be setting myself back on getting over her. its wierd not talking to someone i used to see and talk to evryday. she text me a while ago and since i said i needed my space and this is why i have not gone back i have not got any messages. should i initiate conversation or leave things for a while? we r supposed to be seeing each other in a couple of weeks.

2007-03-26 09:13:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

they all hate me except his sister and shes 16
both of our mothers have past away and im not sure if that has anything to do with it. and my aunts and uncles dont likes him but they dont see them as much as i see his family my parents like him though. his family is mean to another lady that married into their family but that is because she lies and steals money from them

2007-03-26 09:12:50 · 12 answers · asked by ? 4 in Marriage & Divorce


i am 24 (well, i'll be 24 april 10) and have 2 kids...2 and 3. after 2 kids, i weigh usually between 180 and 190, but when i tell people how much i weigh, they say i don't look it and they don't believe me. most of it i think is in my hips and butt. my babies' father told me constantly to lose weight after the kids because i was fat and i started to believe him. of course, we're not together anymore. also, i am 5'4".

2007-03-26 09:12:21 · 16 answers · asked by trisha_r_c 3 in Singles & Dating

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